Week 5: Tuesday --------------- Q1. (65) Write a function to merge two sorted arrays into a third array by preserving the order (i.e., all the elements in the final array are also sorted). An array is sorted when its elemnts are in a non-decreasing order. You cannot use any other array. Write a program to test the above function. Assume that both the initial arrays to be merged are of the same size 5 and the resulting array is of size 10. The two arrays to be merged should be taken as input from the user (assume that the input will be in increasing order). You may also assume that all the elements in the two arrays are distinct. Example: If the inputs are -1 2 5 7 12 and -3 0 8 9 15 the output should be -3 -1 0 2 5 7 8 9 12 15 Q2. (35) The choose function C(n,k) defines the number of ways k items can be chosen from a set of n items. Mathematically, it is defined as C(n,k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!). Recursively, it can be defined as C(n,k) = (n/k) * C(n-1,k-1). Write a recursive function that implements the above mathematical function. Make sure that you cover the base cases. Write a program to test the above function. The program inputs n and k and outputs C(n,k). Assume that n >= k and both n and k are positive integers.