Calorie Calculator

This provides information for weight maintenance. This is based on the information you provide (height, weight, age, and activity level). If you are overweight or underweight, the calculation may be high or may be low. You can choose a healthy weight for yourself and use that weight in the calculation.

Enter your height: 


Enter your weight: 

Your age:



Resting Calorie Requirements (for basic body function such as breathing, digestion, before any activities):

Men's result:

Women's result:

Activity level:

Men's result Women's result


sits and stands most of the day; driving, computer work, ironing, cooking; rarely gets any physical activity


exercises or walks 3-5 times per week at a slow pace of 2.5 - 3 mph for less than 30 minutes per session; child care, garage work, electrical trades, golf


exercises or walks 3.5 - 4 mph for one hour 3-5 times per week; heavy housework, yard work, carrying a load, cycling, tennis, dancing


exercises 3-5 times per week for 1½ hours per session; heavy manual labor such as construction work, digging, climbing, carrying a load uphill, professional sports

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This is an estimate of the calorie intake you need every day to maintain your current weight. Note that the calorie requirements increases as you are more active.

If you want to lose weight, subtract 500 calories per day for each pound you want to lose every week. Add 500 calories per day for each pound you want to gain each week. Theoretically this works as 1 pound of fat represents 3500 calories (500 calories per day x 7 days = 3500 calories). Calorie levels of less than 1200 calories are not recommended and are too low to meet nutritional requirements. Weight loss of more than 2 pounds per week is not recommended.

For a more balanced approach, increase your activity. Consider cutting calorie intake by 250 calories per day and exercising to expend (use up) the other 250 calories. This approach prevents a decrease in your metabolic rate and promotes increased lean muscle mass.








Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI) measures weight in relation to height. The ranges shown are for adults and should not be used for children.

To determine your BMI, simply enter your height and weight where specified below. The calculator will automatically calculate your BMI score.

How to measure height and weight

Height Measurement - If you are not sure how tall you are, then follow these easy steps:

  • Stand with your head, buttocks, and feet touching a vertical wall. If this is not possible due to large amounts of body fat, simply stand erect, with hands relaxed at your sides.

  • Look forward and keep your head straight and in an upright position.

  • Straighten your spine so that your height is maximized.

  • Have a friend gently lower a ruler down on your head, taking care to keep it horizontal to the floor. Your friend should then mark your height on the wall with a light pencil.

  • Use a measuring tape to determine your height.

Weight Measurement - If you have not had your weight measured in the last month by a health care professional, follow these easy steps to measure your weight at home:

  • Weight should be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or two hours after your last meal.

  • Clothing should be minimal. Shoes should not be worn.

  • Weight fluctuates day-to-day and in females throughout the menstrual cycle. You might want to weigh yourself for three days and use the average weight.

BMI Calculator

Enter your height:


Enter your weight:


Click when you're ready:

Your result:

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Health Risk Based Solely On BMI

Risk Adjusted for the Presence of Co-morbid Conditions and/or Risk Factors

Below 18.5





Healthy Weight










Very High


Very Obese

Very High

Extremely High


Morbid Obesity

Extremely High

Extremely High

On the BMI table above, find your score and the health risk for which it is assessed. For example, a BMI score of 18.5 - 25 is associated with the lowest health risk based solely on BMI scores. If your score is 25 - 30, you are considered to be at increased risk for health problems that are negatively impacted by obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol or hypertension. BMI above 30 places you at higher health risks. Exceptions to a high BMI score include competitive athletes and body builders, whose BMI is high due to increased muscle mass, and women who are pregnant or lactating. The BMI is also not intended for use in measuring growing children or frail, elderly individuals.

Why is BMI Important?

If your BMI is high, you may have an increased risk of developing certain diseases, including:

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • High blood cholesterol

  • Diabetes

  • Stroke

  • Certain types of cancer

  • Arthritis

  • Breathing problems

Prevention of further weight gain is important and weight reduction is desirable.

What is a co-morbid condition or other risks factors for chronic diseases?

Co-morbidity is any condition associated with obesity that usually worsens as the degree of obesity increases and often improves as obesity is successfully treated. The more of the risk factors from the following list that you have, the more likely you are to benefit from weight loss if you are overweight or obese*:

  • Do you have a personal or family history of heart disease?

  • Are you male over 45 years or a postmenopausal female?

  • Do you smoke cigarettes?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?

  • Has your doctor told you that you have high blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids (high cholesterol, low HDL, high triglyceride), or diabetes?

* Source: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2000

Improving Your Health:

Weight reduction is an important way to reduce your BMI and improve your overall health. Even a modest 5% reduction from your current weight is beneficial to your health. For instance, a 5' 2" female who weighs 150 pounds (BMI=27), can improve her health by losing as little as seven pounds, reducing her BMI to 26.

Tipping The Scales In Your Favor:

The Energy Balance Equation is the key factor in the weight loss/weight gain puzzle. In other words - if you consistently consume more energy (calories) than you use up, you will gain weight and the reverse is also true, burning more energy (calories) than you consume will cause weight reduction. It's really as simple as that!

Remember These Tips:

  • Realistic Goals

  • The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to balance the foods you eat with daily physical activity.

  • Eat a healthy diet and get the recommended 30 minutes or more of daily physical activity.

  • Develop healthy habits, since permanent changes will lead to a lifetime of better health.





Target Heart Rate

When you exercise, your body speeds up and so does your heart as it works to meet your increased energy needs. But how much speeding-up of your heart is safe when you exercise? You need the answer to this question in order to maximize your exercise benefits while not overworking your heart.

Your target heart rate is not one rate but a range of rates (beats per minute, or bpm), expressed as percentages of your maximum heart rate. For most healthy people, the American Council of Sports Medicine recommends a target heart rate for exercise ranging from 60% to 85% of your maximum heart rate, which is normally calculated as (maximum heart rate 220 minus your age).

Enter your age: 

Your Gender: 

Male Female


While you are should count between:

and beats in sec. and it should not exceed   beats.

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Taking Your Pulse

Now that you know your target heart rate, check your bpm regularly as you exercise by take your pulse. An easy way to do this is to count your heartbeats (pulse) for 10 seconds using your watch, and then multiply this number by 6 to get your bpm.

You can feel your heartbeats in several ways, such as by placing your fingers lightly but firmly over the inside of your wrist or on your neck just below the angle of your jaw. (Be careful not to put too much pressure on the neck; this can slow the heart down and can be dangerous in people with blockages of blood vessels in the neck.) You can also place your palm over your heart and count the number of beats that you feel.

If you have any questions or concerns about your exercise regimen, including your target heart rate, consult your doctor.

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