Goutam Deo : Publications |
Publication Specifications and Details
Some data from ISI Web of Knowledge(as of 12-09-2022):
Records found: 119 (includes some conference proceedings)
Sum of times cited: 6050
Sum of times cited without self-citation: 5727
Citing articles: 4379
Citing articles without self-citations: 4299
Average citations per item: 50.84 (46.93)
H-index: 43
Journal Publications
"Cooperative freezing of the L12 ordered domains at the critical cooling temperature of Ni3Fe alloy", Accepted, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiments, (2022), A. Mangla, G. Deo and P. Apte
"Role of metal-support interaction on the catalytic performance of Ni-Al2O3 catalysts for the dry and oxidative-dry reforming of methane", Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 646 (2022), 128973, P. Chaudhary and G. Deo
"Microkinetic and sensitivity analysis of oxidative dry reforming of methane on Ni-Co catalyst using a reaction mechanism based on Ni", Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (2021), 2104-2113, A.S. Russel, P. Chaudhary, P. Jain and G. Deo
"Oxidative dry reforming of methane over a nickel-alumina catalyst for carbon free operation", Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 133 (2021) 779-800, P. Chaudhary and G. Deo
"Activity and stability descriptors of Ni based alloy catalysts for dry reforming of methane: A DFT study", Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 221 (8) (2021), e26580 (1-7), K. Ray, A.S. Sandupatla and G. Deo
"Kinetics of steam reforming of methane on Rh-Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst", Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 130 (2020) 91-101, S. Katheria, D. Kunzru and G. Deo
"Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane over alumina supported vanadia catalyst - Effect of carbon dioxide and secondary surface metal oxide additive", Catalysis Today, 354 (2020) 176-182, A. S. Sandupatla, K. Ray, P. Thaosen, S. Chalumuri and G. Deo
"Effect of O2 and temperature on the catalytic performance of Ni/Al2O3 and Ni/MgAl2O4 for the dry reforming of methane (DRM)", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (7) (2020), 4490-4500, P.K. Chaudhary, N. Koshta and G. Deo
"Optimizing CO2 Methanation over CoFe Bimetallic Catalyst: An Experimental and Density Functional Theory Study", Applied Surface Science, 485 (15) (2019), 441-449, A. Sandupatla, A. Banerjee and G. Deo
Preface, Catalysis Today, 325 (2019), 1-1, B.M. Reddy and G. Deo
"DFT investigation into the experimentally observed influence of oxide support in the ODH of propane over supported vanadia catalysts", Catalysis Today, 325 (2019), 18-24, A.S. Sandupatla, S.C. Nayak, S. Chalumuri and G. Deo
"In situ DRIFT Studies of Alkane Adsorption on Vanadia Supported Titania-doped Catalysts", Catalysis Today, 325 (2019), 25-32, D. Shee and G. Deo
"Promotional effect of Rh over Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for steam reforming of methane", Applied Catalysis A: General, 570 (2019), 308-318, S. Katheria, D. Kunzru and G. Deo
"NiFe local ordering in segregated Ni3Fe alloys: A simulation study using Angular Dependent Potential", Computational Material Science, 153 (2018), 449-460, A. Mangla, G. Deo and P. Apte
"Understanding of the catalytic activity trend by Al2O3 supported Ni and low-cost Ni based alloy catalysts: development of descriptors", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20 (23) (2018), 15939-15950, K. Ray, R. Bhardwaj, B. Singh and G. Deo
“Characterization and Reactivity of Sol-Gel Synthesized TiO2-SiO2 Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts, Accepted at Journal of Molecular Catalysis (2018), D. Shee, B. Mitra, KVR Chary and G. Deo
“A single-step process to convert Karanja oil to FAME using Amberlyst15 as a catalyst, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly 32 (2018) 1-10, A.K. Gupta and G. Deo
“Promotion of Unsupported Nickel Catalyst using Iron for CO2 Hydrogenation Reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 4987-5000, D. Pandey, K. Ray, R. Bharadwaj, S. Bojja, K.V.R. Chary and G. Deo
“Leaching of the active component of the alumina supported sodium catalysts during the transesterification of soybean oil, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 24 (2017) 479-487, A.K. Gupta, S. Garg and G. Deo
“Pt-CeO2 nanoporous spheres an excellent catalyst for partial oxidation of methane: Effect of bimodal pore structure, Catalysis Science and Technology, 7 (2017) 4720-4735, R.K Singha, A. Shukla, Y. Yadav, T. Sasaki, A. Sandupatla, G. Deo, R. Bal
“Synthesis and catalytic activity of Pd doped Ni-MgO catalyst for dry reforming of methane, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5 (2017) 1568815699, R.K Singha, A. Shukla, A. Sandupatla, G. Deo, R. Bal
“A potential descriptor for the CO2 hydrogenation to CH4 over Al2O3 supported Ni and Ni-based alloy catalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 218 (2017) 525537, K. Ray and G. Deo
“Effect of Pt doping on activity and stability of Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for steam reforming of methane at high pressure condition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 18968-18976, V.K. Jaiswar, S. Katheria, G. Deo and D. Kunzru
“Washcoating of Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst on FeCralloy monoliths and its application for the steam reforming of methane, Energy& Fuels, 31 (2017) 3143-3153, S. Katheria, G. Deo and D. Kunzru
“Comparison of Al2O3 supported Ni-Co and Ni-Fe alloy catalysts for dry reforming and cracking of methane, Fuel Process Technology, 156 (2017) 195203, K. Ray, S. Sengupta and G. Deo
“Preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide on Pt/g-Al2O3 catalyst: Effect of adding ceria and nickel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 18494-18501, Jitendra Kumar, G. Deo and D. Kunzru-
“Effect of calcination temperature on stability and activity of Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for steam reforming of methane at high pressure condition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2017) 14123-14132, S. Katheria, A. Gupta, G. Deo and D. Kunzru
“Biodiesel production from a free fatty acid containing Karanja oil by a single-step heterogeneously catalyzed process”, International Journal of Green Energy, 13, 5 (2016) 489-496, A.K. Gupta, M. Kiro and G. Deo
“Effect of support on the catalytic activity of supported Ni-Fe catalysts for the CO2 methanation reaction”, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 33 (2016) 99-107, D. Pandey and G. Deo
“Determining the best composition of a Ni-Fe/Al2O3 catalyst used for the CO2 hydrogenation reaction by applying response surface methodology”, Chemical Engineering Communications, 203 (2016) 372-380, D. Pandey and G. Deo
“Corrosion behavior of IF steel in various media and its comparison with mild steel”, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 24(5) (2015), 1961-1974, G.P. Singh, A.P. Moon, S.Sengupta, G. Deo, S. Sangal and K. Mondal
“Modifying alumina with CaO or MgO in supported Ni and Ni-Co catalysts and its effect on dry reforming of CH4”, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 10 (2015), 67-77, S. Sengupta and G. Deo
“TiO2/SiO2 Supported Vanadia Catalysts for the ODH of Propane”, Catalysis Today, 254 (2015) 62-71, S. Chakraborty, S.C. Nayak and G. Deo
“The effects of modifying the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst with cobalt on the catalytic reforming of CH4 with CO2 and cracking of CH4 reactions”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (2014), 11462-11472, S. Sengupta, K. Ray and G. Deo.
