
Future of IITK Sci-Tech council: An illustrated guide through the next 10 years : RAJPUTS

Hello Fellow Students,

Science and Technology Council, IIT Kanpur popularly known as SnT council is an indispensable part of Student’s Gymkhana and provides opportunity and a platform to students to pursue their hobbies in field of science and technology. Currently there are eight clubs and a Rubik’s cube hobby group under its huge umbrella.

Its Motto is to ‘Learn, Innovate and Create’.

But do you think it is being realized??

Let’s ask ourselves this question and analyze the outcome of our thought process in devising the future of the Snt council in the next ten years!!!!!!!!

Today the main objectives of a student to join any of the snt club is just to make a project or two, become a secy of the respective club and then just leave it under the heavy load of academic curriculum. Nobody wants to continue it further as an interest and even if some them want to continue it they are not provided with enough of the facilities and resources. Almost all of the work of the snt council is done in a small groups or a clubs i.e. on an individual or a small level. There is no opportunity to work on a bigger level or two or more groups or clubs working together.

At this crucial time it has become the council of the few, everyone just think of winning the hall level events and that’s all. Nobody wants to think of the long term goal, of achieving something big in their life using this golden opportunity.

Today there is no innovation in the atmosphere everybody just think of taking the previous successes to a bit upper level, nobody thinks of marking a new success with their name. But the point is that this is not the mistake of the council and its executives alone, it is the combined mistake of the people who think it as a waste of time and money or the professors who think it as a waste of intellect of the students who are here just to get a good placement.

Now just ponder over the issue and think of the improvement that can be made?

Let me give you some hints on this matter!!!!!!!

(But please don’t think that I am directing your thought or that I have no faith in you. This is not the case in any of the existing worlds or any of the existing four dimensions as proposed by the Stephen Hawking)

Now coming over to the future prospects or the upcoming clubs which would be a part and parcel of the future Snt council.

In the coming ten years, there would be a AI (Artificial Intelligence) club in the Snt council, where the students will be developing new technologies and software which will think on its own .Probably they will also develop some replacement for the Snt General Secretary, who will realize that the Facebook likes is not the only criteria for judging an event.

Also there would be an event in takneek that would involve the Fights of humanoid bots (don’t think of bots killing each other, we are not that much violent, we would have rules for the fight) which are controlled by direct brain contact. Also the events would be directly broadcasted on the world television network (which I hope would exist till that time).

Also the council would be organizing teams of people who would be developing games that can be played using the technology of artificial intelligence. Also these games would be marketed so that the Snt council would be less dependent on the funding from the college and would have the power to sustain itself.

There would be a club named SI club that is Small Innovations club(I am not biased about some work being small or big, it’s just a way of presenting) which will develop small innovative products like the Google glass like material using the latest technologies of that time and that too would be coordinated with the AI club.

Now coming over to the academic linkage of the future Snt council.

The most important future prospect of the Snt council would be to get synchronized with the academics of the college .First step would be to launch a robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) course or better than that, launch it as a branch where the interested students would gather to do some serious work on advanced robotics. There would be a semester long projects undertaken by the students under the guidance of the experts.

Just think of the students of the Institute developing the Humanoid Bots and many different things of which we can only think of now. (Just don’t fly away in your thoughts)

Now coming over to the International level competitions that would be held in the college under the Snt council after ten years

Some events would be like that is held in the colleges like the Harvard, Oxford, etc. Some of them would be International level quizzes, Robotics competition like that of the ROBOCON, etc.

Now coming over to the involvement of the people in the clubs.

In the future just to increase the involvement of the people in the club there would be formal classes for the new technologies that would be introduced in the club each year and also every year there would be a completely new area that would be explored by each and every of the club so that people of all the year would have a persistent interest in the club.

Now coming over to the corporate linkage of the club.

In future the Snt council would have linkages with different corporate companies who would be willing to invest in the future of the students. This will make the council self sustainable in term of resources and monetary matters and that would result in reducing the burden from the institute.

Thank you all for listening to our views on such a light topic but a crucial one in the essence of it.
Also your reviews are invited on the matter as:

The Future Is Never Ending...

Thank you all...

[This was the entry for the theme based blog writing competition submitted by pool Rajputs.]


©Science and Technology Council, IIT Kanpur