Mr. R. K. Sinha

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre


  Advanced Heavy Water Reactor & High Temperature Reactor

Mr. Prabhat Kumar

Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd.


  Fast Breeder Reactor

Mr. B. B. Mithal

Narora Atomic Power Station


  Success Story of Indian PHWRs

  Mr. Bharat Doshi

Institute for Plasma Research



Fusion Reactor: ITER (International Thermonuclear Reactor)

Mr. Gérard Ellia

AREVA France


  EPR, the First Gen III+  Reactor Under Construction

Mr. S. Duraisamy

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre


  Research Reactors

Prof. Prabhat Munshi

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


    Economics of Nuclear Power