“Promotional Effects in Alumina and Silica Supported Bimetallic Ni-Fe Catalysts during CO2 Hydrogenation”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 382 (2014), 23-30, D. Pandey and G. Deo.
“Corrosion behavior of Mg-2.4Zn alloy micro-alloyed with Ag and Ca”, Corrosion Science, 78 (2014), 172-182, M. Mandal, A.P. Moon, G. Deo, C. Mendes, K. Hono and K. Mondal
“Effect of calcination temperature during the synthesis of alumina supported cobalt catalyst”, T. Das, S. Sengupta and G. Deo, Reaction Kinetics, Mechanism and Catalysis, 110 (2013), 147-162.
“Effects of metal loading and support for supported cobalt catalyst”, Catalysis Today, 198 (2012) 116-124, T. Das and G. Deo.
“Promotion of Alumina Supported Cobalt Catalysts by Iron”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 ,
20812-20819, T. Das and G. Deo.
“Synthesis, Characterization and In-Situ DRIFTS during the CO2 hydrogenation reaction over Supported Cobalt catalysts”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, 350 (2011), 75, T. Das and G. Deo.
“Characterization and Reactivity of Sol-Gel Synthesized TiO2-Al2O3 Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis, 273, 221-228 (2010), D. Shee, A.M. Hirt and G. Deo.
“The Promotion of Vanadia-Alumina and Vanadia-Titania Catalysts by Surface Molybdenum Oxide for the Propane ODH Reaction”, Catalysis Letters, 136 (3), 271 (2010), S.C. Nayak, D. Shee and G. Deo.
“Phase transition and crossover behavior of colloidal fluids under confinement”, Chemical Physics Letters, 494 (2010) 184,
S.K. Singh, J.K. Singh, S.K. Kwak and G. Deo.
“Vapor-liquid phase coexistence, critical properties,
and surface tension of confined alkanes”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (2009), 7170-7180,
S.K. Singh, A. Sinha, G. Deo and J.K. Singh.
“Adsorption and ODH reaction of alkane on sol–gel
synthesized TiO2–WO3 supported
vanadium oxide catalysts: In situ DRIFT and
structure–reactivity study”, Journal of Molecular
Catalysis A: Chemical, 308 (2009), 46-55, D. Shee and G.
“Obtaining the best composition of
supported V2O5-MoO3/TiO2 catalyst for propane ODH reaction”, Journal of Catalysis, 258 (2008) 324-333, T.V.M. Rao, E. Vico-Ruiz, M. A. Bañares and G. Deo.
- “Operando Raman-GC study on the
structure-activity relationships in V5+/CeO2 catalyst for ethane
oxidative dehydrogenation: The formation of CeVO4”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112 (2008) 11441 11447, M.V. Martínez-Huerta, G. Deo, J.L.G. Fierro, M. Bañares.
“Characterization and Reactivity of
TiO2/SiO2 Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts”, Catalysis Letters, 124 (3-4) (2008) 340-351,
D. Shee and G. Deo.
- “Changes in Ceria-Supported Vanadium
Oxide Catalysts during the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane and
Temperature-Programmed Treatments”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111 (2007) 18708, M.V. Martinez-Huerta, G. Deo, I.E. Wachs, J.L.G. Fierro, M. Banares.
- “Analysis of the Kinetic Parameters for
the Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation Reaction over Supported V2O5/Al2O3
and MoO3/Al2O3 catalysts”, AIChE Journal, 53(5) (2007) 1538, T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo.
- “Steady State Kinetic Parameters of
bulk V2O5 for Ethane and Propane Oxidation Reactions”, Catalysis Communications, 8 (2007) 957, T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo.
- “Ethane and Propane Oxidation Over
Supported V2O5/TiO2 Catalysts: Analysis of Kinetic Parameters”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 46 (2007) 70, T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo.
- “Kinetic Parameter Estimation for
Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts for Propane ODH Reaction: Understanding the effect of loading and support”, Catalysis Today, 118 (2006) 288, D. Shee, T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo.
- “The Effect of Chromium, Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxide Modifiers on V2O5/Al2O3 Catalyst: Methanol Oxidation and Propane ODH
”, B. Mitra, I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, , Journal of Catalysis, 240 (2006) 151.
- “Kinetic Parameter Estimation For A
Multi-response Non-Linear Reaction Model” K. Routray and G. Deo, AIChE Journal, 51 (2005) 1733.
- “Effect of Phosphorous Modifier on
V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst: ODH of Propane” R.P.Singh, M. Banares and G. Deo,
Journal of Catalysis, 233 (2005) 388.
- “Nature of the Vanadia-Ceria Interface
in V+5/CeO2 Catalysts and its Relevance for the Solid-State Reaction
Towards CeVO4 and catalytic properties” M.V. Martinez-Huerta, J.M. Coronado, M. Fernandez-Garcia, A. Iglesias-Juez, G. Deo, J.L.G. Fierro and M.A. Banares, Journal of Catalysis, 225 (2004) 240.
- “In Situ UV-vis-NIR Diffuse Reflectance
and Raman Spectroscopy and Catalytic Activity Studies of Propane ODH over
supported CrO3/ZrO2 Catalysts” T.V.M. Rao, J.-M. Jehng, I.E. Wachs and G. Deo, Langmuir, 20 (2004) 7159.
- “Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane
on V2O5/Al2O3 and V2O5/TiO2 catalysts: Understanding the Effect of
Support by Parameter Estimation”K.K. Routray, K.R.S.K. Reddy and G. Deo, Applied Catalysis A:General, 265 (2004) 103.
- “Propane Dehydrogenation over Alumina
Supported Chromia Catalysts” S. Thapliyal and G. Deo, Bull. Catal. Soc. India, 2 (2003) 29.
- “Niobium Oxide as Support Material for
the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane”, M. Cherian, M.S. Rao and G.
Deo, Catal. Today, 78 (2003) 397.
- “Effect of Modifiers on the Reactivity
of Cr2O3/Al2O3 and Cr2O3/TiO2 Catalysts for the ODH of Propane”, M.
Cherian, R. Gupta, M.S. Rao and G. Deo, Catal. Letters, 86 (2003) 179.
- “Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane over Supported Chromia Catalysts: Influence of Oxide Supports and Chromia Loading”, M. Cherian, M.S. Rao, A.M. Hirt, I.E. Wachs and G. Deo, Journal of Catalysis, 211 (2002) 482
- “Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane
over Cr2O3/Al2O3 and Cr2O3 catalysts: Effect of Loading, Precursor and
Surface area”, M. Cherian, M.S. Rao, W-T. Yang, J-M. Jehng, A.M. Hirt and G. Deo, Applied Catalysis A:General, 233 (2002) 21.
- “Influence of the Fuel Used in the
Microwave Synthesis of Cr2O3”, M. Cherian, M.S. Rao, S. Manoharan and G.
Deo, Topics in Catalysis, 18 (3/4) (2002) 225.
- "Characterization of the Surface
Rhenium Oxide Species on TiO2 and Al2O3: Effect of Loading and
Additives", B.Mitra, X. Gao, A. Hirt, I. E. Wachs, and G. Deo, Phys.
