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Quantum Entanglement
Quantum Gravity
1+1 dimensional soliton models
3D terrain and physical processes modelling
3D terrain modelling using remote sensing
Ab-initio thermodynamics
Abiotic remediation of groundwater resources
AC and DC Microgrids
AC-DC Conversion
Academic planning
Academic planning
Acoustics and Noise Control
Active Colloids and suspensions
Adaptive Algorithms
Additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing
Advanced Cementitious Materials
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
Advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment.
Aerosol chemistry
Aerosol instrumentation
Aerosol surface composition
Aerosols and climate change
Affective Computing
Agriculture and use of Nanotechnology for enviromental impact mitigation
Air pollution mitigation
Air quality modeling
Air Quality Modelling and Management
Algebra and Number theory
Algebraic Coding Theory
Algebraic combinatorics
Algebraic complexity
Algebraic geometry
Algebraic Graph Theory
Algebraic Groups and Invariant Theory
Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry
Algebraic Topology
Algebraic Topology, Knot Theory, Differential Geometry
Alloy design
Alloys Systems
Alternate fuels, Biodiesel, Hydrogen, Natural Gas; conventional fuels and emissions (Regulated, unregulated and Particulate)
Alternative Paradigms of Psychology
Aluminum alloys
Amorphous oxide semiconductors
Amyloid Diseases, Diagnosis and Technology Development
Analog/Digital VLSI Circuits
Analysis & Design of Composite Structures
Analysis & Design of Composite Structures
Analysis and design of geostructuress like foundations, micropiles,ask dyke
Analysis using Mass Spectrometer
Analytical Method Development for Biopharmaceuticals
Animal Models
Animal Models for Human Disorders
Anthropology of Mobilities
Anti-icing surface
Antifouling surface
Antimicrobial Resistance
Application of AI techniques
Application of geochemical (including isotopic) proxies for both high and low-temperature related studies.
Application of linear algebra, optimization methods and information theory
Applied Econometrics
Applied Econometrics
Applied Econometrics
Applied Econometrics
Applied Game Theory
Applied Gas Dynamics
Applied Microeconomics, Development Economics
Applied Microeconomics
Applied Microeconomics
Applied Operations Research
Applied Probability
Applied Signal Processing
Applied Statistical analysis, remote sensing
Art Appreciation
Art Education
Art History
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power Systems
Asymmetric Synthesis
Atmospheric pressure plasma jets
Atomic Force Microscopy
Atomic Physics
Atomistic simulations
Atomization and spray
Automatic control systems
Automatic Guided Vehicle
Autonomous locomotion of soft objects
Autonomous Robotics
Autonomous Robots
Autonomous Unmanned Aerial System Design
Band gap engineering for Solar Cell Applications
Bayesian Econometrics
Bayesian Econometrics
Bayesian Statistics
Bayesian theory of Confirmation,
Behavioural Economics
Behavioural Economics
Belief Revision
Big Bata
Big Data
Big Data
Big data
Big Data Analysis
Big Data, Big Data Analysis
Bilngualism & Executive Control, and Philosophy of Mind
Bio micro electro mechanical systems
Bio-fluid Dynamics
Bio-Physical Chemistry/ Single Molecule Spectroscopy
Biodegradable and natural polymers
Biodegradable solar cells
Bioimaging and Sensing
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Biomass, CO2 conversion for energy, Organometallic Chemistry
Biomass/Coal Gasification
Biomaterials for wound dressing and osteochondral defects
Biomedical engineering
Biomedical imaging and spectroscopy
Biomedical tomographic imaging
Biomimetics of methylene diurease, glyoxlase and acireductone dioxygenase.
Biomolecular Simulation
Bioorganic Chemistry
Bioprocess engineering and Environmental biotechnology
Bird?s and Insect?s Flight
Black Holes
Bluff Body Flows
Brain Computer Interface
Brand Management
British Literature
Brownian Dynamics Simulations
Bulk Solids
Burner Design
Business Analytics
Business Analytics/Data Analysis
Business Process Management
Business Processs Reengineering
Calculus of variations
Cancer Biology
Carbon materials (Graphene, CNT and carbon fibre)
Carbon nanostuctures
Carbon nanotube
Carrier transport measurements and modeling
Casting, Welding
Causality, Scientific Theory Change
Cell signaling
Cell Therapy
Cellular Signaling
Cellular Stress Response
Center for Laser Technology
Center for Laser Technology
Central banking
Ceramic materials
Ceramics (Ultra High Temperature Ceramics and Bioceramcis)
CFD, Heat transfer
Change and Risk Management
Characterization of Multi-component Alloys.
Chemical degradation
Chemical Reaction Dynamics and Control
Chemical reaction dynamics in condensed phases
Chemical sensors
Chemistry in Education
Chemistry in education
Chromatin Remodeling
Cinema Studies
Classical and Quantum Phase Transitions
Classical and quantum simulations of clusters and condensed phases
Clay composites
Cloud Fluid Dynamics
Clouds and rainfall
Cluster analysis and Missing data analysis
CO2 sequestration
Coal Gasification
Coding Theory
Cognitive Computing
Cognitive Neuropsychology
Cognitive Radio
Cognitive Radio
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Science and Psychotherapy
Coherent Control Applications
Coherent control of light-matter interaction
Coherent Imaging
Colloidal science
Colloidal Suspensions
Colorectal Cancer
Combinatorial and Synthetic Biology
Combinatorial Topology
Combustion source signatures for source apportionment
Combustion: Gaseous and spray combustion, Gas Turbine combustion, furnace/burner combustion
Commodity Markets
Communations theory
Communication Systems,
Communication theory
Commutative Algebra
Compact Modeling
Complex Fluids
Complex fluids
Complex Fluids
Complex Manifolds
Complex systems
Compliant Mechanisms
Component based and platform based design, System level power management
Composite Materials and Structures
Composite Structures
Compressible Flow
Computational biology
Computational Biomechanics
Computational Chemistry
Computational complexity
Computational Complexity
Computational Complexity
Computational Complexity Theory
Computational Electromagnetics and Acoustics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational fluid dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Computational Fluid Mechanics
Computational Geometry
Computational Heat Transfer
computational material science
Computational Materials Discovery
Computational methods
Computational Modeling of Smart, Self-Healing Materials and Structures, Multiscale, Multiphysics Modeling in Mechanics and Materials
Computational models of human behavior
Computational Number Theory
Computational Physics Laboratory
Computational Physics Laboratory
Computer Aided Design
Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture
Computer Graphics
Computer Hardware and Architecture
Computer Science Education
Computer Science Education
Computer Tomography
Computer Vision
Computer vision
Computer Vision
Computer Vision and Image Processing
Computers for Education
Concrete materials
Concurrency analysis
Condensed Matter and Materials Applications.
