Week 1: Wednesday ----------------- Q1. (40) Input two integers as day and month of a year. Which day of the year is it? For example, if the day is 5 and the month is 2, it is the 36th day (5th February). Assume that it is not a leap year. Q2. (60) Write a program that asks the user to input the co-efficients of a quadratic equation of the form ax^2 + bx + c. The input will be the three numbers a, b and c as double. Find the nature of the roots (real, imaginary, identical, single, etc.). Output the two roots. Display imaginary roots as x+iy. For the above program, you will require to use square roots. Insert the following line together with the rest of the program as shown below. #include #include int main() { ... ... } Now you can calculate square root as follows: double x = 1234321; double result = sqrt(x); You have to compile your program using gcc -lm For example, if your file is x.c, you have to run gcc -lm x.c and then run a.out