Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Hon'ble Prime Minister
Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee

On 1st October 2003,

Hon'ble Prime Minister

Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee

inaugurated the
Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Complex

Some cherishable moments of Honorable Prime Ministers of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee visit to: BSBE Complex  Community Hall

Research Areas
Major Facilities
  • Genomics
  • Developmental Biology
  • Bio-informatics
  • Computational Biology
  • Human Molecular Genetics
  • Structural Biology
  • Biochemistry & Bio-remediation
  • Automated DNA Sequencer
  • Peptide Synthesizer
  • CD Spectropolarimeter
  • UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
  • Confocal Microsocope
  • Microscopic setup for Fluorescence Imaging
  • Photo-Documentation and Image Analysis
Our sincere thanks to Shri Arun Shourie, Hon'ble Minister of Communication & Information Technology and Disinvestment for contributing his MP Local Area Development Funds towards the creation of the Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Vision, Mission and Goals

Sanjay G. Dhande, Director

Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) have fulfilled a premier role in imparting Undergraduate Education in our country. Due to the professional attainments, international leadership in education and research of its graduates, the IITs have become highly respected across the globe. Today our graduates occupy faculty positions in a number of major universities, including MIT and Stanford. A similar scenario is envisaged for Postgraduate Education and Research in IITs in this decade. In response to the quest for such recognition, we must have a mission, vision and road map to achieve our goals. The entire nation looks up to the IITs, and IIT Kanpur in particular, for leadership in education, research and entrepreneurship. In fulfilling these expectations and aspirations, we strive to move towards a knowledge society. We envisage moving from excellence in teaching to excellence in research. IIT Kanpur looks forward to being recognized as one of the top-ranked technological universities in the world.

Our mission is to provide opportunities for teachers, staff and students for enhancement of knowledge, continuing education and research and development of professional skills. We aim to provide our students with an educational training that emphasizes social awareness, professional ethics, and the significance of leadership. We also seek to promote the spirit of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship amongst our students and researchers with a view to encouraging collaborative research and development that can significantly contribute to the economic and social development of the country.

Our faculty have repeatedly proved that they are comparable to the best in the world. The Institute's strength is drawn from a young dynamic (average age 42 years) faculty of 330. Their peer recognition and leadership is visible from their excellence as researchers and educators - several of them having served as Vice Chancellors, Directors and Managers in organizations of national importance. Our strong focus on research and development is now testified by both the quantity (over 400 per year) and quality of our publications. Some of the major research recognition to the faculty include the coveted S. S. Bhatnagar award of the CSIR, the Clay Research Foundation Award of the USA, Fellowships of the National Academies, just to name a few. Since its inception, the Institute's faculty has published over 400 books.

Meaningful growth of an Institution depends on the kind of commitment it has made to the society at large. Benefits of academic excellence cannot remain restricted to the boundaries of the academic wall. In an electronic age that has seen the walls razed down across states and countries, an institute like IIT Kanpur has a supreme role in providing leadership that addresses societal concerns. As part of our social responsibility, we want to share our expertise with fellow academic institutions across the country and abroad. Towards this goal, we have initiated an Outreach Education Program. Under this scheme, using the VSAT transmission technology, we are providing refresher courses to college and university teachers in the State of Chhattisgarh. We are also participating in the National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Knowledge grows faster when shared. Fostering collaborative research with premier international and national institutes remains one of our chief priorities.

We earnestly believe that every Institute of National Importance has an obligation to render necessary service to the country in a crisis. Our country is prone to large earthquakes, and we need to contain the risks this involves. A trained manpower development programme for earthquake risk mitigation, known as NPEEE (National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education), has been instituted by the Government of India. IIT Kanpur is the nodal agency for the entire gamut of NPEEE activities.

An important feature of academic growth is the continuous replenishment of ideas and new areas of research and innovation. In a fast changing world, keeping pace with the ever increasing number of areas of research and application poses a major challenge to this Institute. We are trying to augment our research initiatives in the areas of Experimental sciences, High performance computing, Nano-science and Nano-technology. Our initiation of research in some of the cutting edge areas of Biological research namely Genomics, Developmental biology, Structural biology and Bioinformatics is a testament to our aspiration to excel in research, which remains the fulcrum of modern educational institution. It is indeed a challenging task to match the ever increasing need for funds and providing infrastructure for these emerging areas, and IIT Kanpur has resolutely taken this challenge in its stride.