Chem. Phys. Chem., 3, 1144 (2001).
- "In situ IR, Raman, and UV-Vis DRS
Spectroscopy of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts During Methanol
Oxidation", L. Burcham, G. Deo, X. Gao, and I.E. Wachs, Topics in Catal.,
11/12, 85 (2000).
- "The Oxygen Isotopic Exchange Reaction
on Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", C. Doornkamp, M. Clements, X. Gao, G. Deo,
I.E. Wachs, V. Ponec, Journal of Catalysis, 185, 415 (1999).
- "Interaction of Polycrystalline Silver
with Oxygen, Water, Carbon Dioxide, Ethylene, and Methanol: In Situ
Raman and Catalytic Studies", J. Phys. Chem. B, 103 (1999) 5645 C-B. Wang, G. Deo and I.E. Wachs.
- “Characterization of Vanadia Sites in
V-Silicalite, Vanadia-Silica Cogel, and Silica-Supported Vanadia
Catalysts: X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy, Solid-State 51V
NMR, Temperature-Programmed Reduction, and Methanol Oxidation Studies”,
Journal of Catalysis, 178 (1998) 640 C-B. Wang, G. Deo and I.E. Wachs.
- “Fundamental Studies of Butane
Oxidation Over Model Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Molecular
Structure-Reactivity Relationships”, Journal of Catalysis, 170 (1997) 75 I.E. Wachs, J-M. Jehng, G. Deo, B.M. Weckhuysen, V.V. Guliants and J. Benziger and S. Sundaresan.
- “Characterization by In Situ Electrical Conductivity Measurements of V2O5/TiO2”, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 93 (1997) 1655, J.-M. Herrmann, J. Disdier, G. Deo and I.E. Wachs.
- “In Situ Raman Spectroscopy Studies of
Bulk and Surface Metal Oxide Phases During Oxidation Reaction”, Catal.
Today 47 (1996) 32, I.E. Wachs, J-M. Jehng, G. Deo, B.M. Weckhuysen,
V.V. Guliants, and J. Benziger.
- “The Effect of Water Vapor on the
Molecular Structure of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts at Elevated
Temperatures”, J. Mol. Catal. A.: Chemical, 110 (1996) 41, J-M. Jehng, G. Deo , B. Weckhuysen, I.E. Wachs.
- “Reactivity of V2O5 Catalysts for the
SCR of NO by NH3: Influence of loading, H2O and SO2”, Journal of
Catalysis, 161 (1996) 247, M.D. Amiridis, I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, J.M. Jehng
and D.S. Kim.
- “Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO
with NH3 over Supported Vanadia Catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis, 161 (1996) 211, I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, A. Andreini, M.A. Vuurman, M. de Boer and M. Amiridis.
- “Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Ammonia on Vanadia-Alumina Catalysts: Influence of Vanadia Loading and Secondary Metal Oxide Additives”, J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 92 (1996) 3267, A. Andreini, M. de Boer, M.A. Vuurman, G. Deo and I.E. Wachs.
- “A Combined Raman and Infrared Study of
MOx/V2O5/Al2O3 (MOx = MoO3, WO3, NiO, CoO) Catalysts Under Dehydrated
Conditions”, Journal of the Chemical Society Faraday Transactions, 92 (1996) 3259, M.A. Vuurman, D.J. Stufkens, A. Oskam, G.Deo and I.E. Wachs.
- “The Selective Catalytic Reduction of
NOx with NH3 over Titania Supported Rhenium Oxide Catalysts: A Model SCR
System”, Journal of Catalysis, 160 (1996) 322, I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, A. Andreini, M.A. Vuurman and M. de Boer.
- “Surface Aspects of Bismuth-Metal Oxide
Catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis, 159 (1996) 1, N. Arora, G. Deo, I.E. Wachs and A.M. Hirt.
- “Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane
Over Niobia Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts”, Catalysis Today, 28 (1996) 139, T.C. Watling, G. Deo, K. Seshan, I.E. Wachs and J.A. Lercher.
- “Redox Properties of Niobium Oxide
Catalysts” Catalysis Today, 28 (1996) 199, I.E. Wachs, J.-M. Jehng, G. Deo, H. Hu and N. Arora.
- “Vanadium Oxide Monolayer Catalysts”,
Critical Reviews in Surface Chemistry 4 (1994) 141, G. Deo, I. E. Wachs and J. Haber.
- “Effect of Additives on the Structure
and Reactivity of the Surface Vanadium Oxide Phase in V2O5 /TiO2
Catalysts”, Journal of Catalysis, 146 (1994) 335, G. Deo and I. E. Wachs.
- “Reactivity of Supported Vanadium Oxide
Catalysts: The Partial Oxidation of Methanol”, Journal of Catalysis, 146 (1994) 323, G. Deo and I. E. Wachs.
- “Characterization of
Titania-Silicalites”, Zeolites, 13 (1993) 365, G. Deo, A. M. Turek, I. E. Wachs, D. R. C. Huybrechts and P. Jacobs.
- “Molecular Design of Supported Metal
Oxide Catalysts: An Initial Step to Theoretical Models”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 83 (1993) 443, I. E. Wachs, G. Deo, D. S. Kim, M. A. Vuurman and H. Hu.
- “Physical and Chemical Characterization
of Surface Vanadium Oxide Supported On Titania: Influence of the Titania
Phase (Anatase, Rutile, Brookite, and B)”, Applied Catalysis A, 91 (1992) 27, G. Deo, A. M. Turek, I. E. Wachs, T. Machej, J. Haber, N. Das, H. Eckert and A. M. Hirt.
- “Predicting the Molecular Structures of
Surface Metal Oxide Species on Oxide Supports Under Ambient Conditions”,
Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95 (1991) 5889, G. Deo and I. E. Wachs.
- “The Formation of Titanium Oxide
Monolayer Coatings on Silica Surfaces”, Journal of Catalysis, 131 (1991) 260, S. Srinivasan, A. K. Datye, M. Hampden-Smith, I. E. Wachs, G. Deo, J. M. Jehng, A. M. Turek and C. H. F. Peden.
- “Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI)
for Surface Redox Sites”, Journal of Catalysis, 129 (1991) 307, G. Deo and I. E. Wachs.
- “Solid State 51V NMR Structural Studies
of Vanadium(V) Oxide Catalysts Supported on TiO2 (Anatase) and TiO2 (Rutile).
The Influence of Surface Impurities on the Vanadium(V) Coordination”,
Colloids and Surfaces, 45 (1990) 347, H. Eckert, G. Deo, I. E. Wachs and A. M. Hirt.
- "Flue gas treatment via dry reforming of methane", Catalysis for Clean Energy and Environmental Sustainability, S. Gupta, R. Singh and G. Deo
- “Oxidative Dehydrogenation (ODH) of Alkanes over Metal Oxide Catalysts” G. Deo, M. Cherian and T.V.M. Rao, in Metal Oxides: Chemistry and Applications, J.G.L. Fierro Ed., (2006).
