Saurabh Mani Tripathi
Saurabh Mani Tripathi
Dr. Saurabh Mani Tripathi obtained his doctoral degree from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, under supervision of Prof. Arun Kumar. He carried out part of his doctoral research at the Laboratory Hubert Curien, St-Etienne, France, during 2007-2009 where he was an Eiffel Excellence Fellow during 2008-2009. Subsequently, he carried out his post-doctoral research at Photonics Research Centre, University of Quebec, Canada, where he was team-leader for long-period grating based bio-sensor program during 2011-2013. During 2013-2014 he was an Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.
His main research interests are fiber-optic biological and chemical sensors, optical waveguide gratings, modal-interference effect based guided wave devices, integrated optical devices, surface Plasmon polariton and metamaterial based IR and terahertz sensors.
More details can be found on his personal homepage.WEB