A short course on Seismic Design of Masonry Buildings was organized at IIT Kanpur, during 3-7 October, 2005. The course was an activity of National Program on Earthquake Engineering Education (NPEEE) and was attended by 24 teachers of engineering colleges from various parts of the country. In addition, 8 professionals from industry are also attending the short course.
The short course was inaugurated by Prof. R K Thareja, Head, CDTE, IIT Kanpur. Prof. Sudhir K. Jain, National Coordinator, NPEEE briefed about the achievement of NPEEE and IITK-GSDMA project. Professor Jain in his address further informed that in the early ages about 150-200 years ago, Indian masons, artificers who practised their art without perhaps knowing the science have created structures that are very strong compared with structures built at later stages. He also mentioned that India 's first civil engineering college i.e. Thomson College of Engineering (presently IIT Roorkee) was established by Britishers in 1847 even when there was no civil engineering college in England and the Britishers had set-up this college for two way flow of knowledge as they were keen to learn from Indian artificers and to complete the major projects like Ganga Canal the local Indian talent were needed to be trained about the science of civil engineering. Prof. Bithn Datta, Head of the Civil Engineering Department talked about various continuing education program that the Dept. of Civil Engg. has been organizing for quality improvement of teachers as well as practicing engineers. The course-co-ordinator, Prof Durgesh C Rai welcomed the participants and briefed them about the course and Prof. CVR Murty proposed a vote of thanks. |