Vision of the institute is to become an academic
institution of excellence that would facilitate and promote the
competitive advantage of Indian products and manufacturing in
global markets. The mission of the institute is to be Global Centre
of Excellence in Design and Manufacturing Education and Research
in the country. The primary goals of the institute are as follows:
¨ It would provide education and training, at
both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, to persons of outstanding
abilities who would provide leadership to Indian Industry in globally
competitive economic environment.
¨ It would carry out advanced research and development
activities in design and manufacturing technologies, both on its
own and on sponsorship basis for the industry.
¨ It would provide distance learning and continuing
education programmes for faculty/ scholars from other institutions
and industry personnel.
¨ It would organize conferences, seminars, workshops
and such other activities for the dissemination of knowledge to
is a need to have continuous up-gradation of curriculum to meet
emerging demands of the industry, provision for high quality of
service and infrastructure, improvement in the competence of faculty,
relevance of R&D in institutions, professional work environment
etc. Considering these, it is planned that the institution will
be developed as Industry-driven Institutes with governance ad
management structure designed specifically for this purpose.
IIITDM shall offer undergraduate degree in Computer Science &
Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
At the post-graduate level, there shall be specialization into
creative design or manufacturing training. In spite of the use
of conventional nomenclature, the programme shall be different-
both in curriculum design and delivery. There shall be emphasis
on synthesis, creativity, hands–on experience, innovation, communication
and entrepreneurship. Learning would be largely based on real-world
situation in different sectors. This would bring in concept of
verticals which could be (a) Automobile sector, (b) Aerospace
and defense sector, (c) Industrial Machinery sector, (d) Engineering
Services sector, (e) High-tech Electronics and (f) Consumer Durables/
Life-style Products etc. For each vertical, key industry players
would be identified and invited to partner with the institute
for both academic and research activities. Dual Degree, Master’s
Degree and Doctoral Programmes will follow. Admission to the programme
shall be based on performance in the All India Engineering Entrance
Examination (AIEEE). Admission of foreign students and Indian
National Residing Abroad will be based on their performance in
SAT-II scores.
& D Activities
of the institutes will be primarily for generation and assimilation
of new knowledge for developing problem solving tools and techniques,
and efficient design methodologies. These will be mostly industry-supported
activities, while some may be supported by Central and State Governments
or their agencies. Projects will be put in two broad categories:
(i) sponsored projects and (ii) consultancy projects. Sponsored
projects will be generally research projects of longer duration
(2 to 5 years) requiring involvement of more than one faculty
member. In many cases faculty from other institutions and scientist
from the Research Labs could jointly take up the projects. The
consultancy projects, mainly problem solving type, will be of
shorter duration and will generally be handled by an individual
faculty member.
sphere of Information Technology

Curriculum will be designed in consultation with industry
partners in a way that allows the motivated student to pursue
special areas and interests. There are some important notions
that have been used while designing the curriculum:
¨ A good level of learning takes place when
the concepts being taught are applied in problem solving situations.
¨ Learning, which is deep, occurs best when
the student has tried to apply it in an unstructured design situation.
¨ An exceptionally motivated student with a
passion to build something can overcome lacuna in his formal background
through self-learning.
¨The compulsory part of the curriculum should
be lean. Elbowroom should be left for interested students to pursue
other interests.
¨Finally, “to learn how to learn” is more important
than any specific knowledge the student learns in the programme.
projects can be woven in a tapestry to yield beautiful and useful
products. A framework or a larger problem can be defined, of which
smaller projects are a part.

ensure holistic education, subjects like sociology, behavioral
science, organization design, marketing strategy, linguistics,
languages, and business law, intellectual property should also
be pursued and taught mainly through adjunct faculty.
order to foster a spirit of innovation in industry, a Design Studio Park
will be co-located with the institute. This park will house design
studios of industrial houses. Industrial houses can groom these
studios as idea factories for their future endeavors. This innovation
and incubation facility will use the infrastructure of the institute
and run it smoothly.
Academic Library of the Institute will be a ‘Digital Library System’
primarily to fulfill the needs of the infrastructural programs
and research requirement of faculty and students. The digital
library concept has become essential since most of the societies
and other publishers of journals and other periodicals are now
offering digital library services. A digital library system with
appropriate networking will provide access to online world library
and permit downloading of papers and abstracts, searching the
classification of references, etc. from personal desktops. Accordingly,
the institute shall become a category-1 member of recently setup
Indian Digital Library in Engineering science and Technology (INDEST)
Consortium right from its inception.