- “Methanol Oxidation Over Supported
Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: New Fundamental Insights About Oxidation
Reactions Over Metal Oxide Catalysts from Transient and Steady State
Kinetics”, I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, M. Juskelis, and B.M. Weckhuysen, 3rd
World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, 1997.
- “Fundamental Studies of the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx by NH3 over Supported Vanadia Catalysts”, in Environmental Catalysis (G. Centi et al., Eds.), SCI Pub., Rome, 1995, 207, G. Deo, J.-M. Jehng, D.S. Kim, I.E. Wachs, M.A. Vuurman and A. Andreini.
- “The Activity and Selectivity Properties of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts during Oxidation
Reactions” in Heterogeneous Hydrocarbon Oxidation, Oyama and Warren,
Eds., New Orleans, 1996, ACS Symp. Series, 638, 292 (1996), I.E. Wachs,
G. Deo, J.-M. Jehng, D.S. Kim, H. Hu.
- “Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI)
for the Molecular Design of Supported Metal Oxide Selective Oxidation
Catalysts”, in Catalytic Selective Oxidation, S. Ted Oyama and Joe W.
Hightower, Eds., ACS Symposium Series, 523, 31 (1993), G. Deo and I. E.
- “Molecular Structure-Reactivity
Relationships of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts”, in
Structure-Activity and Selectivity Relationships in Heterogeneous
Catalysis, R. K. Grasselli and A. W. Sleight Eds., Studies in Surface
Science and Catalysis, 67, 13 (1991), G. Deo and I. E. Wachs
- “Raman Spectroscopy of Vanadium Oxide
Supported on Alumina”, in Novel Materials in Heterogeneous Catalysis, R.
T. K. Baker and L. L. Murrell Eds. , ACS Symposium Series 437, 317
(1990), G. Deo, F. D. Hardcastle, M. Richards, A. M. Hirt, and I. E.
Papers published in Conference Proceedings
- T. Ragamaye, G. Deo and V. Agarwal, "DFT study of CO2 activation on Cu(111) - Role of water and adatoms", CHEMCON, Bhubaneswar, Dec, 2021
- S. Gupta and G. Deo, "Effect of metal amount on the catalytic performance of Ni-Al2O3 catalyst for the tri-reforming of methane", CHEMCON, Bhubaneswar, Dec, 2021
- J. Prabhakar, R. Kumar and G. Deo, "Promotional effect of Fe on Ni and Ni-rich Ni-Fe unsupported and supported catalysts", ISCRE 26 & APCRE 9, Delhi, 2021
- S. Gupta, N. Koshta and G.Deo, "Effect of O2 addition on the catalytic performance of Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for the dry reforming of methane reaction", ISCRE 26 & APCRE 9, Delhi, 2021
- A.S. Russel, P.K. Chaudhary and G. Deo, "Microkinetic and sensitivity analysis of oxidative dry reforming of methane on Ni-Co catalyst", ISCRE 26 & APCRE 9, Delhi, 2021
- G. Deo, K. Ray, A.S. Sandupatla, S. Sengupta, S.C. Nayak, P.K. Chaudhary and N. Koshta, "Good Catalyst Better Catalyst for the CO2 Reforming of CH4: A Bit of Science and Engineering for This Catalytic Reaction", North American Catalysis Society Meeting, NAM-26, Chicago, June, 2019
- P. Chaudhary and G. Deo, "Calcination Temperature Effect on the Catalytic Activity of Ni/Al2O3 Catalyst for the Dry and Oxidative-Dry Reforming of Methane", CHEMCON, Delhi, 2019
- P. Chaudhary, N. Koshta and G. Deo, "Effect of O2 on the Catalytic Performance of Ni/Al2O3 and Ni/MgAl2O4 for the Dry Reforming of Methane (DRM)", CHEMCON, 71st Annual Session of IIChE, Jalandhar, December, 2018
- K. Ray, S. Sengupta and G. Deo, "Correlating catalytic activity with electronic property for CO2 reforming of CH4 over Ni and Ni-based alloy catalysts", APCAT17, Mumbai, January, 2017
- P. Srivastava, V.K. Jaiswar, S. Katheria and G.Deo, "Effect of adding noble and non-noble metals to Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst on the high pressure activity of steam reforming of methane", APCAT17, Mumbai, January, 2017
- A. Sandupatla, A. Banerjee and G. Deo, "Designing a Co-Fe Bimetallic Catalyst for CO2 Hydrogenation - a Response Surface Methodology and Ab Initio DFT study", APCAT17, Mumbai, January, 2017
- D. Verma, K. Ray and G. Deo, "Kinetic Modelling of CO2 methanation over Ni/Al2O3 and Ni-Fe/Al2O3", Chemcon-2016, 69th Annual Session of IIChE, Chennai, December, 2016
- S.R. Biswal, K. Ray and G. Deo, "Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics studies of Ni based alloys", Chemcon-2015, 68th Annual Session of IIChE, Guwahati, December, 2015
- N. Agrawal and G. Deo, "Effect of Cu to Zn ratio in supported catalysts on the activity and selectivity during CO2 hydrogenation", Chemcon-2015, 68th Annual Session of IIChE, Guwahati, December, 2015
- S. Katheria, A. Gupta, G. Deo and D. Kunzru, "Washcoating of FeCr alloy metal monoliths with Ni/MgAl2O4", Chemcon-2015, 68th Annual Session of IIChE, Guwahati, December, 2015
- S. Singh, V. Bhatia and G.Deo, "Kinetic Study of Methane Cracking using Al2O3 supported Ni, Co, Ni-Co and Ni-Fe catalysts", Chemcon-2015, 68th Annual Session of IIChE, Guwahati, December, 2015
- K. Ray, D. Pandey, B. Singh, R. Prasad and G. Deo, "A computational approach to understand the promotional effect in Ni-Fe Bimetallic Catalysts", XII European Congress on Catalysis, "Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources", Kazan, Russia, 2015
- S. Katheria, A. Gupta, G. Deo and D. Kunzru, "Effect of calcination temperature on stability and activity of Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst for steam reforming of methane", XII European Congress on Catalysis, "Catalysis: Balancing the use of fossil and renewable resources", Kazan, Russia, 2015
- D. Kumar, A. Kumar and G. Deo, Effect of contact time on enhancement of CO2 hydrogenation reaction over supported Ni and Ni-Fe catalysts, Chemcon-2014, 67th Annual Session of IIChE, Chandigarh, December, 2014
- S. Singh, S. Sengupta, K. Ray and G. Deo, “ Carbonaceous species characterization by Temperature Programmed Hydrogenation (TPH) on Al2O3 supported NiâFe bimetallic catalyst for the CH4 cracking reaction”, Chemcon-2013, IIChE Annual Meeting, December, 2013.
- P. Dasawani, S.C. Nayak and G. Deo, 2013, “Catalytic Ozone Decomposition Using Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts”, Chemcon-2013, IIChE Annual Meeting, December, 2013.
- K. Ray, S. Sengupta and G. Deo, “Striking Aspects of supported Ni-Co bimetallic Catalyst”, Chemcon-2012, IIChE Annual Meeting, Paper P88, Jalandhar, December, 2012.
