







Power Systems & Transmission Pricing

We work on Transmission Pricing, Transmission Open Access (TOA), Deregulation, Reactive Power Pricing, Availability Based Tariff (ABT), Congestion Management and Ancillary Services Management. We offer our services for the study and consultancy in these areas. Study and software development work for some electricity boards/power corporations in India has been done. The software can be modified as per the requirement of the individual corporation. The developed software (TPW) has applications to India & South Asia in general.

The main research themes are:

  • Transmission Pricing & Wheeling Charges

  • Load Forecasting

  • Power Restructuring in Indian Scenario

  • Generation, Transmission & Distribution



Learning Theory & Computational Neuroscience

Learning Theory with an emphasis of learning inspired by Human Brain is one of the prime focus of research in our Lab. We work on Neural Modeling and Learning methods for Neural Network architectures. The Lab emphasizes on understanding the underlying principles in the Brain to develop new neuron models and improved training schemes.

The main research themes are:

  • Neural Networks: Modeling the Brain as a network of neurons

  • Single Neuron Modeling: Understanding the neural activity

  • Fuzzy Theory and the Principle of Uncertainty

  • Bayesian Learning and Human Reasoning

  • Neuro-Informatics



Knowledge Acquisition, Retention, Management, Assimilation & Application (KARMAA)

KARMAA is a general purpose software for Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, such as Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Global Optimization methods, Bayesian Networks, Decision Tree, and statistical models with pre & post processing capabilities. The software has been built using Sun Microsystems’s JAVA and is compatible on all Microsoft Windows platforms, UNIX and Linux 7.2 and above. Unlike similar products, KARMAA is a package with convenient and easy to use interface without the need for the user to develop the algorithms.



Computational Finance & Risk Management

We use Learning Theory & Computational Methods to model Risk Management and Finance in Industry and Society. The idea is to provide better models for society in addition to existing stochastic methods.