Since major technological developments in the future would require expertise from various disciplines, we have been promoting the concept of virtual research departments. One such group is working on the development of organic light emitting diodes. The endeavors for a High performance-computing center, a research center for Computer security are the other goals in this direction.

We fervently hope that with such initiatives, IIT Kanpur will achieve the kind of recognition enjoyed by the top Universities in the world. The new initiative in the Biological Sciences and Bioengineering augurs well for this spirit of excellence in this Institute. In the years to come, IIT Kanpur, we hope, would become the ultimate destination of scholars and scientists from the world over.


Research & Development at IIT Kanpur

D Kunzru, Dean, Research & Development

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur is a technological institute of national importance for education and research. Ever since its inception in 1960, IIT Kanpur has held a leading position in technical education and training. Our alumni hold leading positions in academia and industry throughout the world. With the start of the new millennium, IIT Kanpur would like to achieve a leading position in both basic and applied research. Our vision is to be recognized internationally for excellence in research and development. Our faculty has expertise in all major areas of science, engineering, humanities and management. In addition, interdisciplinary research is encouraged. We have embarked on several interdisciplinary research initiatives such as digital connectivity for rural areas; organic light emitting diodes; nanoscience and nanotechnology; synthesis and characterization of magnetic, electronic and polymeric materials; translation development for Indian languages; composite materials and quantum computing. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Hon'ble Prime Minister, in his Independence Day speech this year has announced that IIT Kanpur will be collaborating with Indian Railways in a Technology Mission for railway safety.

The Institute encourages faculty to undertake sponsored and consultancy projects. The research initiatives under sponsored projects is usually exploratory in nature. Our major sponsoring agencies include Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Defence Research & Development Organization, Aeronautics Research and Development Board, Indian Space Research Organization, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology etc.

In addition to sponsored projects, IIT Kanpur considers consultancy projects an important tool for contributing to the industrial growth of the country. The consultancy projects provide a first hand knowledge of the problems being faced by industry, and is helpful in streamlining the curriculum to the needs of the industry. Over the years, our faculty have provided expertise to most of the major industrial houses, public sector organizations as well as to some international organizations.

Our funding from sponsored and consultancy projects has consistently increased during the last several years. In 2002-2003, new projects with a total budget of Rs. 31.0 crore were sanctioned, an increase of nearly 100% over 2001-2002. In the current financial year, new projects with a total sanctioned budget of Rs. 18.4 crore have already been approved.

In addition to sponsored and consultancy projects, we have several Research Cells and Research Centres which take up projects specific to the needs of a particular sector. These include RDSO Railway Technology Cell, Space Technology Cell of ISRO, Infrastructure Research Cell sponsored by IDFC, National Information Center for Earthquake Engineering, Resource Center for Indian Languages, SIDBI Center for Innovation and Incubation, Samtel Center for Display Technologies, Prabhu Goel Research Center for Computer Security and Kanpur - Lucknow hub of Media Lab Asia.

Our faculty have many noteworthy accomplishments to their credit. Some of the recent R&D accomplishments include:

  • Development of polynomial time deterministic algorithm for testing primality
  • Development of WiFi Technology for long distance internet links
  • Software for automatic translation from English to Indian languages
  • New technology for design and development of saddlery using CAD
  • Smart card operating system for transport application
  • Method for detection of flatness in a wheel of a railway vehicle.
  • Anesthesia monitor for measuring depth of anesthesia
  • Advanced numerical processing schemes to improve MRI images.
  • Automation of power distribution
  • Design of pilot-plant for gas cracking
  • Novel process for separation of light paraffins from natural gas
  • Design and development of network monitoring tool

IIT Kanpur is vigorously taking up projects which have direct societal impact. The Media Lab Asia initiative at IIT Kanpur has the objective to facilitate the invention, refinement and dissemination of innovations that benefit a large number of India's rural population. A prototype of wireless based technology to provide cheap audio, video and internet connectivity to rural areas has already been developed. We have signed an agreement with Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Mumbai, with the main objective of strengthening rural industrialization through appropriate science and technology inputs. We are interacting with the Government of Chattisgarh for developing human resource capabilities by imparting lectures, other educational services, and courses through information technology enabled instructions. Under the MOU signed with Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority, IIT Kanpur is training engineering college teachers in Earthquake Engineering to develop a self sustaining community of engineers skilled enough to lead the development of indigenous earthquake technology. Together with University of Allahabad, we are using CAD and GIS Techniques for cultural resource management and preserving heritage sites.

