Week 6: Tuesday --------------- Q1. (50) Write a function to recursively compute the sum of digits of a positive integer. Please note that the function has to be recursive. Implement the following function: int sum(int n) where n is the number Next write a function that utilizes the above function to repeatedly compute the sum of digits till the sum becomes a single-digit number. You can use recursion again if you want. Output each intermediate sum and the final sum. For example, for the input 98895, the successive outputs are 39 (9 + 8 + 8 + 9 + 5), 12 (3 + 9) and 3 (1 + 2). For the input 34, the only output is 7 (3 + 4). Write a main function to test the code. Q2. (50) In the main function, create an array of size 10. Input integers from the user till a negative integer is input or the 10 elements have been filled up. Save the number of valid entries of the array in a variable. Now, write a recursive function to compute the maximum element of this array. Output the maximum.