This game is based on the simple funda of image formation by plane mirror...The image is erect and laterally inverted with respect to the object.
In this level the player sees two square spaces,each bounded by walls on all sides.The one on the left side is the real world-where the player can move the blue ball to reach the goal G.This side "shows" only these two objects-no obstructions...easy to get to ur goal?...not really!!!...the real maze is hidden!!!...on the right side is the image of this maze -..the player cannot control the ball on this side..but he can not even move beyond the bricks visible here.The player has to see the image and make his moves accordingly to get to the goal.

Level 2 is an extension of level gets a bit more fun. Now you have the mazes on both the sides i.e the real and the image side...but wait a this is an extension of level 1 so the maze on the image side is still the image of the hidden maze on the real side only.The maze on the real side is real too-you cannot move the ball through any bricked walls here.
So now you have to keep track of the both the mazes and work out the path that will take you to your goal!

Its a different maze each time you click on any of the two buttons to create a new maze for any of the two levels! So have fun playing the Mirror Game!!!

How to play the game?
Just click on the blue ball on the left side and drag it with the mouse moving through the maze as explained for the two levels above. When you have reached the Goal ...a big "GOAL!!!" appears on the screen.Hurray!!! You made it to your goal. Click on the buttons below the mazes to decide which level to play.

So what are you waiting for? The maze is waiting for you ...hope you njoi playing the game!!!