Workshop on “Industrial Relations and Labor Laws”:By Professor Hari Parmeshwar

Mon, Feb 29, 2016

Campus Update

From 15 to 17 January 2016, a workshop on Industrial Relations and Labor Laws was conducted at IME Department by Mr. Hari Parmeshwar, formerly a liated with MDI Gurgaon and now a freelancer. He shared his work experience in Maruti with students and faculty members. He started by asking us various questions on current affairs in business  field and advised us to read a business newspaper daily. He discussed the Trade Union Act and Industrial Disputes Act. It was a participatory workshop. We talked about several scenarios in which such Acts were applicable. The speaker told us about the need for contract labor in industries and explained the Contract Labor Regulation Act in detail. We came to know how a company can save money on gratuity. We then discussed Laws with respect to social security and working conditions of the employees. There are several laws to protect workmen and take appropriate actions in case an accident occurs. We also came to know about compensation management. The speaker gave us a case study in which we had to decide how much compensation should be given to employees depending upon their skills and experience. The underlying thought is that what companies pay to their employees will drive their behavior. A  awed incentive program can lead to bad behavior. The system should be such that efforts of the employees lead to their better performance which further leads to rewards.                                                                                                                                                                                                        The speaker also asked to thing not only in terms of laws and Acts but also from a humanistic point of view. That will create a connect between employee and the organization. All the students got to learn a lot from the workshop. A big thanks to Mr. Hari Parmeshwar sir from the entire department. We hope to arrange such wonderful workshops in the coming time too.

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