Optical Bench

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Q. What is Optical Bench?

A. Well, Optical Bench is not just another bench, rather it is an apparatus where a lens or a mirror can be put with the help of a stand . An object can be put on one side of it and corresponding image distance can be known on that calibrated long wooden plank called Optical Bench.

Q. What does the applet do?

A. This applet symbolizes an Optical Bench.However the life here has been made a lot more easy.Yes , you don't have all the boring and tiring things that you may have done in lab to get image object relationship.You just have to click the mouse any where on left side . The useful details that you will get are:

Q. How to use?

A. Well, that is self explanatory but still...

Q. Important Concepts you would like to know?

A. Well, I would here like to list the optical concepts that i have utilized in making this applet