Condensed Matter Experiment
Condensed Matter Experiment
Condensed matter physics using spectroscopy tools such as Raman scattering to probe the nanoscale dynamics in novel and interesting materials.
Condensed Matter Theory
Condensed Matter Theory
Condition Monitoring & Neural Networks
Constitutive modelling
Constrained Estimation
Consumer Behavior.
Contamiant fate and transport of uranium
Continuum and Discrete modelling of soil/rock
Continuum Mechanics
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics,
Control of global warming with plasmas
Control of Unmanned Vehicles
Control of Unmanned Vehicles
Controlled Drug Delivery
Controlled Drug Delivery
Controlled source seismology
Convective flow
Coordination Polymers
Cooridination of multiple actuators
Corporate Governance
Correlated Electrons and Quantum Magnetism
Corrosion and oxidation behavior of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys, Steels, magnesium alloys.
Cosmic and Astrophysical Signatures of Low Scale Gravity Models
Cosmic Anisotropy in Radio Wave Polarizations
Cosmology and Gravitation
Cost Benefit Analysis
Cost Benefit Analysis
Craft development
Credit Risk Modeling,
Cross-border Energy Cooperation.
Crystal Anisotropy
Crystal Chemistry
Crystal engineering of inorganic materials
crystal field excitations in superconductors and multiferroics.
Crystal Growth
Crystal Nucleation and Growth
Crystallographic texture
Cultural Psychology
Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies with a focus on Indian graphic narratives and hindi cinema
Culture and Politics
Cyber Physical Systems
Cyber physical systems (CPS)
Cyber physical systems, Internet of things
Cyber-Physical Systems
Dark matter
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Data Analytics
Data Analytics, Data Mining
Data depth
Data Driven Models
Data Mining
Data Mining
Data Mining
Data mining in finance and economics
Data Mining of Financial and Economic data
Data Structures
DC Micro-grid for renewable integration.
DC-AC Conversion
Decision and Control
Decision Theory
Decision Theory
Deep Neural Networks
Deep-well drilling of rock/ground and its stability
Defect chemistry in metal oxides
Defect Dynamics
Defects in Semiconductors & Characterizaton
defense and atomic energy applications
Deformation behavior of alloys
Deformation behaviour of soils
Deformation of soft materials
Deformation Processing of Materials
Deformation theory of algebraic structures
Degenerate ultra-cold atomic gases
Density Functional Theory Calculations
Design and Analysis of Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) Aerial Systems
Design and application of solar thermal energy technology for metals processing.
Design and development of photocatalysts
Design and fabrication of hierarchically patterned surfaces
Design and fabrication of local magnetic field measuring minature hall sensors.
Design and fabrication of reusable adhesives
Design anthropology
Design ethnography
Design of Air Borne Stores:Aircraft Bombs,Artillery shells,and rocket
Design of air Intake and nozzle
Design of Control Law of Guided Missiles
Design of experiments
Design of next-generation Hall-Heroult cell for aluminium smelting.
Design Theory
Design Thinking
Design, analysis, implementation of efficient algorithms
Design, modelling, fabrication and characterization of Antennas, Absorbers and Cloaking devices
Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Functional Materials for Wideband Microwave Absorbers
Develop tools to target contaminant remediation in natural as well as engineered environments
Developing cryogel biomaterials and smart polymers for application in cartilage, bone, skin and neural tissue engineering and drug delivery
Developing vehicular emission factors
Development Economics
Development Economics
Development Economics
Development of low cost highly tough construction steels.
Development of metamaterials and plasmonic surfaces for applications at infra-red to optical frequencies.
Development of new glassy compositions and mechanical behavior of bulk metallic glass.
Development of Web-BasedEducational Aids
Developmental Biology
Device Characterization
Device Physics
Diagnostic Tools: Non-contact mode
Dielectric spectroscopy
Differential Geometry
Digital Holography
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
Dipole plasmas
Disaster Mental Health
Discrete Choice Models
Discrete Choice Models
Disease Biology
Disordered Electronic Systems
Distributed control
Distributed object technology and its application in embedded systems design
Distributed/Parallel/Cluster computing
DME and Methanol Engines (Engines and Vehicle Prototype Development)
DNA Damage Response - "SOS" response
DNA Repair and Chromatin Dynamics
Dravidian Linguistics
Drug delivery
Drug Delivery Systems
Drug Development, Validation, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, Manufacturing
Drug Discovery
Durability and deterioration of concrete structures
Dynamic and inelastic behaviour of masonry, steel, RC & composite structures
Dynamic fracture mechanics
Dynamic graph algorithms
Dynamical syatems
Dynamics and Control
Dynamics and vibration
Dynamics of energy harvesting devices
Dynamics of Hyporheic Zone
Dynamics of Pesticides and Heavy Metals in Natural Systems
Dynamics, and stability and vibrations of structural and fluid-structural systems.
Earth tomography using neutrinos
Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Engineering
Earthquake Enginering and Structural Dynamics
Economic Problems and Policy
Economics of Conflict and Appropriation
EEG data analysis for medical applications
Effect of climate change on water resources
Effective Field Theory,
Effective lagrangians for strong interactions, Skyrme model
Efficiency & Productivity Analysis
Efficiency & Productivity Analysis
Efficiency and Productivity Analysis
Electric Drives
Electrical conductive properties of ceramic materials
Electrical machine design & controls
Electrical Machines
Electrical machines
Electricity Market
Electricity transmission expansion planning algorithms.
Electro-Ceramics:BaTiO3, SrTiO3, PZT, t-ZrO2
Electrocatalysis via metallic glasses
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical hydrogen generation
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical waste water treatment
Electrochemical engineering
Electrochemical instrumentaion development
Electrochemical refining of spent nuclear fuel.
