14 tesla, 0.3K, Quantum Design Physical Property Measurement System.
Resistivity, Hall, magnetoresistance, tunneling measurements down to 4.2 K and in =<5 tesla field using probes developed in the laboratory.
Contact-less measuremnts of the dynamical behavior of vortices in high Tc superconductors in the frequency range of 2 Hz~6 MHz; Penetration depth measurement using a tunnel diode oscillator based resonant circuit (Rev. Sci. Instr. 17, 1494 (1999)) & Measurements of higher order susceptibilities using a Hall-probe-based susceptometer. Measurement of AC conductivity in the frequency range of a few Hz to 200 Mhz (Rev. Sci. Instr. 75, 141 (2004))
1.6 K Close Cycle Refrigerator with extreme temperature stability of 0.001 K Sample Stage has been modified for variety of transport and susceptibility measurements