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Pithoo is a folk game popular in both rural areas and urban street corners.
If you've ever come across groups of children trying to knock down a small pile
of stones with a ball, you've seen pithoo in action. Perhaps you've tried your
hand at it already, or are just interested in finding out more about this
fascinating and active game. Whatever the reason, you should register for
Venue: Hockey Field (opposite Swimming Pool)
- Separate categories for men and women.
- 5 players per team.
- 7 small flat stones will be stacked up in the centre of a square field.
- One player tries to hit the stack with a tennis ball.
- The other team tries to catch the ball. If they catch it after it has hit
the pile and before it has bounced again, the first team is out. If the ball
misses the pile but is caught before the second bounce, the thrower alone is
out and the next player from the same team gets to throw.
- If the thrower succeeds in knocking the pile down without the ball being
caught immediately, then the thrower's team tries to restore the pile while
the other team tries to hit them with the ball.
- If the pile is restored before a player is hit, the throwing team wins and
the same thrower gets another chance to throw.
- If a player is hit before the pile is complete, the entire throwing team
is out and the teams reverse roles. This continues for a specified length of
time. The team which has restored more piles wins.
- The duration of the matches and the format of the tournament (knockout or
league) will be decided once registration is over and we know how many teams
are participating.
- The rules may be modified slightly over the next few days. Changes will be
announced well in advance.