Applications invited for Senior Project Associate on project SERB/ChE/20130035: "Carbon nanofibers dispersed PVA-based microchannels: Synthesis, fabrication, and application to separation processes".
One Post: Senior Project Associate (appointment is purely contractual and on temporary basis)
Duration: For two months (June-July 2016).
Essentials: PhD or MSc Biotechnology or Biological Sciences with more than five year research experience.
Desirable: Preference will be given to candidates having PhD or M.Sc. degrees in biological sciences and/or biotechnology with more than five years of post-M.Sc. experience working in the academic research laboratories. The candidate should be familiar with cell cultures, and various processing and characterization equipments such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor, BET area measurements analyzer, UV-Vis, and nanoball mill.
Salary Range: Rs. 18000-1800-36000 per month.
The interested candidates must submit the application with CV in duplicates to the undersigned before May 13th, 2016.
Dr. Nishith Verma
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur - 208016 (India)
(91) (512) 2596124/7704 (Phone)
(91) (512) 2590104 (Fax)
9839 195854 (personal mobile) (email) |