Editorial (Feb’10)

Sat, Feb 6, 2010

From the Editor's Desk

Dear Readers,

WELCOME to a Brand New, Revamped edition of Avant Garde !!

WikiPedia defines the term as “people or works that are experimental or innovative”. Well, in this issue, which comes after a long gap of 2 months, we have decided to incorporate both: experimentation, with respect to content and layout, and innovativeness, in the form of a brand new website !

The new AG will strive to publish articles and write-ups on a very broad range of phenomena, as compared to the previous versions, where we have been specifically oriented towards business news and events. Although we would be covering a lot of business issues too, we will now try to bring to you articles on various subjects – be it social/political issues, reviews of popular works of literature or art, and humour/satire. The new format is extremely flexible, and is open to all kinds of article submissions, which will find place of honor depending on the merit of the writeup. On the basis  of the feedback received from the readers, we hope to make the magazine even more interesting and informative with each passing month.

This month, we bring to you some articles in the same league. While Gopa talks about the absence of jingles in the advertisement industry, Venkatesh (our guest writer for the month) and Praneeth tackle more serious issues – The plight of the Phasse Pardhi tribe, and the climate change phenomena.

Kunal contributes a review of the popular book by Sigmund Freud, “An Interpretation of Dreams”, whereas Manu writes about some of the stuff we students have been through the last month.

Ripul has lent his drawing skills to prepare the cartoon of the month.
We hope that you like AG in its new avatar. Do post your comments about the articles beneath them, wherein we have incorporated an “Add Comment” feature, or write back to the editorial team at agteam(at)lists.iitk.ac.in in case of suggestions/bouquets/brickbats on offer.

Till then, Happy Reading !

AG Team

2 Responses to “Editorial (Feb’10)”

  1. Parvesh Aggerwal Says:

    Hi AG Team,

    I just wanted to say that we appreciate the hard work you’ve put into the new website. It’s excellent. The only suggestion I have is that I’d love to see a place on the homepage where it lists your latest articles. Also, is there a place where we could register for updates to the site? Thanks in advance, Parvesh

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Hey AG,

    I also agree with Parvesh I would very much like to register for updates, or does your site have a newsletter I can sign up for and get updates through that? I was unable to find one on the front page!

    Keep up the great work!
    Best regards,

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