- M.R. Kiro, A.K. Gupta and G. Deo, “Biodiesel Production from non-edible oil using Heterogeneous Acid Catalyst”, Chemcon-2012, IIChE Annual Meeting, Paper P89, Jalandhar, December, 2012.
- S.C. Nayak, D. Pandey and G. Deo, “Catalytic Ozone Decomposition using Alumina supported Transition Metal Oxide Catalysts”, Chemcon-2012, IIChE Annual Meeting, Paper P101, Jalandhar, December, 2012.
- T. Das and G. Deo, “Effect of calcination temperature and in situ reduction in the synthesis of some supported cobalt catalysts”, Operando IV, Recent Developments and Future Perspectives in Working Catalysts, Brookhaven, TP19, 208-209, May, 2012.
- S. Panjwani, A.K. Gupta, G. Deo and S. Garg, Kinetics Study of Biodiesel Production by Heterogeneous Catalyst, International Conference on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Venice, April, 2012.
- T. Das and G. Deo, Synthesis, characterization, and effect of support on supported cobalt catalyst: In-situ CO2 hydrogenation as a model reaction study, Chemcon-2011, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bangalore, 2011.
- A.K. Gupta and G. Deo, Effect of co-solvent and FFA on Transestrification using heterogeneous base catalyst for Biodiesel production, Chemcon-2011, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bangalore, 2011.
- D. Pandey and G. Deo, CO2 Hydrogenation over Unsupported and Alumina Supported Ni-Fe Catalysts, Chemcon-2011, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bangalore, 2011
- A. Oraon, D. Pandey and G. Deo, Hydrogenation of CO2 over supported Bimetallic Ni-Fe Catalysts, Chemcon-2011, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bangalore, 2011
- A.Banerjee, S. C. Nayak, G. Deo, "CO2 Methanation over Supported Bimetallic Co-Fe Catalysts", Chemcon-2009, IIChE Annual Meeting, Vishakapatnam, 2009.
- S. Sengupta, G. Deo, "Determination of the optimal reduction temperature of the Ni-Al2O3 catalysts used for the CO2 hydrogenation reaction", Chemcon-2009, IIChE Annual Meeting, Vishakapatnam, 2009.
- A. K. Gupta, S. Garg, G. Deo, "Transesterification of Soybean oil with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Base Catalyst", Chemcon-2009, IIChE Annual Meeting, Vishakapatnam, 2009.
- D. Pandey and G. Deo, "In situ FTIR Investigations of CO2 Methanation Reaction Activity over Supported Bimetallic Ni-Fe Catalysts", Chemcon-2009, IIChE Annual Meeting, Vishakapatnam, 2009.
- Sunil Kumar, Shashanka S. Muduli and G. Deo, "Hydrogenation of CO2: Effect of Support (Al2O3, SiO2, Al2O3-SiO2 (SIRAL-30), TiO2 and Nb2O5) on Nickel Catalyst", Chemcon-2008, IIChE Annual Meeting, Chandigarh, 2008.
- M. Nain and G. Deo, "Optimum Composition of V2O5-Cr2O3/Al2O3 Catalyst and Reaction Temperature using Response Surface Methodology for the Propane ODH Reaction", Chemcon-2008, IIChE Annual Meeting, Chandigarh, 2008.
- S.K. Singh, G. Deo and J.K. Singh, "Effect of nano confinements on thermophysical properties of n-alkanes", ChEmference "08, Annual Research Symposium, IIT Kanpur, 2008.
- S.K. Singh, J.K. Singh and G. Deo, "Effect of Surface Characteristics and Pore Size of Nano Confinement on the Thermophysical Properties of Natural Gas Components", National Conference on the Frontiers of Chemical Engineering, Guwahati, 2008.
- D. Shee and G. Deo, "DRIFT Study and Kinetic Parameter Estimation for V2O5/TiO2-WO3 Catalysts for Alkane ODH Reaction", Chemcon-2007, IIChE Annual Meeting, Kolkatta, 2007.
- M. Shaik, M. Nain and G. Deo, "Hydrogenation of CO2 over Ni/SiO2-Al2O3 Catalysts", Chemcon-2007, IIChE Annual Meeting, Kolkatta, 2007.
- S. Chakraborty and G. Deo, "Structure Reactivity Relationship for Vanadia/Titania-Silica Mixed Oxide Catalysts: Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation Reaction", Chemcon-2007, IIChE Annual Meeting, Kolkatta, 2007.
- D. Shee and G. Deo, "ODH of Ethane and Propane over V2O5/TiO2-SiO2 Catalysts: Effect of Loading on Kinetic Parameters", Chemcon-2006, IIChE Annual Meeting, Ankleshwar, 2006.
- S. Chakraborty, D. Shee and G. Deo, "Mechanistic Study of ODH of Propane over V2O5/SiO2 Catalyst: Analysis of Kinetic parameters", Chemcon-2006, IIChE Annual Meeting, Ankleshwar, 2006.
- S. Agarwal, Anita, T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo, "Promotion of Propane Oxidation Activity over Supported V2O5/TiO2 Catalyst Modified with MoO3 and WO3", Chemcon-2006, IIChE Annual Meeting, Ankleshwar, 2006.
- B.K. Verma and G. Deo, "Kinetic Parameter Analysis of the Effect of Modifiers on Supported Vanadia-Titania Catalysts for Propane ODH Reaction", Chemcon-2005, IIChE Annual Meeting, New Delhi, 2005.
- D. Shee and G. Deo, "ODH of propane over V2O5/TiO2-SiO2 catalyst: Effect of TiO2 content on structure-reactivity and kinetic parameter", Chemcon-2005, IIChE Annual Meeting, New Delhi, 2005.
- T.V.M. Rao, B. Mitra and G. Deo, "A Mechanistic Study of Propane ODH over Supported V2O5/Al2O3 and MoO3/Al2O3 Catalysts", (KEYNOTE) Chemcon-2005, IIChE Annual Meeting, New Delhi, 2005.
- D. Shee, T.V.M. Rao and G.Deo, "Increasing the Propane Conversion and Propene Yield over Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts by Understanding Variations in Kinetic Parameter", Students Chemcon-2005, Gauhati, 2005.
- T. Ukil and G. Deo, "Kinetic Considerations for Non-first Order Reactions with Special Emphasis to Mars-van-Krevelan (M-V-K) Mechanism for Oxidative De-Hydrogenation (ODH) of Propane", Students Chemcon-2005, Gauhati, 2005.
- T.V. Malleswara Rao and Goutam Deo, "The effect of oxide support on the kinetic-parameters for ODH of propane over well-characterized MoO3/TiO2 and MoO3/Al2O3 catalysts", Chemcon-2004, IIChE Annual Meeting, Mumbai, 2004.
- Debaprasad Shee, Rudra Pratap Singh and Goutam Deo, "The effect of vanadium oxide loading on the kinetic parameters for the ODH of propane over well-characterized V2O5/TiO2 catalysts", Chemcon-2004, IIChE Annual Meeting, Mumbai, 2004.
- Girish Joshi, Brishti Mitra, Israel E. Wachs and Goutam Deo, "The effect of modifiers on supported V2O5/Al2O3 catalysts: ODH of Propane", Chemcon-2004, IIChE Annual Meeting, Mumbai, 2004.