Electrochemical systems
Electrochemical taste sensor
Electrode and solid electrolyte design for Lithium Ion Batteries
Electrodeposition of metallic alloys and semiconductors
Electron microscopy
Electronic Ceramics
Electronic Materials
Electronic Materials and Devices
Electronic Materials and Devices
Electronic properties of transition metal nitrides
Electronic structure calculations & strong correlations
Electronic Structure of Atoms
Electronics cooling
Electrowetting and electrokinetics of droplets
Elementary Particle Physics, strong interactions, Quantum Chromodynamics
Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equation
Elliptic Curves
Elliptic PDE's
Embedded Systems
Embedded systems design and co-design
Emotion perception
Empirical Finance
Employment Relationship
Enantioselective Catalysts
Energy Access
Energy Analytics
Energy Dissipation Devices and Base Isolation
Energy Economics
Energy Efficiency Analysis
Energy Harvesting
Energy Harvesting Transducers
Energy Materials
Energy Pricing & Tariff Design
Energy storage
energy storage applications
energy storage materials
Energy Storage.
Energy systems
Engineered landfills and lining system
English Language Teaching
Entrepreneurial Finance
Entropy Estimation
Environmental Economics
Environmental Economics
Environmental geochemistry of heavy metals and inorganic contaminants
Environmental Health
Environmental microbiology and biochemistry
Enzyme Catalysis
Epitaxial thin film growth of III-Nitride and Oxide Semiconductors
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium quantum transport
Equivariant Homotopy Theory
Ergodic theory and large deviation theory-applications
ERP Systems,
Establish intelligent drug delivery systems and develop animal models for rheumatoid arthritis.
Establishing structure-property correlations,
Ethanol production from plant biomass
Ethics - moral thinking in the Indian tradition
European Literature
Evolutionary games
Exclusive hadronic processes, Color Transparency and Nuclear Filtering
Exhaust gas after treatment (DOC, DPF, SCR and LNT)
Experimental aerodynamics
Experimental as well as theoretical studies on pi-facial selectivity in reactions caused by strategically located heteroatoms.
Experimental Characterization of Polymeric Fibres, Matrices and Composites
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Experimental Fluid Dynamics
Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Flow Control
Experimental heat transfer
Experimental Heat Transfer
Experimental investigations of large-scale structural sub-systems
Experimental solid mechanics
Experimental Stress Analysis,
Experimental Techniques in Fluid Mechanics
Experiments with cyclopropanes bearing silymethyl function. Construction of carbocyclic and heterocyclic skeletons
Exposure characterization and predicting health risks due to inhalation
Extended affine Lie algebra
Extraction of neodymium (rare earth metal).
Extractive Metallurgy
FACTS & Custom Power devices: hardware & controls
FACTS devices
Failure cause assessment
Fate and Transport of Contaminants in Surface and Subsurface Water
Fate Processes of Organic Pollutants
Fatigue life
Fatigue testing
Feminist theory and Literature
Femtosecond Lasers
Fiber and integrated optics
Fiber laser
Fiber lasers and chaos
Fiber optic Bragg gratings
Fiber-optic sensors
Field analysis
Film Studies
Financial Econometrics
Financial Econometrics
Financial Intermediaries,
Finite Difference Time Domain FDTD Technique
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis,
Finite Element Method
Finite Element Method
Finite elements for machine tools
Fire Dynamics and Suppression
Flexibile Electronics: TFTs, Memories, OLED/PLED, Displays
Flexible electronics
Flexible Electronics
Flexible Electronics
Flexible Manipulators
Flexible Multibody Dynamics
Flight Mechanics
Flow and rheology of bulk solids
Flow and transport in porous media, Scaling of hydrological processes, Hydrologic extremes
Flow and transport through porous media
Flow control
Flow control
Flow Control Hierarchical Porous Media.
Flow diagostics
Flow over topography
Flows of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids
Flows through Air Intakes of Aircrafts
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Structure Interactions
Fluid-Structure-Interaction (FSI)
FluidStructure (Flexible) Interaction
Fluorescence Mueller matrix imaging and spectroscopy,
Focused ion beams
Folk Art and Crafts
Formal methods
Formal methods
Formal Methods
Formal verification and its use in system design
Formation Control
Formation Control
Formulation of holography for flat spacetimes
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Fourier Analysis
Fracture Mechanics
Fracture of soft materials and interfaces
Free Energy Calculations
Free Surface Flows and Turbulence
Frequency Selective Surfaces
Fringe Analysis
Fuel Cell
Fuel cells
Functional Analysis
Functional Analysis.
Functional sensing materials
Furnace Combustion
Fuzzy Logic
Galerkin Methods
Game Theory
Game Theory
Gas Dynamics
Gas Turbine Combustion
Gas Turbines
Gas Turbines
Gel propellant Combustion
Gene Editing, Delivery and Therapy
Generalized Exponential Distribution
Genetic Aberrations
Genetic mechanisms of carcinogenesis in the fruit fly
Genre studies with focus on science fiction and detective fiction
Geo-environmental issues
Geographical Information System and Applications
Geological Mapping
Geometric Algorithms
Geometric Group Theory
Geometric phase based devices
Geometry of defects in solids
Geophysical data processing/enhancement
Geospatial data and sensor fusion -LiDAR & Photo
Geosynthetics based ground improverment
Geotechnical Engineering
Gettier Problem,
Global/Intercultural Communication
GPS and DIP for engineering and Natural Resource Management Problems
Graded composites
Grain Boundaries
Grainboundary Engineering
Grand Unified Theory -- Unification of Fundamental forces in nature
Granular material mechanics
Granular materials
Graph algorithms
Graphene and their hybrids
Green Chemistry
Green Communications
Ground anchors
Ground Engineering
Groundwater dynamics and modeling
Guidance of Unmanned Vehicles
Hamiltonian fluid mechanics
Hardware (RF, GSM, GPS, Solar) based Software System Development
Hardware Security
Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic analysis on Lie groups
Harmonic analysis on Lie groups.
