A Non-Degree Student is a student who is registered for a degree in a recognized
institute or university in India or abroad, and who is officially sponsored
by that institute or university to complete part of his/her academic requirements
at I.I.T. Kanpur. For that purpose the non-degree student may carry out research
or take courses for credit or otherwise or may use other academic facilities.
However, any credits earned by a non-degree student cannot be applied for any
degree programme at I.I.T. Kanpur at any time.
A candidate will be admitted as a non-degree student on a duly sponsored application
to the Dean of Academic Affairs who will recommend admission on the advice of
DPGC and
SPGC to the chairman Senate for approval. The Strength of non-degree students
in any programme should not be more than 5% of the programme strength.
Students so admitted will be governed by all rules, regulations and discipline
of the Institute.