- K.K. Routray and G. Deo, "Effect of Oxide Support, Loading and Surface Area on the Kinetic Parameters for Propane ODH over Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Chemcon-2003, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bhubaneswar, 2003.
- T.V.M. Rao, J.-M. Jehng, I.E. Wachs and G. Deo, "In situ UV-vis-NIR Diffuse Reflectance and Raman Spectroscopy and Catalytic Activity Studies of Propane ODH over Cr2O3/ZrO2 catalysts", Chemcon-2003, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bhubaneswar, 2003.
- R.P. Singh, P. Singh and G. Deo, "Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane using Phosphorous modified 3% V2O5/TiO2 and 3% Cr2O3/TiO2 Catalysts", Chemcon-2003, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bhubaneswar, 2003.
- G. Manik and G. Deo, "Chemical characterization of supported rhenium oxide catalyst using LPG oxidation reaction", Chemcon-2003, IIChE Annual Meeting, Bhubaneswar, 2003.
- M. Cherian, T.V. M. Rao, S.M. Shivaji, M. S. Rao and G. Deo, "Kinetic Studies Supported Chromium Oxide Catalysts: ODH of Propane", Chemcon-2002, IIChE Annual Meeting, Hyderabad, 2002.
- K. Routray, Y. L. Rao, K. R. S. K. Reddy, S.M. Shivaji and G. Deo, "Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane over Monolayer V2O5/Al2O3 and V2O5/TiO2 Catalysts: Parameter Estimation and Model Selection", Chemcon-2002, IIChE Annual Meeting, Hyderabad, 2002.
- M Cherian, M.S. Rao and G. Deo, "Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane over Cr2O3/Al2O3 and Cr2O3/TiO2 Catalysts", Chemcon-2001, IIChE Annual Meeting, Chennai, 2001.
- R. Wadje and G. Deo, "The Effect of Support and Loading on the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane using Supported Rhenium Oxide Catalysts", Chemcon-2001, IIChE Annual Meeting, Chennai, 2001.
- M. Cherian, M.S. Rao, A. Hirt, I.E. Wachs and G. Deo, "Structure-Reactivity Studies for Supported Chromium Oxide Catalysts", 17th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Toronto, 2001.
- M. Cherian, M.S. Rao and G. Deo, "Structure-Reactivity Studies of Cr2O3/Al2O3: The ODH of LPG", Proceeding of the Symposium on Utilization of Natural Resources, IIChE, Bhubaneswar, 144, 2001.
- Mitra, A. Pradhan, I.E. Wachs and G. Deo, "Laser Raman Spectroscopy (LRS) of Supported Rhenia Catalysts: Effect of Support, Loading, and Additives", Proceedings of the National Laser Symposium, 122, 1997.
- I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, J.-M. Jehng, D.S. Kim and H. Hu, "The Activity and Selectivity Properties of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts during Oxidation Reactions", ACS Div. Of Petro. Chem. Preprints, 41(1), 64, 1996.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI) for the Molecular Design of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts", ACS Div. Of Petro. Chem. Preprints 37(4), 1062, 1992.
- I.E. Wachs, G. Deo, D. S. Kim, M. A. Vuurman and H. Hu, "Molecular Design of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts", Preprint of the 10th International Congress on Catalysis, Budapest (Hungary), 72, 1992.
- G. Deo, H. Eckert and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", ACS Div. of Petro. Chem. Preprints 35(1), 16, 1990.
- G. Deo, F. D. Hardcastle, M. Richards and I. E. Wachs, "Raman Spectroscopy of Vanadium Oxide Supported on Alumina: Influence of the Alumina Phase", ACS Div. of Petro. Chem. Preprints 34(3), 529, 1989.
Papers Presented in Conferences But Not Published
- J.K. Prabhakar, P. Apte and G. Deo, "Kinetic Modelling of Carbon Dioxide Methanation Over a Ni/Al2O3 Using a Differential Packed Bed Reactor", Enabling transition towards sustainable future, IIT Roorkee, Sept 8-10, 2022
- R. Singh, R. Singh and G. Deo, "Effect of Metal Loading and Feed Ratio during Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane with CO2 Over VOx/ZrO2", Enabling transition towards sustainable future, IIT Roorkee, Sept 8-10, 2022
- S. Gupta and G. Deo, "Effects of modifying Ni-Al2O3 catalyst with cobalt for the tri-reforming of methane process for industrial flue gas utilization", Enabling transition towards sustainable future, IIT Roorkee, Sept 8-10, 2022
- A.S. Russel, S. Gupta and G. Deo, "Microkinetic analysis showing the effect of CH4/CO2 ratio during Dry Reforming of Methane over Ni-Co catalysts", Enabling transition towards sustainable future, IIT Roorkee, Sept 8-10, 2022
- S. Gupta, A.S. Russel and G. Deo, "Tri-reforming of Methane over Ni-Al2O3 Catalyst: Experiment and Microkinetic Modelling", 12th International Conference on Environmental Catalysis (ICEC-2022), July 30-August 2, Osaka, Japan, 2022
- P.K. Chaudhary and G. Deo, "O2-Assisted Dry Reforming of Methane on the Al2O3 Supported Ni-Co Catalyst", AIChE Virtual Meeting, Nov, 2021
- N. Koshta, P.K. Chaudhary and G. Deo, "The effect of adding O2 to the dry reforming of methane reaction over Ni/Al2O3 and Ni/MgAl2O4", Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, March 7-8, 2019
- Sanjay Katheria, D. Kunzru and G. Deo, "Steam reforming of methane (SRM) on metal monoliths containing Ni/MgAl2O4 catalysts", National Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, CSIR-NCL, Pune, December 17-18, 2018
- K. Ray, A. Sandupatla, S.R. Biswal and G. Deo, Steps towards understanding the improved activity of some Ni-based bimetallic catalysts, ACS-Philly 2016
- A. Kumar, D. Kumar and G. Deo, Kinetics of the CO2 methanation reaction over alumina supported Ni and Ni-Fe catalyst, 18th Annual Energy, Utility & Environment Conference & Expo (EUEC), San Diego, Feb 16-18, 2015
- 3. A. Kumar, D. Kumar and G. Deo, Understanding the promotional effects of Fe on alumina supported Ni catalyst through kinetic analysis of the CO2 hydrogenation reaction, 22nd National Symposium on Catalysis CATSYMP 22, Catalysis for Better Tomorrow, January, 2015
- G. Deo, S. Sengupta, D. Pandey and K. Ray, "Promotion of the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst by Co and Fe for: (i) reforming of CH4 with CO2, (ii) cracking of CH4 and (iii) CO2 hydrogenation", University of Queensland - India Workshop on Applications of Nanotechnology and Catalysis in Clean Energy, Biofuels, Chemicals and Hydrogen Generation, Brisbane, Australia, November, 2013S.
- Sengupta and G. Deo, 2013, "CO2 reforming of CH4 over modified Ni/Al2O3 catalysts", 12th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Alexandria, USA, June, 2013.
- K. Ray, S. Sengupta and G. Deo, 2013, "Catalytic activity of alumina supported Ni-based bimetallic catalysts", Materials for Energy 2013 conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.