Health Economics
Health Economics
Health Monitoring
Health Psychology
Health Psychology, Social Cognition,
Heat pipes
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
heat transfer
Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer & Thermal Design
Heavy Database Related solutions
Helicopter Design
Helicopter Dynamics and Aerodynamics
Heterogeneous Catalysts
Heterogeneous catalytic oxidaton using Zeolites as applied to cyclohexane oxidation and HMF oxidation
Heterogeneous nucleation
High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
High Energy Physics
High performance composites
High performance machining
High Performance Polymers
High pressure materials
High Speed Infrared Waveguide Photodetectors
High Speed Optical Modulators and Switching
High strain rate behavior
High Temperature endoscopy and optical diagnostics
High voltage insulation, dielectrics
High-order numerical methods for integral equations
High-order numerical methods for partial differential equations
High-Performance Computing
High-Tc Superconductivity
Higher category theory
Highway financing
Historical Linguistics
History of Art
Homogeneous Catalysis, New Catalyst development, C-H activation
Homogenization and Variational Methods for PDE's
Homogenous and Heterogenous Catalysis
Homology Modeling
human inhalation exposure and risk assessment
Human Molecular Genetics
Human perception and Action
Human rights
Humanoid Robotics
Hydorgen energy
Hydraulic control
Hydrodynamic stability
Hydrogen bonds and charge defects in associated systems.
Hydrogen Energy
Hydrogen production and activation of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide through chemical and electrochemical methods such as electrocatalysis.
Hydrogen storage in Nano-hybrids.
Hydrologic applications of Natural Isotopes
hypodermic syrunge needles
ICT in Agricultural Applications and Emergency Response
Identification of active faults in NW and NE Himalaya.
Image Analysis
Image classification
Image Processing
Image Processing
Imaging in random media
Imaging magnetic fields.
Impact Evaluation
Impact Evaluation
Impact Evaluation
In silico studies
In-situ remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil.
Indian Literature and Aesthetics
Indian literature in English
Indian Writing in English
Indian Writing in English
Industrial Economics
Inertial impactors
Inference to the Best Explanation
Information Retrieval
Information Systems
infrared and terahertz frequency sensors
Infrastructure Project Financing
Inorganic Compounds
Inorganic contaminant fate and transport in groundwater
Inorganic Rings and Polymers
Inorganic semiconductor thin-films for photovoltaics
Inorganic synthesis and bioinspired catalysis
Instabilities of thin-walled structures
Instrumentation and Sensor Technologies
Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
Integrated geophysical research
Integrated software platform for EIA of thermal power plants.
Intellectual Property Management
Intelligent Agents and their Applications
Intelligent Control
Intelligent Control Systems
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Systems
Intelligent Informatics
Interface Diffusion and Related Phase Transitions
Interfaces in solids
Internal combustion engine development (SI, CI, GDI, HCCI, PCCI, LTC)
International Trade
Internet Economics
Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT)
Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity in superconductors and spin dynamics
Inventory Management
Inventory Theory
Ion beam collisions
Ion beam created micro and nanostructures and applications
Ion beam interaction with materials
Ion Beam, Plasma and Nuclear Solid State
Ion Beam, Plasma and Nuclear Solid State
Ionic Liquids
IPMC Based Assembly
Irreversible thermodynamics of continuous media
Issues concerning democratic functioning of work organisations and alternatives to large corporations
Joining of dissimilar materials
Kaplan-Meier estimator
Knowledge Engineering
Lab on a chip
Lab on chip
Labor Economics
Labor Economics
Labour Economics
Labour Economics
Labour Economics
Labour studies and working class movement
LAMP-C based software solutions
Langauge Contact
Language Documentation and Description
Lanthanide Chemistry
Large Bore Engines (Efficiency improvement, Emission compliance, EFI and CRDI locomotive development)
Large Deformation Systems
Large scale data management
Laser Assisted Marking on Steel Sheet
Laser assisted materials processing
Laser Assisted Vision Through Fog.
Laser Cooled Cold Atoms and Nano-photonics
Laser Ignition
Laser Scanning Technology and Applications
Laser Spectroscopy
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Lattice Boltzmann models
Lattice Dynamics
Lattice Gauge Theories
Law and Economics
Learning and Development
Learning Systems
Lie Algebra and Representation Theory
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Materials and Processes
Life Writings
Light-induced Electron/Energy Transfer The photosynthetic reaction center proteins from Rhodopseudomonas viridis and Rhodobacter spheroides have been isolated in pure form and structurally characterized with X-ray crystallography
Lightweight Alloy
Lightweight alloys
Lightweight alloys
Likelihood based inference
Linear Regression Models
Linear/Nonlinear Structural Mechanics
Linguistic Typology
Liquefaction Potential Evaluation, Soil Dynamics
Liquid atomization
Liquid Crystals
Liquid-Solid/liquid interface
Literary modernism and postmodernism
Literature and Censorship
Literature and Translation
Literature of Colonial Bengal
Local search and optimization
Locality-Invariance Theorem
Localization and Mapping in Wireless Sensor Networks
localized deformation and shear band
Logic in computer science
Logic in Computer Science
Low and High Speed Aerodynamics
low cost energy options
Low-cost sensors
Luminescent materials
Machine Dynamics
Machine intelligence
Machine intelligence, Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine tool chatter and its mitigation
Machine tool design
Machine Tools
Machine Translation
Magnetic Excitations in Iron Pnictides
Magnetic field generation (Dynamo)
Magnetic Frustration in FCC Lattice Antiferromagnets
Magnetic Materials
Magnetism of Nanostructured oxide ferrite Systems
Magnetism of self assembled nanosystemCo-Pt, FePt
Magneto-structural coorelations, design of anion receptors, and bioinorganic synthetic model complexes of metalloenzyme active sites (dioxygen activation, water oxidation, hydrolysis of substrates, and metalcoordinated phenoxyl radical complexes) using tailor-made ligands, and half-sandwich organometallic molecules.
Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Managing Supply Chain Services
Manganites, Ruthenates and low dimensional systems such as semi-conducting nanowhiskers and rods
Manufacturing Automation
Manufacturing processe modelling
Manufacturing Resources Planning
Market Micro-structure and valuation
Marketing Research
Marketing Strategy
Markov chain Monte Carlo Techniques
Markov chain Monte Carlo Techniques
Material Characterization Techniques
Material Development
Material instability analysis, localized deformation and shear band
Materials Analysis and Characterization
Materials Development
Materials for Harvesting of Renewable Energy
Mathematical Biology
Mathematical Ecology and Eco-epidemiology
Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical Statistics
Measure of association and Isotonic regression
Mechanical design issues
Mechanical propertie of soft matter
Mechanics of fracture
Mechanics of Indian musical instruments
Mechanics of Nanomaterials and their Characterization using Molecular Simulations
Mechanism Design
Mechanism Design for Education
Mechanism Design for Environment
Mechanistic Investigation
Medical image processing
Medicinal Inorganic Chemstry
Membrane proteins
Membrane Proteins
Membranes for separation
Mental Health
Metal Cutting Proceses
Metal Plasticity
Metal-Insulator Transition
Metal-nucleobase interactions:
Metallic Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic Alloys
Metamaterials for variety of Microwave/RF applications
Method of Time Discretization and its Applications
Micro and nanofabrication
Micro Gas Turbines
Micro scale fluidics
Micro-mechanical testing
Micro-sensors and actuators
Micro-system design and fabrication
Micro/nano fabrication
Microbial fuel cells
Microeconomic Theory
Microelectronics (Devices and Circuits)
Microfluidic applications
Microgrids and Distributed Generation
Microprocessor/ Microcontroller Systems
MicroRNA and LncRNA
Microscale and Mesoscale Combustion
Microscopic Structure of Binary Solvent Mixtures
Microstructural Characterization
Microstructure of Cement-based Materials
Microwave & Millimeter wave circuits and techniques
Microwave Material Processing
Microwave Nondestructive Testing of Concrete and Nuclear Containment Structures
Microwave plasmas
Microwave, Mm-wave and THz Imaging
Mineral exploration and near surface studies
Mixed Convection Instability and Transition
Mobile Robotics
Modal analysis
Model category.
Modeling and Control of Power Electronics Systems
Modeling and joint inversion
Modeling Chemical Reactions
Modeling Di-heme Cytochromes
Modeling granular systems for geophysical and industrial applications.
Modelling and imaging
Modelling of interfaces
Modular forms
Modulated Machining
Mold design, heat flux measurement, powder entrapment during solidification of large round steel ingots.
Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology
Molecular Dynamics simulation of polymers
Molecular Films
Molecular Materials
Molecular Medicine
Molecular Metal hydroxides
Molecular properties of solid-liquid, membrane-liquid, liquid-liquid and liquid-vapour interfaces and hydrogen bonded nanoclusters
Molecular Simulation
Molecular Spectroscopy
Molecules and Solids using Density Functional Methods
Monetary Theory
Money and Banking
Monitoring and modeling emissions from activities in indoor microenvironments and assessing impact on Indoor Air Quality
Monitoring vehicle exposure
Monotone Operators and their Applications
Mouse Genetics
Multi microphone Speech Processing and Distant Speech Recognition
Multi-Robot Systems
Multi-Scale Modeling of Plasticity, Fracture, Creep and Fatigue - Microstructural Effect on Material Performance and Design
Multi-scale simulation methods
Multicomponent alloys
Multicomponent diffusion
Multielement focused ion beams
Multifunctional nanomaterials for drug delivery and bio-imaging applications
Multimodal signal processing
Multimodal Signal Processing and Information Fusion
Multimodal tomography
Multinuclear Transition Metal Assemblies
Multiphase DC/DC Power Conversion
Multiphase nanoparticles
Multiphase systems
Multiphoton Microscopy
Multiscale modeling and simulations
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Nanocrystalline Magnetic Materials
Nanocrystalline Materials
Nanocrystals and nanocomposites
Nanodielectrics, polymer nanocomposites, partial discharge
Nanoindentation and Nanomechanics
Nanomaterials / Micromaterials
Nanomaterials for solar hydrogen generation
Nanoparticles (Au, Ag) for Forensic applications.
Nanoparticles as Catalytic Materials
Nanoporous metallic and ceramic templates
Nanoscale Device modelling.
Nanostructured materials (Superconducting memory devices, Nanomagnetic materials)
Nanostructured materials
Nanostructured polymer/metal oxide hybrid materials
Natural Product Synthesis
Navigation of Unmanned Vehicles
Negative ions and negative ion containing plasmas
Negative refractive index, near-field imaging using negative index and plasmonic materials.
Network monitoring
Network Optimization
Network Protocols
Network Protocols
Network security
Networked control systems
Networks for embedded systems
Neural Development
Neural differentiation
Neural Modelling
Neural Networks, Weather forecasting using neural networks
Neurodegenerative disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
New Media Studies (identification, everyday use)
New Product Commercialization
New Reaction Methedology
Newer methodologies and new catalysts and their application in organic synthesis
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
Non Equilibrium Dynamics of quantum many body systems and quantum information.
Non linear Finite Element techniques
Non Linear Regression
Non-destructive testing
Non-motorized road users
Non-Newtonian flows
Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
Non-Relativistic Conformal Systems
Nonlinear attitude control
Nonlinear dynamics
Nonlinear Dynamics
Nonlinear dynamics in optical systems
Nonlinear Elasticity
Nonlinear fiber optics
Nonlinear Optics
Nonlinear optics
Nonlinear optics
Nonlinear waves
Nonparametric Inference
Novel Materials
Nuclear Reactor Physics
Nucleation and crystallisation
Nucleobase polymers:
Number Theory
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Methods For PDEs
Numerical Modeling of Thermal and Flow processes
Open Source Cloud Deployment & System Administration
Operads and related fields
Operating Systems
Operations Management
Operations Management
Operations Research
Operations Research
Operations Research
Operations Research
Operations Research
Operator Theory
Operator Theory
Optical Coherence
Optical Communication: Terabit; Free-Space
Optical communications
Optical fiber modeling
Optical Guide Structure and RFICs
Optical Metrology
Optical Metrology
Optical Micromanipulation / Optical Tweezers
Optical Networking and switching systems
Optical Switching
Optical Techniques
Optical Tweezers
Optical/ laser based Techniques
Optimal controls
Optimal power dispatch and state estimation
Optimization Algorithms
Optimization and data simulations
Optimization and Game Theory.
