Campus Buzz !!

Tue, Aug 5, 2014

Campus Update

The semester started with quite an interesting talk by Mr. Puneet Prakash as a part of the IME Academic Seminar Series. Puneet Prakash, Associate Professor at the IME Department, spoke about the “Credit Rating Thresholds and Extended Merton Model”. The talk focussed on how the Credit Rating Agencies are affected by the overall economic environment and how their opinions are not as unbiased as they claim to be.

Ketan Bagga (Batch 2013-2015) was selected to represent the M.B.A. program in Jenesys 2.0. The JENESYS2.0 project, a youth exchange programme launched by the government of Japan, aims to revitalize the Japanese economy through introduction of Japan’s attractions to foreign tourists and consumers by promoting international understanding on the nation’s potential strength, allure and values, including the “Cool Japan” concept. We all eagerly await for him to share his experiences with us in the next month’s Avant Garde issue !

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