- S. Sengupta and G. Deo, 2012, "CO2 reforming of CH4 to produce synthesis gas over modified and un-modified Ni/Al2O3 catalysts", 15th International Congress on Catalysis, Munich, Germany, July, 2012
- D. Pandey and G. Deo, 2012, "Promotion of alumina supported and unsupported nickel catalysts using iron", 15th International Congress on Catalysis, Munich, Germany, July, 2012
- A.K. Gupta, S. Panjwani, S. Garg and G. Deo, 2012, "Kinetics study and synthesis of biodiesel production by heterogeneous catalyst", 15th International Congress on Catalysis, Munich, Germany, July, 2012
- S. Sengupta and G. Deo, 2012, "CO2 Reforming of CH4 to Produce Syngas over Metal-Supported Catalysts", 2nd Indo German Workshop, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, February, 2012
- D. Pandey and G. Deo, 2012, "Promotion of Unsupported Nickel Catalyst using Iron for CO2 Hydrogenation Reaction", 2nd Indo German Workshop, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, February, 2012
- T. Das and G. Deo, 2012, "Effect of Magnesia on Al2O3 and SiO2 as Mixed Oxides Supported Cobalt Catalysts: An in situ CO2 Hydrogenation Reaction Study", 2nd Indo German Workshop, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, February, 2012
- G. Deo, 2012, "Effect of Iron on Supported and Unsupported Nickel and Cobalt Catalysts", 2nd Indo German Workshop, Bad Herrenalb, Germany, February, 2012
- D. Pandey and G. Deo, 2011, "CO2 Methanation Over Supported Bimetallic Ni-Fe Catalysts: Effect of Support and Total Metal Loading", AIChE Annual meeting, Minneapolis, October, 2011
- A.K. Gupta and G. Deo, 2011, "Biodiesel Production by Transestrification Using Heterogeneous Base Catalyst and Effect of Co-Solvent", AIChE Annual meeting, Minneapolis, October, 2011
- S. Sengupta and G. Deo, 2011, "CO2 reforming of CH4 to produce Synthesis Gas Over Modified and Unmodified Ni/Al2O3 catalysts", 11th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Dijon, France, June 2011
- D. Shee and G. Deo, "Alkane ODH Reaction on V2O5/TiO2-Al2O3 Catalysts: In-situ DRIFT and Reactivity studies", 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2009.
- T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo, "Design of improved supported vanadium oxide catalysts for light alkane ODH using central composite design (CCD) of experiments", 6th International Symposium on Group Five Elements, Poznan, Poland, 2008.
- G. Deo, "Designing a Supported Metal Oxide Catalyst for the Propane ODH Reaction", 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, 2008.
- D. Shee and G. Deo, "ODH of Propane over several V2O5/TiO2-SiO2 and V2O5/TiO2 Catalysts: Understanding the Structure-Reactivity Relationship", AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2006.
- M. V. Martinez-Huerta, G. Deo, J.L.G. Fierro, I. E. Wachs, M. A. Banares, "Structure-activity relationships in vanadia-ceria catalysts during ethane oxidation to ethylene by operando Raman-GC analyses", Second International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, Toledo, Spain, 2006.
- G. Deo, T.V.M. Rao and D. Shee, "Tuning the Inverse Activity-Selectivity Relationship over Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Propane ODH Reaction", 5th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Sapporo, Japan, 2005.
- B. Mitra, I.E. Wachs and G. Deo, "The effect of modifiers on supported V2O5/Al2O3 catalysts: Methanol Oxidation and Propane ODH", 19th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Philadelphia, 2005.
- D. Shee, T.V.M. Rao and G. Deo, "Kinetic parameter estimation for supported vanadium oxide catalysts for the propane ODH reaction: Understanding the effect of loading and support", 5th International Conference on Group 5 Elements, Hancock, MA, USA, 2005.
- Goutam Deo, "Designing supported metal oxide catalysts by understanding the effect of the kinetic-parameters: Propane ODH over unmodified and modified V2O5/TiO2 catalysts", ACS meeting, Philladelphia, 2004.
- M. Cherian, K.R.S.K. Reddy, K.K. Routray and G. Deo, "Kinetic studies for ODH of Propane over TiO2 and Al2O3 Supported Cr2O3 and V2O5 Catalysts", CATSYMP 16, 16th National Symposium on Catalysis and 1st Indo-German Conference on Catalysis, Hyderabad, 2003.
- M. Cherian, M.S. Rao and G. Deo, "Kinetic Studies for ODH of Propane Over Supported Chromium Oxide Catalysts", 52nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, 2002.
- G.C. Dey, A.B.L. Agarwal and G. Deo, "Modeling of Adsorption of Fluoride Ions from Water in a Fixed Bed using Activated Alumina", National Symposium on Environmental Challenges for the New Millenium, IIChE, Kanpur, 2001.
- M. Cherian, M.S. Rao, S.S. Manoharan and G. Deo, "Influence of the Preparative Routes on the Physio-Chemical Properties of Cr2O3", 74th Colloid and Surface Chemistry Symposium, Bethlehem, 2000.
- M Cherian, M.S. Rao, S.S. Manoharan and G. Deo, "Influence of the Preparative Routes on the Physio-Chemical Properties of Cr2O3", National Workshop on Catalysis, Hyderabad, 2000.
- G. Manik, B. Mitra and G. Deo, "Physio-Chemical Characterization of the Surface Rhenium Oxide Species", National Workshop on Catalysis, Hyderabad, 2000.
- G. Deo, L. Burcham, X. Gao and I.E. Wachs, "In situ Spectroscopy Studies of the Surface Vanadium Oxide Active Site During Methanol Oxidation", National Workshop on Catalysis, Hyderabad, 2000.
- G. Deo, J.-M. Jehng, B.M. Weckhuysen, V.V. Guliants, J. Benziger and I.E. Wachs, "Butane Oxidation Over Model Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Structure - Reactivity Relationships", Spring Symposium of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Bethlehem, 1996.
- R. Datta, H. Joshi and G. Deo, "Design of Supported Molten-Salt Catalysts", 189th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, 1996.
- I.E. Wachs, G.Deo, J.-M. Jehng and H. Hu, "In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts: Surface Structural Transformation During Oxidation Reactions", 14th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Snowbird, 1995.
- M.D. Amiridis, R.V. Duevel, G. Deo, J.-M. Jehng and I.E. Wachs, "Structure-Reactivity Relationship for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO by NH3 over Vanadia/Titania Catalysts", 14th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Snowbird, 1995.
- B.M. Weckhusyen, R.A. Shoonheydt, H. Hu, G. Deo and I.E. Wachs, "Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy of Supported Transition Metal Ion Catalysts", 14th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Snowbird, 1995.
- G. Deo and I.E. Wachs, "In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy of the Methanol Oxidation Reaction Over Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Fundamental of Oxide Catalysts Symposium, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 1994.
- G. Deo and I.E. Wachs, "Influence of Promoters on the Structure and Reactivity of Vanadia-Titania DeNOx Catalysts", Environmental Catalysis Symposium, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Fransico, 1994.
- G. Deo and I.E. Wachs, "In Situ Raman Spectroscopy of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Spring Symposium, Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Bethlehem, 1994.