Optimization Theory
Optoelectronci Characterization
Optofluidic devices
Order statistics
Ordered peptide aggregates
Organic Electroncis: OLED,TFT,OPV
Organic Photochemistry (Solid and Solution State)
Organic Photovoltaic Technology
Organic semiconductors
Organic Solar Cell Devices
Organic Synthesis
Organic Synthesis and Mechanistic Organic Chemistry
Organizational Cognition, Social Representations
Organizational Development
Organizational staffing
Organometallic Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
Organometallic chemistry of metalloenzymes with special focus on the enzymes related to the environmental issues such as hydrogenase, carbon monoxide dehydrogenase.
Organometallics for organic synthesis
Oxide and transparent Semiconductors
Oxide electronics: Pyroelectrics, Ferroelectrics, Piezoelectrics.
Paleoclimatic reconstruction from sedimentary archives
Paleoseismic investigation by trenching various active faults to know the number of large magnitude paleoearthquakes, recurrence interval, slip rate, rate of horizontal shortening and vertical slip along the respective faults.
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing
Parallel Processing
Parallel Processing
Parameter Estimation
Parameter Estimation from Flight Data
Parameter estimation of non-linear time series models
Parameter Extraction/Design Kit Development
Particle accelerators
Particle Physics, High Energy Physics,
Particle size distribution
Passive thermal management
Pattern Recognition
Pavement analysis
Pavement design
Pavement evaluation and maintenance
Pavement material characterization
Pavements and Materials Engineering
Pedestrian behaviour modeling
Peer to peer networking
Peptide and protein chemistry
Peptide Design, Synthesis and Conformational Analysis
Peptide Synthesis
Perovskite based solar cells
Perovskite Solar Cell
Pervasive Computing and Communication
Phase Microscopy
Phase Transformation
Philosophical Theories of Probability
Philosophy of Language
Philosophy of Literature
Philosophy of Mind
Phosphoresent Organometallic Compounds
Photonic crystals
Photonic crystals
Photonic Integrated Devices
Photonic nanostructures
Photonic properties of nano- and micro-structured materials
Photonics and Quantum-Optics
Photonics and Quantum-Optics
Physical and chemical processes in the Earth by analyzing the chemistry of its rocks
Physical Spectroscopy
Physico-chemical processes for water and waste water treatment
Physics beyond the Standard model
Physics of nanoscale systems
Pile Foundation
Pipe Health Monitoring Robots
Plantwide Control
Plastic instability
Platinum Group Element (PGE) Exploration
Point cloud processing algorithm design
Political Economics
Political Economics
Polymer deformation and fracture
Polymer physics
Polymer Physics
Polymer processing
Polymorphism of molecular solids -- drugs
Pore sturucture analysis
Postcolonial Literature
Postcolonial Studies
Potential field methods
Powder metallurgical processing of materials with emphasis on sintering
powder metallurgy
Power /Energy Sector Reform & Regulation
Power Electronic Applications to Power Systems
Power Electronics
Power Electronics
Power Electronics
Power Management Circuits
Power Market
Power Plant, Gas Turbine and Propulsion
Power Quality
Power Quality
Power Supplies
Power supplies: low voltage ripple, source impedance modulation
Power system dynamics & stability studies
Power System Economics
Power System Planning and Operation
Power system restructuring-technical issues
Power systems
Power Systems Operation & Control
Precipitantless crystallization of macromolecules
Prenatal and Postnatal Genetic Diagnosis
Pressure sensitive adhesive
Probabilistic Machine Learning
Probability Theory
Probe Microscopes
Probing Molecular Chirality using Metallo-Bisporphyrin Hosts Supramolecular chirogenesis
Process Engineering and Design
Process Intensification
Process Optimization
Processes for Natural Resource Conservation and Regeneration
Product Design - Pharmaceuticals
Production and operations management,
Production planning and Control
Program Analysis
Program analysis
Program debugging and testing
Program Optimization
Program Synthesis
Project Management,
Properties of Nonequilibrium Fluctuations
Propulsion by Flapping Foils
Proramming Languages Design and Implementation
Prostate & Breast Cancer
Protein Aggregation
Protein crystallization
Protein Docking
Protein patterning and cell adhesion
Protein-protein interactions
Psychological Assessment
Public Economics
Pulse shaping
Quality Control
Quantile Regression
Quantile Regression
Quantitative Decision Analysis
Quantitative Finance
Quantitative Modelling
Quantitative Modelling
Quantum Chromodynamics
Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing
Quantum dot devices
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum Information
Quantum Key Distribution
Quantum Many body effects in Low dimensional quantum systems (Luttinger Liquids, 2DEG, Graphene etc..)
Quantum mechanical methods
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum optics
Quantum Optics
Quantum Optics
Quantum Optics
Quantum optics
Quantum phase transition
Quasinclusion Based Set Theory
Query optimization
Qunatum Optics
Radiation (neutron-gamma) measurements
Radiation (neutron-gamma) transport
Radiation detection
Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
Random Vibrations
Randomized algorithms
Randomized algorithms
Ranking & Selection and Related Estimation
Rarefied Gas Dynamics
Re-entry flight mechanics
Reaction Engineering
Reaction Engineering
Reaction Mechanism
Reaction mechanism generation using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
Reaction Rate Theory and Rare Event Simulations
Recent and paleotsunami study in Andaman & Nicobar Island.
Recommendation Algorithms
Recommendation Systems
Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems and Information Retrieval
Recycled material for Geo-structure
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine
Regulation of Transcription
Reinforced Earth Structure
Relaibility Theory and Survival Analysis
Relativistic bound state equations
Reliability theory
Remote sensing applications including UAV
Remote Sensing Applications, Photogrammetry
Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy interfaces for solar PV & wind: hardware & controls (MPPT, grid synchronization, current control, parallel operation)
Renewable Energy Policy & Regulation
Renewable Energy Resources Integration
Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable energy storage
Repair and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
Representation theory of Kac-Moody algebra
Research Methods)
Restructuring and Change in Indian Industry
Retaining structures
Reverse Engineering
RF Circuits
RF Energy Harvesting
RF Filters and Frequency Selective Surface based Structures
RF Sensors for Industrial, Biological and Humanitarian Technology Applications
RFID Tag Chip Design
Risk Assesment
Risk Management and Insurance
River Science - river morphology, river dynamics and floods
River Water Chemistry
RNA recognition
Robot Motion Planning
Robust detection
Rock Mechanics
Rock Mechanics
Rock Physics
Rocket and Gas turbine Propulsion
Rotorcraft Aerodynamics
Ru-catalysed coupling reactions.
