Sponsored Research Projects  

The Institute encourages investigation of basic and applied areas of science and technology in the form of sponsored projects. Research grants for such projects are given by Government agencies and industries (both national and international). These projects are usually of 2-5 years duration with periodic appraisals, while research objectives and goals may be refined along the way.

Various projects are funded by government, public, private sector organisations and international agencies. Some of them are Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Space Research Organisation, Aero R & D Board, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Steal Authority of India Limited, Defence R & D Organisation, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, VLIR, Belgium, British Council Division and UKIERI.

Government grants are received under various schemes such as Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science and Technology (BOYSCAST), Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (FIST), Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists, AICTE, Young Scientists Research Award, and Scheme of Career Award for Young Teachers.

Year-wise Projects




How to initiate a sponsored project

Project Proposal Forms

Sample1  Sample2

Sample3  Sample4



In In the year 2010-11, 127 new sponsored projects were started involving a total outlay of Rs. 10652 lakh. The accompanying graphical representation shows the grants received from various agencies: