Thesis defence of Vijay Bisht

Description: Thesis title: Non-equilibrium effects in the magnetic behaviour of antiferromagnetic nanoparticles
External Examiner: Prof. P A Joy, NCL, Pune
Local Examiners: Profs. Ashish Garg(MSE), Amit Dutta & Anjan Gupta
Thesis Supervisor: K P Rajeev
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Room Booking - FB 382
Start time: 10:00:00AM - Monday 19 March 2012
Duration: 1.5 hours
End time: 11:30:00AM - Monday 19 March 2012
Type: type.
Created by: phyfac
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Last updated: 03:22:56PM - Friday 02 September 2016
Repeat type: None
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