- G. Deo and I.E. Wachs, "In Situ Raman Spectroscopy of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Gordon Conference, New Hampshire, 1994.
- G. Deo, L.L. Murrell and I. E. Wachs, "Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI) for Vanadia-Ceria Catalysts", 13th North American Meeting of The Catalysis Society, Pittsburgh, 1993.
- G. Deo, L.L. Murrell and I. E. Wachs, "Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI) for Vanadia-Ceria Catalysts", Spring Symposium, Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Bethlehem, 1993.
- G. Deo, H. Hu, D. S. Kim, M. A. Vuurman and I. E. Wachs, "Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI) for Supported Metal Oxide Selective Oxidation Catalysts", 204th National ACS meeting, Washington D. C, 1992.
- G. Deo, H. Hu, D. S. Kim, M. A. Vuurman and I. E. Wachs, "Surface Oxide - Support Interaction (SOSI) for Supported Metal Oxide Selective Oxidation Catalysts", Fundamentals of Oxide Catalysts Symposium, AIChE Annual Meeting, 1992.
- G. Deo, N. Arora and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Design of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Spring Symposium, Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Bethlehem, 1992.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Influence of Promoters on the Structure Reactivity Relationship of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Fundamentals of Oxide Catalysis Symposium, Annual AIChE Meeting, 1991.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Engineering of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts", Surface Science and Catalysis, Annual AIChE meeting, 1991.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Effect of Support and Promoters on the Structure-Reactivity of Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Fourth Chemical Congress of North America, ACS, New York, 1991.
- G. Deo, M. A. Vuurman, J. Jehng and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Engineering of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Fourth Chemical Congress of North America, ACS, New York, 1991.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Structure-Reactivity of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Effect of the Supports and Promoters", Twelfth North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Lexington, 1991.
- D. S. Kim, G. Deo, K. Segawa and I. E. Wachs, "Structure-Reactivity of Supported Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts", 12th North American Meeting of the Catalysis Society, Kentucky, 1991.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Predicting the Molecular Structures of Surface Metal Oxide Species on Oxide Supports", Fundamentals of Catalysis III: Oxide Catalysts, AIChE, Chicago, 1990.
- G. Deo, M. A. Vuurman and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Engineering of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts", Eleventh International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Toronto, 1990.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Predicting the Molecular Structures of Surface Metal-Oxide Phases", Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Bethlehem, 1990.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Gordon Research Conference, New Hampshire, 1990.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Catalysis Club of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1990.
- G. Deo and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Bethlehem, 1990.
- G. Deo, H. Eckert and I. E. Wachs, "Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", 64th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium and Nucleation Symposium, Lehigh University, 1990.
- G. Deo, F. D. Hardcastle, M. Richards, A. M. Hirt and I. E. Wachs, "Interaction of Supported Vanadium Oxide With Alumina Supports (α, θ-δ, and γ) Using Laser Raman Spectroscopy", Catalysis Club of Philadelphia, Spring Symposium, Bethlehem, 1990.
- G. Deo, F. D. Hardcastle, M. Richards and I. E. Wachs, "A Comparative Study of Supported Vanadium Oxide on Alumina Supports (α, θ-δ, and γ) Using Laser Raman Spectroscopy", Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Spring Symposium, Bethlehem, 1990.
- G. Deo, F. D. Hardcastle, M. Richards and I. E. Wachs, "A Comparative Study of Supported Vanadium Oxide on Alumina Supports (α, θ-δ, and γ) Using Laser Raman Spectroscopy", North American Chemical Society, Dearborn, Michigan, 1989.
- G. Deo and R. Datta, "Ethanol to Hydrocarbon Conversion Using Novel Supported Molten Salt Catalysts", 100th session, Iowa Academy of Science, Ames, 1988.
- G. Deo and A. U. Dogan, "Catalyst Distribution in Supported Liquid Phase Catalysts (SLPC): A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study", 9th Symposium on Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Analysis of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1988.
- G. Deo, "Molten Salt Eutectics Used as Supported Liquid Phase Catalyst", Symposium on Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis in Material Science, Iowa City, 1986.
Invited Lectures
- "Supported vanadium oxide catalysts and the propane to propene reaction", G. Deo, R. Singh, B. Mitra, A.S. Sandupatla, R. Singh", Keynote Lecture at ISCRE 26 and APCRE 9 (Virtual), New Delhi, December 3-5, 2021
- "Improving upon propane to propene reaction over supported vanadia catalyst", G. Deo, R. Singh, B. Mitra, A.S. Sandupatla, R. Singh, Plenary Lecture at the 12th International Vanadium Symposium (Virtual), Cyprus, Greece, November 3-5, 2021
- "Engineering a Nickel catalyst for the CO2 Methanation Reaction", G. Deo, at the Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee, March, 2017
- "Promotion of Ni/Al2O3 catalyst by Co and Fe for CO2 hydrogenation reactions", S. Sengupta, D. Pandey, K. Ray and G. Deo, at Cognizant'15, IIT Roorkee, March, 2015
- "Promotion of the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst by Co and Fe for: (i) reforming of CH4 with CO2, (ii) cracking of CH4 and (iii) CO2 hydrogenation, by G. Deo, S. Sengupta, D. Pandey and K. Ray, INTERFACE2014, HBTI, Kanpur, April, 2014
- "Promotion of the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst by Co and Fe for: (i) reforming of CH4 with CO2, (ii) cracking of CH4 and (iii) CO2 hydrogenation, by G. Deo, S. Sengupta, D. Pandey and K. Ray, University of Queensland - India Workshop on Applications of Nanotechnology and Catalysis in Clean Energy, Biofuels, Chemicals and Hydrogen Generation, Brisbane, Australia, November, 2013
- "Promotion of the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst for the reforming of CH4 with CO2 and cracking of CH4" by S. Sengupta, K. Ray and G. Deo, at THERMIC-13, 2nd National Seminar on Environmental Pollution Issues & Modern Control Techniques, Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, April, 2013.
- "Effect of Iron on Supported and Unsupported Nickel and Cobalt Catalysts" by D. Pandey, T. Das and G. Deo, at the Malaviya Lecture Series on Advances in Chemical Engineering, IIT-BHU, March, 2013.
- "Promotion of the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst for the reforming of CH4 with CO2 and cracking of CH4" by S. Sengupta, K. Ray and G. Deo, at the 21st National Symposium on Catalysis "CATALYSIS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT", IICT Hyderabad, February, 2013.
- "Understanding Heterogeneous Catalysts using Raman Spectroscopy" by G. Deo at the Symposium on Spectroscopy in Catalysis, IICT Hyderabad, September, 2011
- "Thermal Analysis" by G. Deo at the National Symposia on Current Trends in Materials Characterization, IIT Kanpur, December, 2005.
- "Molecular Engineering of Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts", by G. Deo at
- (a) Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India, Aug. '95.
- (b) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Sept. '95
- (c) Bhaba Atomic Energy Research Centre, Bombay, India, Sept. '95
- (d) National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India, Sept. '95
- (e) Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, Sept. '95
- "Molecular Engineering of Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts", by G. Deo at the Chemical Engineering Colloquium Series, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA, 1992
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