ACCS- Analytics Case Study Competetion & Symposium

Thu, Oct 1, 2015

Campus Update

ACCS saw an enthusiastic response from talented students. The event comprised of two parts- case study competition and symposium. On 26 September, in the case study competition, six teams made it to the finals, held in IME Department, IIT Kanpur. The event was judged by an eminent jury.The Jury had Mr.Vyom Upadhyay ,Ms.Sridevi Vadapalli and Mr.Mukesh Lal. The students presented solutions to case studies. It was a tough competition. Ultimately, Team D’ Analyzers from SCMHRD with team members Mrudal and Avinash emerged as the champions while teams Jokers and Cognos were the second and third place holders. The case study was followed by symposium on the next day in which business personalities from analytics industry shared their experiences with the students. Mr. Vyom Upadhyay from ICICI Bank, talked about Data Science in Banking. He emphasized on technology used in banks and market trends. His speech was followed by talk from Ms. Sri Devi Vadapalli, Infosys. She spoke about applications of analytics in various industries- financial, retail, insurance, manufacturing and video analytics, among others. Mr. Saurabh Mittal from Fractal Analytics shared his experience on opportunities and trends in analytics. He explained the five dimension frontiers of analytics. These are Disruption, Data, Real time, Sophistication and Institutionalization. ACCS, and thus Prabandhan, culminated with Ms Devlina Chatterjee, faculty placement coordinator, thanking the guests for taking aside their valuable time and coming to IIT Kanpur campus to share their experiences with the students. Prabandhan was successful due to enthusiastic response of the hosts as well as guest students. It was a great learning experience and we, the students, hope to implement the learning in our professional lives.


Nitin Rawat

MBA 2015-17

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