IIT Kanpur has a wide range of state-of-the-art research equipment. To stay abreast in cutting edge areas of research, we continuously upgrade our research facilities. Some of the major research equipments procured recently include:

  • Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscope · Atomic Force Microscope
  • Confocal Microscope · Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer
  • Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) · Thermal Gravitational / Dynamic Thermal Analyzers
  • Ellipsometer · Rhoeometer
  • Geodetic Quality Differential Global Positioning System · Automated DNA sequencer
  • ATOS Optical Digital Scanner · EPR Spectrometer

We hope that with these initiatives, the research and development activities at IIT Kanpur will make a greater impact on the technology development of the country and will contribute significantly to the economic growth of the country.


Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Academic Excellence

Gautam Biswas, Dean of Academic Affairs

The academic philosophy of IIT Kanpur is to prepare the students for the highest level of excellence in science, engineering science and technology and produce competent, creative and imaginative scientists and engineers.

At the Bachelor's level, we have B.Tech. Programs in Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering. We also have integrated M.Sc. programs in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics. The students for these programs are selected through JEE and usually they are the top students from various places in the country. There are programs for M. Sc. (2 years) in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, where the students with B.Sc. (Hons.) background are chosen through a rigorous selection procedure. We have M.Tech. Programs in all the Engineering Branches, mentioned above. In addition, there are M. Tech. Programs in the interdisciplinary areas, such as, Nuclear Engineering, Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Laser Technology, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science, and Industrial and Management Engineering. The M. Tech. Students are chosen through an all-India examination, known as GATE. We have also adopted a dual degree (B.Tech. - M. Tech) program. In this program, the students admitted through JEE, are expected to complete the M. Tech. Program in five years. At the end of five years, the student is awarded both B.Tech. and M.Tech. Degrees. Recently, we have introduced two interdisciplinary programs, namely, for MBA and Master of Design. For these courses as well, the students are selected through the all-India examinations known as JMET and CEED respectively. We have indeed a vibrant PhD program in all the above academic areas as well as in Humanities and Social Sciences. The Department of Physics offers a M.Sc.-Ph.D. dual degree program, which allows their M.Sc. students to continue for a Ph.D. The M. Tech. and Ph.D. students receive research/ teaching assistantships.

The academic programs of the Institute are regularly evaluated for their usefulness and relevance. The curriculum is updated through continuous inputs from eminent scholars in the field, research organizations and the feedback from the alumni. The undergraduate (UG) program is reviewed and revised every ten years and the curriculum is modified as per the recommendation of the UG review committee. The postgraduate programs are reviewed at the departmental level. We are expecting to take up the task of a review of the PG program at the Institute level shortly.

We aim at making our students leaders in their fields. To this end we pursue excellence in teaching and research and always try to be abreast with the latest developments in science and engineering. We value the professional attainment of our students. Our training methodology follows the philosophy of not only making good engineers and scientists, but also excellent citizens with high level of ethics.

IIT Kanpur took the lead in establishing a center for Computer Science and Engineering in 1971. It flowered into a full-fledged department in 1984. The other well-known initiatives at IIT Kanpur include Programs of Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Laser Technology, Materials Science, Environmental Engineering & Management, MBA and Masters of Design as well as the Department of Industrial Management & Engineering. The latest academic initiative is the creation of Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering.

Our system evaluates students continuously by quizzes, assignments mid-semester and end-semester examinations and term papers, which allow for a well-balanced evaluation procedure.

The students, in turn, are asked to evaluate their courses and teachers. This information is used in revising the teaching methodology and the curriculum. This is a unique feature in the Indian academic scenario. Perhaps, no other Institute in India has such a healthy procedure of evaluating the courses and teachers.

The students and teachers extend their interaction far beyond the classroom in order to create a comprehensive scholarly environment.

