IIT’s Demonstration on IPv6

The two days seminar on IPv6 Network was inaugurated at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur on 1st April, 2005. The workshop was organized by computer center to discuss the innovative methods for implementation of IPv6 Network protocol.

Inaugurating the workshop IIT Kanpur Director Shri Sanjay Govind Dhande stressed upon the power of internet and its importance, also explained about the challenges of software and network domains. He appreciated ERNET India for providing wonderful support and point out on Quality Distance Education which is provided by ERNET India and IIT Kanpur.

On this occasion, Director of ERNET India Dr. Gulshan Rai highlighted the importance of IPv6 network protocol and describe the implementation of IPv6 in the ERNET Network. Mr. Rai explained the initiatives which is completed by IIT Kanpur with joint effort with ERNET India as Multicasting on IPv6, IPv6 Mail setup, DNS configuration and implementation strategies of IPv6. Mr. Rai explained that in world wide China, Japan, Korea and other countries are also taking interest in Ipv6 Network Technology. IPv6 is “Network Conversion”. With IPv6 protocol, Network is moving into new era. The backbone of ERNET will be migrated on dual (IPv4 and IPv6) Network, so all the Routers, Mail Server, DNS servers will be implemented.

Head of Computer Center (IIT Kanpur) and chief coordinator of IPv6 workshop Prof. Dheeraj Sanghi explained the importance and technology implementation methods to participants. Prof. Sanghi also focused on the other technical issues related to IPv6 technology.

Participants came to join the workshop from across the country.

In the practical sessions, Mr. Deepak Sharma and IITK engineers also gave a live demonstration of IPv6 server setup.

Vote of Thanks was given by Network Manager (IIT Kanpur) and workshop coordinator Mr. Navpreet Singh.