Late R. BalasubramaniamPh.D.
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Website: Specialization: Corrosion Areas of Interest: Environmental Degradation,
Materials-Hydrogen Interactions, Archaeometallurgy
Left for his heavenly abode on December 9, 2009 Obituary
Late Mr. Jiwan Lal Kuril
(Junior Superintendent)
Left for his heavenly abode on October 14, 2009
Ex-Faculty Members:
Dr. A.K. Biswas
Dr. A.R. Das
Dr. A. Ghosh
Dr. K.P. Gupta
Dr. A.K. Jena
(Presently Professor at Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,
The University of Monitobe , Winnipy, Monitoba. Canada)
Dr. P.C. Kapur
Dr. G.S. Murthy
(Presently at Touchstone Research Lab. Ltd.
The Millenium Centre, Tridalphia , USA)
Dr. V.S.R. Murthy
Dr. E.C. Subbarao
(Presently at Tata Research Development & Design Centre (TRDCC)
Tata Consultancy Services , Pune)