Week 9: Thursday ---------------- Q1. (35) Input two strings s and t from the user. Assume that the strings do not contain blank or any whitespace character. Write a function that finds if s is a palindrome of t, i.e., whether the reverse of s is equal to t. If it is a palindrome, return 1; otherwise, return 0. The parameters of the function ispalindrome contains only pointers to characters (not arrays): int palindrome(char *s, char *t) Avoid using notations of the form *(s + i) that simulates s[i]. Q2. (65) For a character array consisting of 0, 1 and 'x', find 101 numbers in the array. A number is a 101 number if there exists some i and j such that the ith character is 1, the (i+j)th character is 0 and the (i+2j)th character is 1. Any 'x' in the number can be treated as either 0 or 1 (whichever helps in forming a 101 number). Output all 101 numbers in the array and their indexes in the array. If there is a 'x', output its interpretation as well. For example, if the input is 10x11, the outputs are 101 (x as 1): indexes: 0, 1, 2 and 1x1 (x as 0): indexes: 0, 2, 4