Sampling Theory
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
Scientific Computing, CFD and Numerical Methods
Scramjet Combustion
SCRAMJET Combustion
Second language acquisition
Security analysis and control
Sediment transport
Sediment transport
Seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of bridge and building structures
Seismic qualification of equipments and structural systems
Seismic site specific hazard studies & earthquake damage surveys
Self-stabilization and fault-tolerant distributed systems
Self-sustained oscillators
Semiconductor Device Design and Fabrication
Semiconductor Device Modeling
Semiconductor Device Physics and Modeling
Semiconductor devices
Semiconductor Devices
Semiconductor Devices
Semiconductor Physics
Sensing mechanisms
Sensor Array and Multi channel Signal processing
Sensors and Actuators
Sequential detection of a change in distribution
Services Marketing
Set-valued Analysis (Mathematical Analysis involving Multifunction, Set Convergence and Hyperspace Topologies and applications to Convex Analysis and Geometry of Banach Spaces).
Shape Optimization
Shell structures
Short Fibre Composites
Side blowing reactors: reactive and non reactive gas injection.
Signal Processing
Signal processing
Signal Processing
Signal processing and systems
Silicon based micro and nanofabrication
Simulation Modeling
Simulations at the Nanoscale & bulk using Finite Element Method.
Single Molecule Magnets
siRNA design and Delivery
Size dependent properties of nanomaterials
Slurry Pipelines
Small industry and small firm clusters
Small-scale modeling and shake table testing
Smart Composite Structures
Smart Grid
Smart grid
Smart Grid
Smart Grid Communications
Social Choice
Social demography, rural development, social statistics and health.
Social geography
Social Media
Social Movements
Social movements and sectarianism
Social Neuroscience
Sociology of Development
Sociology of law
Sociology of religion
Sociology of Science and Technology
Sociology of work
Soft lithography in two and three dimensions
Soft Matter and Complex fluids
Soft Matter Physics
Soft Matter Physics
Soft optical lenses
Software Architecture
Software engineering for embedded aystems
Soil Arching and Retaining Walls
Soil dynamics
Soil Structure Interaction
Solar energy harvesting and storage
Solar Photovoltaics
Solar PV Inverters
Solid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Solid state lighting
Solid state phase transitions under extreme conditions
Solid waste management
Solid-liquid Phase Transformations (Solid liquid interfacial energy, preferential growth direction for primary dendrites, Pseudo-isokinetic approach for determining kinetics of phase transformations.
Solid-Solid Phase transformation
Solidification processing
Solidification Processing,
Source apportionment
Space charge diagnostics
Spatial Audio for Virtual and Augmented Reality
Spatial Theories
Special alloys for space
Special Functions
Special functions associated with root systems
Specific problems include dynamics of granular minor planets, and segregation in granular mixtures
Spectroscopic techniques in nanoscience
Speech Signal Processing and Recognition of Indian Languages
Spin-Charge-Orbital Ordering in Manganites
Spintronics: electronic and transport properties of spin-orbit coupled electron/hole systems
Sports Aerodynamics
Spray Atomization and Combustion
Stability of soft materials
Stability of thin coatings
Stabilization of ligand cation-radical complexes of deprotonated pyridine/pyrazine amide ligands
Stabilization of ligands, stabilization of high-valent iron, manganese, and nickel complexes
Statistical and AI modelling
Statistical and Biological Physics
Statistical Computing
Statistical hydrology
Statistical Inference and Optimization
Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Statistical modelling
Statistical Pattern Recognition
Statistical Signal Processing
Statistical signal processing
Steel Refining and Casting
Stem cell research
Stochastic Hydrology
Stochastic processes
Stochastic, Reliability-Based and Robust Optimization of Structures
Strategic Asset Management
Strategic Asset Management
Stress analysis
Stress analysis
String Theory
String Theory
String Theory
String Theory, Quantum Gravity, Black Holes, Quantum Entanglement
Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled Transition Metal Systems: Iridates and Osmates
Structural Biology
Structural Dynamics
Structural Dynamics
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
Structural Engineering: Strucural Mechanics, Behaviour and Design of structures, Structural Connections, Structures Health Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Structures.
Structural Health Monitoring
Structural Health Monitoring
Structural Identification and Health Monitoring
Structure and dynamics of macromolecular solutions
Structure and dynamics of molecular solutions in bulk and confined systems
Structure and dynamics of supercooled and supercritical liquids
Structure of Hamiltonian Systems
Structure Property Correlations
Structure property correlations in materials
Structure-Property Correlations
Study of Interfaces
Study of localized plasmons of metallic and metal-based nanoparticles and nanostructures
Subduction tectonics
super capacitors
Super-repellant surface
Superconducting Fault current limiters.
Superconductivity and magnetism
Superconductors (Computational)
Superhard high entropy alloys
Superhydrophobic surface
Superhydrophobicity and Superoleophobicity
Superresolution Microscopy and sectioning
Supersonic Flows: nozzles, intake
Supersymmetry, Supergravity
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
Supported Catalysts
Supramolecular Chemistry
Surface Engineering
Surface engineering for drag & friction reduction
Surface Hydrology
Surface Science
Survival Analysis
Sustainable Construction Materials
Sustainable Manufacturing
Sustainable Processes and Products
Swimming and Flying
SWIR and MWIR Photodiode Arrays
Symplectic Algorithms
Synchronization of chaotic systems
Synchrophasor technology & its applications
Synthesis of biologically active materials, both natural and unnatural.
Synthesis, molecular structural (X-ray crystallography), and electronic structural (magnetic, spectroscopic, and DFT calculations) characterization, and investigation of reactivity (chemical and redox).