Many undergraduate students take up challenging research problems under the tutelage of enthusiastic faculty members. At the Master's level, there is a strong emphasis on research and every student is required to submit a thesis incorporating new findings through their individual research pursuit. The time allotted for the Master's research work alone is now one year. Even at the Masters' level, the work is often published in international journals. At the Ph.D. level, the students are required to do rigorous course work and pass a comprehensive examination in addition to the thesis work. The thesis often leads to a path breaking contribution.

The Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Department (BSBE) of IIT Kanpur was established in 2001 to provide a multidisciplinary approach to the challenging problems at the interface of modern biology and engineering. Molecular and cellular biology are integrated with core principles of chemical, electrical, mechanical engineering & computer science to create the new discipline of Bioengineering. Bioengineering addresses scientific and technological questions across the full breadth of scales in biology: molecular, cellular, tissue, organism, and systems. The educational programs at the BSBE reflect this emphasis on science and engineering approaches to the biological problems, with opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in either applied biosciences or bioengineering.

Currently, the Department offers two postgraduate programs: The M.Tech. program is designed for students from both biology and non-biology background and imparts training in the frontier areas of biological sciences and bioengineering. The candidates with B. Tech./ B.E. in engineering or M.Sc. in mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry are especially encouraged to apply for this inter-disciplinary program. This program offers an unique opportunity to pursue a future career in either academics or in industry. The Ph.D. program offers an excellent opportunity for pursuing research in cutting-edge areas of biology. Intense training of the Ph.D. students, which includes course work, is designed to prepare the students for careers in academia or industry.

The BSBE Department is planning an undergraduate program in Biological Science and Bioengineering to be started from 2004. This program will provide a strong grounding in basic sciences as well as in various emerging areas of bioengineering.


Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

A Multidisciplinary Initiative in

Pradip Sinha
Head, Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

A major R&D and HRD initiative was undertaken at IIT Kanpur with the funds (Rs. 11.90 crore) pledged by the Hon'ble Union Minister, Shri Arun Shourie in the year 2000 under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) These developments are unprecedented in the history of the Institute and also that of the allocation of MPLADS, namely, its pledge for scientific research and development. The event also highlights a deep commitment of the Hon'ble minister to the cause of science and technology and the aspiration of the Institute to undertake research and teaching in some of the most challenging areas of modern biology. Incidentally, the program also began at the time when the news and excitement of the completion of the Human Genome project was sweeping across the entire global scientific community. The initiative is multi-disciplinary because modern biology and bioengineering now represent fusion of all the disciplines of basic sciences and engineering.

Several projects were undertaken at IIT Kanpur from the MPLADS funds towards creating a state-of-the-art research and teaching program in the newly established department of "Biological Sciences and Bioengineering" (BSBE). One of these projects, the construction of a new building complex, was completed within a short period of 18 months (see box below). Formal inauguration of this building complex marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of IIT Kanpur. The immediate challenge for the new department is to intensify its effort to conduct research at a large scale and undertake challenging projects with clear possibilities of deriving both scientific excellence and social benefits. Equally challenging would be the task of creating programs for human resource development to match the global recognition of IIT-Kanpur students and researchers. The newly formed department and its faculty are committed to this mission.

Undergraduate teaching occupies a central position in the IIT curricula. A comprehensive initiation of the undergraduate program is thus planned in the session beginning from the July, 2004. A post-graduate program in M. Tech has already been initiated in the BSBE Department. The hallmark of the program is the platform that it provides to students of diverse disciplines, such as, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and all engineering branches besides those from the diverse branches of biological, pharmaceutical and medical sciences to undertake training and research in the modern biology and bioengineering. In conformity with this multi-disciplinary approach, admission in all the programs of the BSBE department will not require prior training or degree in biology or related discipline. Emphasis will be given to hands on training in biological methods and applications, and the interface of biology with natural sciences and engineering will remain some of the unique features of the initiatives at IIT Kanpur. The design and implementation of the courses, research and training programs will strongly feature unified participation of institute departments and faculty.

Framework of the HRD activities

Research and training programs in the new BSBE department are focussed on Foundation-to-discipline-to-application approach. The emphasis is thus placed on creating the foundations taking advantage of the strength of the Institute in different disciplines of science and engineering. This approach is designed to create a strong base for research and technological application. Students undergoing such training are thus expected to find career opportunities in both advanced research institutions and applied industries.

