Editorial (Sept’10)

Tue, Sep 14, 2010

From the Editor's Desk

Dear Readers,

WELCOME to the latest edition of Avant Garde !!

A new academic year has begun and so have a spate of activities. We have been strengthened by the addition of new team members and the new team would strive to serve you with more vigor and enthusiasm and live up to the benchmark Avant Garde has set for itself.

We shall continue to publish articles on issues which concern you, be it from the world of business, social, political, cultural, economic or literature.

We remain open to all kinds of article submissions, which will find place of honor depending on the merit of the writeup. On the basis  of the feedback received from the readers, we hope to make the magazine even more interesting and informative with each passing month.

This month, we bring you articles on current events from diversified domains. While Nabarun talks about Honour Killings and the phenomenon called ‘Bandhs’, which have created ripples in the country, Manupriya Agarwal (our guest writer for the month from Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies) addresses the critical state of affairs in the EU through – European Debt Crisis: The Way Forward.

Salil examines the changes that the new grading system by CBSE can bring in, whereas Aayush writes about the hype around MBA and its numerous entrance exams.

We hope that you like this edition of AG. Do post your comments on the articles in the “Add Comment” section, or write back to the editorial team at agteam@lists.iitk.ac.in. Awaiting your comments, criticism and appreciation.

Till the next issue, Happy Reading !

AG Team

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