Synthetic Antibodies and Designer Proteins
Synthetic coordination chemistry of transition metal ions and ligand design
Synthetic Organic Chemistry
System Identification and Parameter Estimation
System level design languages and frameworks,
System Solution Provider
Systems engineering and simulation
Talent Management
Targeted Therapeutics
Technology Development
Technology for drilling cooling holes in inconel for turbine blades.
Technology Management
Technology Marketing
Tectonic studies
Telecom signalling
Telecommunication networks
Telecommunication switching systems
Test data statistics
The 'Law Of Nondiminishing Symmetry
The Anthropocene
Their precise mapping and recognition of related active geomorphic features using remote sensing and ground penetrating radar to understand their dynamics and kinematics.
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Theoretical and computational studies of clusters, liquids, interfaces and supercritical fluids using classical and quantum methods.
Theoretical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics
Theoretical Fluid Mechanics: Scientific Computing
Theories of Gravity
Theory of Stochastic Orders and Ageing;
Theory of Semigroups and their Applications
Therapeutic Targets
Thermal barrier coating materials
Thermal energy storage
Thermal Management
Thermal management
thermal management of portable energy sources
Thermal spray coating
Thermo-mechanical Processing
Thermoacoustics/Thermohydrodynamic instablities
Thermodynamics of glass formation and kinetic analysis for the devitrification of glass
Thermomechanical Processing
Thin film coatings
Thin film deposition and characterization
Thin film Transistors,Solar Cells,LEDs,Sensors
Thin Films
Thin films physics, Chemical Vapor Deposition, electron beam assisted deposition
Time Delay
Tissue Engineering
Tissue engineering
Titanium alloys
To built up long term data base of large paleoseismic event.
To work out the SHA on the basis of above information.
Toeplitz Operator Theory
Tomographic imaging
Topological systems in condensed matter
Topology Design
Total synthesis of biologically active natural products.
Traffic Engineering
Traffic engineering
Traffic Flow Theory
Traffic Modeling
Traffic safety
Transit Systems and Vehicle Routing
Transition & Turbulence
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Transport and reactions
Transport economics
Transport properties of low dimensional hybrid structures (topological insulators, superconducting Josephson junctions etc).
Transport System Evaluation and Management
Trauma & Specific Stressors related issues
Travel Demand
Turbomachinery Flows & Flow Control
Turbomachinery, Unsteady Flow and Blade Cooling
Turbulence Modeling (RANS, LES, DNS)
Turbulent Combustion
Turbulent rotating fluids
Turbulent shear flows
Two-phase Flow and Non destructive Testing.
Ultra-High-Vacuum Techniques
Ultra-Thin Films
Ultrafast Dynamics and Photochemistry
Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics
Unconventional Machining
Understanding and controlling intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution - the primordial step in a chemical reaction.
Understanding globalisation, especially from the point of view of small industry, labour and the third world
Unfolding Mystery of Multi-Heme Cytochromes Multiheme cytochromes
Universal data compression with applications
Unsteady Aerodynamics
Unsteady Aerodynamics
Unsteady Aerodynamics including Parachute Aerodynamics
Unsteady Aerodynamics
Urban science
Urban sociology
Use of technologies to improve mobility
User Centred Design
User Experience
User Experience Design
Vaccine Delivery
Vacuum technology
Various problems of mechanics including contact mechanics and adhesion
Vibration Control (Active and Passive)
Vibration screeing
Video signal processing
Virtual machining
Viscoelasticity of Biopolymers / cell membranes
Vision and Language
Visual Communication
Visual Culture
Visual Design
Visual Perception
Visual Servoing
Visual Word Recognition in Hindi/Indian Languages
VLSI Circuit Design
VLSI Design
VLSI Testing
VLSI Testing
VoIP systems
Vortex dynamics
Vortex Dynamics
Waste water treatment using solar stills
Water and Wastewater Treatment, Modelling and Simulation of Environmental Systems, EIA & EA.
Water Pirification
Water treatment
Water treatment
Wave interaction with plasma in multicusp magnetic fields
Wave Scattering
We work on both theory and experiments.
Wear and Tribology
Web 2.0
Wetting and tunable wettability
Wide band gap semiconductors-GaN, Organic electronic devices, Giant magneto-resistance in multilayer metallic films
Wind Engineering
Wind Engineering and Aerodynamics
Wind Turbines
Wireless communications
Wireless Communications
Wireless Communications
Wireless sensor networks
Wireless systems
Workings of the Holographic Principle in terms of the gauge/gravity duality
Zero-shot Classification
Astroparticle Physics
Astrophysical signatures of axions and other light pseudoscalars
Atomic and Molecular Physics
Automotive Systems
Brittle Fracture
Climate Fiction
Computational Geometry
Development Economics
Difference equations
Distributed Systems
Earthquake Engineering
Enhancing steel mill process performance through integration of theory with practice.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Equivariant cohomology with local coefficients
Facial Analysis
Film Studies
Flow instability and transition
Gandhian Studies
Geometric Modelling
Graph Theory.
Information Geometry
Information Systems.
Inorganic-Cored Star Bursts
Lanthanide-doped nanodevices
Lateralization of Cognitive Functions
Light cone field Theories
long-period gratings
Modeling isotopic evolution (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb-He, and K-Ar systems) of the Earth
Modelling Pseudo-plastics and dilatant fluid
Multimedia Wireless Communications.
Multivariate quantiles and rank
Networked embedded systems
Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
NHC Based Multi-site Coordinating Ligands
Orbital guidance
Partially coherent and partially polarized electromagnetic radiation
PHY and cross-layer algorithms for 4G/5G wireless systems.
Plasmonics and metamaterials
Porous Media
Postmodern Science Fiction
Product Design
Reliability and Safety Assessment of Structures, Passive Devices for Seismic Vibration Control, Damage Detection and Health monitoring of Structures
Rural Economics
Smart Materials
Sociology of education
Solid Mechanics
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of graphene & siblings,
Superior gas injection technique for large scale dissolution of nitrogen during production of high nitrogen stainless steel.
Temporal Logics and Verification
Theory of electron scattering and electron diffraction
Turbulent, multi phase flow modeling in industrial steel processing units such as ladles, shrouds and tundishes.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays
Utility Interfaces for Renewable Generation
Visual Culture
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