Infrastructure and facilities

Other projects undertaken with the support of the MPLADS include advanced research facilities for computational biology, bioinformatics, genomics, structural biology, developmental biology, and human molecular genetics. All these facilities will be housed in the new building complex and in its state-of-the- art laboratories. Some of these facilities include automated DNA sequencer, Laser Scanning confocal microscope, Peptide synthesizer, CD polarimeter and a number of equipments that are required for research in molecular biology, protein chemistry, genomics, bioinformatics, and genetics. Both in its focus and dimension these programs in the department will be unique amongst the IIT’s. These developments at IIT Kanpur indeed represent one of the finest models for true growth with a mission under MPLADS.

Research focus

Arrival of new faculty, currently five, in the new department also ushered in a new dimension of R & D activities. Research in five distinct areas have now been initiated. These include Structural Biology where information about basic protein structure is sought from its crystal structure (B. Prakash), Computational Biology where the information available from the DNA and protein sequence databases are utilized to predict their structures and function (R. Sankararamakrishnan), Human Genetics aiming at identification of genetic defects in hereditary disorders (S.Ganesh), Functional Genomics which involve searching the biological roles of the large number of genes in model organisms (K. Subramaniam) and, finally, Cancer Genetics dedicated to the search for genes which cause cancer in model organisms (P. Sinha). Three project scientists – Arati Mishra (Cell Signaling), R. Mukhopadhyay (Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology-protein structure and protein-protein interaction at "single molecule" level by Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy and DNA - small molecule interaction by Atomic Force Microscopy), and Jamuna Subramaniam (Neurodegenerative Diseases) are working in the department. These investigations are fundamental in nature. Their outcome certainly carries distinct possibilities of a practical application to address problems concerning human health and medicine. The department will grow further in the immediate future to encompass research in the emerging fields of bioengineering such as Drug Delivery, Tissues Engineering, Biomaterials etc. Major fundings from the Department of Biotechnology, Department of Science and Technology, Wellcome Trust, UK have already strengthened its research endeavor. In the coming years, this department should take a leadership position amongst its peers in the country. That will be the true salutation to all the individuals who worked towards its creation and the public fund pledged for its development


About the New Building Complex

Santosh Kumar

Superintending Engineer & Head, IWD

Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering

Conceived in August 2001, this building was designed to meet two distinct purpose. Firstly, state-of-the-art research laboratories for Biological Sciences & Bioengineering and secondly, teaching, training and research. Covering a floor area of Building of 64000 sq.ft., it houses 16 Labs for research along with central instrumentation facility, 2 teaching Labs, Seminar Hall of a capacity of 80, Administrative block, Library, Canteen and ancillary facilities The building embodies several conceptual frame works. These include segregation of the Teaching Labs, meeting/seminar rooms from the research labs, provide for a conducive, interactive, open working environment. A hallmark of this building is the central courtyard and a 3 floor covered atrium with open staircases to relieve the visual monotony of an enclosed indoor space and also provide an interactive area outside the labs.

Since the complex is large, a conscious effort has been made to break the monotony of mass and relate it to a more humane scale resulting in a stepping of the skyline by the introduction of courtyards, terraces and pergolas. The design aims to create a visually barrier free environment by providing glass along the inner corridor walls, both in individual labs as well as in common areas. A spiral staircase-evocative of the DNA double helix, has been strategically located in the entrance court. The seminar hall has been lifted from the ground, to create a stilted area for the cycle parking. The landscape and the road around the building is also designed as to be integrating the immediate context of the site and provide common parking for ACMS and BSBE.

In present day parlance, this building complex has been designed to be green. There are many energy efficient features that are integrated in the building. Some of them are: insulation of the exterior by cavity walls, that of the roof by an integrated waterproofing, efficient glazing of the exterior to minimize unwanted solar gains in summer and heat losses in winter and finally, building integrated photo-voltaic
( BIPV) cells covering the atrium roof to trap solar energy to illuminate the corridors at night.

Designed by the Architect, M/s Kanvinde Rai and Chowdhury and constructed by M/s Omaxe, New Delhi, this building symbolizes a close participation of the Institute Work Department at IIT Kanpur with the Consultants, contractors and the User group. On the occasion of its formal inauguration, the Institute Works Department greets its users and hopes that it would meet the their high expectations and sustain their long term scientific endeavors.