Department of Aerospace Engineering

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2025/030

Applications are invited for the post of Project Mechanic. The Post is temporary and on contractual basis for a period of one year. The period may be extended based on performance and requirement.

Post: Project Mechanic

Number of Post: One (01)

Salary range: Salary: INR 13166 per month (consolidated)

Minimum Qualification: High School + ITI (Fitter) + 2 years of relevant experience, in a Govt. organization or an educational Institute.

Desirable Qualification: -

  • The candidate should have good knowledge of sample preparation for tensile testing, fatigue testing.
  • Familiar with basic operations of UTM.

Department of Aerospace Engineering reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short-listing the eligible candidates who satisfy the qualifications and experience. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.

Interested candidates may send their application including the details of complete professional academic record (attach self-attested copies of certificates) and work experience to the undersigned on or before 14 days of posting of this application, addressed to:

Prof. G.M. Kamath
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur - 208016
Phone: 0512-679-7443