Editorial (Dec’11)

Thu, Dec 1, 2011

From the Editor's Desk

“When all think alike, then no one is thinking.”

— Walter Lippman

Dear Readers,

Apologies for not releasing Avant Garde issue for the previous month. But certainly we hope to continue the aspiring  journey of AG with the same vigor and spirit.

The hectic month of end sem examinations taking toll on students life is finally over and the month of December has bought with it chilling winds and happenings buzzing the IME Dept. To begin with, october this year was unlike before, especially for the junior batch. At the beginning of the month, young IME-ites enthusiastically spent the Dussehra vacations, implementing their classroom learnings in the real-environment. And the month ended with the application of theory through the palatable sheets of term papers.

However, the biggest event of the month was Prabandhan’11, the annual management conclave, which was held on 29th & 30th October. The theme for this year’s Prabandhan was ‘Innovation’. Befitting to this theme, Mr. Vishal Sharma, Director, Deloitte Consulting presented a guest lecture on “Innovations in IT to achieve business results”, discussing the creative role of IT in corporate scenario. Complementing to this, Prof. Jayanta Chatterjee and Prof. Satyaki Roy, expressed their expert opinions on ‘Innovation Jamming’, through interactive media.The conclave attracted participation from various B-schools across the country including IIMs, IITs, MDI, NITIE, and IIFT etc. through online and on campus events. Department also organized a rigorous workshop on innovation, in association with SIIC (SIDBI innovation and incubation center), which was mentored by Dr. Ashutosh Khanna, from IMI Delhi.

The month of December also gave the batch of 2012 an adrenaline rush with various MNC’s in a rush to hire the energetic students. Deloitte, Accenture , Infosys are a few names to mention which were the part of this year’s placement season.

The current issue of Avant Garde brings some vibrant discussions, starting with an analysis by Nitin Bhardwaj (Batch 2013) on how the role of SEBI has becomes more important, especially in present scenario when foreign investors are eyeing on Indian Economy as a promising market.

Vijay has given a overview of graphic chipsets market as a part of his summer internship project.

Having analyzed the role of CAG in the previous edition, this time Sandeep (Batch 2013) comes up with an analysis of the sports bill that was presented in the parliament recently. He discusses in detail the different clauses of the bill and its probable impacts on the sports in the country.

Once again, Alumni Speak section brings into light, a philosophical discussion about the management education. Gaurav Sharma of 2007 batch and presently with Ernst & Young contemplates on the effectiveness of MBA programs in present context and the possible future relevance for it.

Monica Agrawal (Batch 2013) brings an interesting discussion on ‘Embedded Marketing’. The decreasing span of attention of the consumers and their indifference towards the glossy advertisements has made the marketers to take this clever step of introducing the concept of ‘embedded marketing’. This paper was submitted by Monica to Dr. Jayanta Chatterjee, Professor and Head of IME department, IIT Kanpur as her term paper.

We hope that you like this edition of AG. Do post your comments on the articles in the “Add Comment” section.

Awaiting your comments, criticism and appreciation.

Till the next issue, wish you a Happy Reading!

Team AG

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