Faculty Profile |
Courses Taught
ChE 611: Transport Phenomena |
Yogesh M Joshi,
Southern Laboratory 114,
Email: joshi@iitk.ac.in |
Class hours:
Wednesday and Friday
4 to 5:30PM
at FB 470 |
Course Outline
- Vectors and Tensors:
Vector and Tensor Operations; Vector and Tensor Differential Operators; Integral Transformations; Curvilinear Coordinates.
- Fundamentals:
Continuum Approximation; Fluid Kinematics, General forms of Conservation Equations; Conservation of Mass, Momentum and Energy; Constitutive Equation.
- Fluid Mechanics:
Fluid Statics; Constitutive Equations for the Viscous Stress; Boundary conditions. Steady Flow; Time-Dependent Flow; Lubrication Approximation, Stream function. Creeping Flow; Inviscid flow; Irrotational flow; Potential flow; Boundary Layer Theory. Particle Motion and Suspension Viscosity.
- Heat Transfer:
Thermal boundary conditions, steady and unsteady heat conduction, heat source, forced convection heat transfer in confined and unconfined laminar flow, Boundary layer theory, Free convection.
- Mass Transfer:
Fick's laws of diffusion; Conservation of Chemical Species; Boundary conditions. Steady and unsteady diffusion, Diffusion with chemical reactions. Forced convection mass transfer in confined and unconfined laminar flow, Boundary layer theory. Simultaneous Momentum, Heat and Mass transfer in laminar boundary layers.
- Turbulent Flow (If time permits):
Basic Features of Turbulence; Time-Smoothed Equations; Eddy Diffusivity Models.
Text Books:
- Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics by Rutherford Aris, Dover (1990)
- Laminar Flow and Convective Transport Processes by L. Gary Leal, Butterworth Heinenmann (1992).
- Transport Phenomena by R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, Edwin N. Lightfoot, Wiley; 2 edition (2001).
- Analysis of Transport Phenomena by William M. Deen, Oxford University Press (1998).
- Incompressible Flow by Ronald L. Panton, Wiley; 2 edition (1997).
- Mid Semester Exams 40 %End semester Exam: 40 %Quizzes and Assignments: 15 %
- Attendance: 5%