Late Prof. Chetput Venkatasubban Seshadri was a distinguished Indian chemical engineer. He started his academic career as an Assistant Professor of IIT Kanpur in 1965 and later became a full professor. Prof. Seshadri was also the Head of the Chemical Engineering Department of IITK. He took on administrative position by serving as the Dean of Students Affairs at IITK. Prof. Seshadri left IITK in 1974 to join Kasturi Paper Food and Chemicals Ltd., Bangalore, where he set up India's first fodder-yeast plant. In 1976, he joined the Shri A. M. M. Murugappa Chettiar Research Center in Chennai as its founder Director. It was at this Research Center he helped develop several appropriate technologies, including Spirulina Algae. For this effort, he was awarded the prestigious Jamnalal Bajaj award for S&T for rural development in1981. Prof. Seshadri earned his Doctorate from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh & later worked as a Research Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His friends fondly remember him as someone who could mould ordinary people like a potter into good scientists. Friends, relatives & well-wishers of Late Prof. C. V. Seshadri set up Prof. C. V. Seshadri Memorial Distinguished Lecture Series under his name. The lecture Series is conducted by the Department of Chemical Engineering.
Prof. C.V. Seshadri Memorial Distinguished Lecture (2022)
Talk Title : Tackling complexity in heterogeneous catalysis: Evolution equation for the short-range order parameter

April 08, 2023

09:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Outreach Auditorium
Abstract of the talk
Achieving an accurate depiction of the catalyst surface can be a challenging task, as the catalyst atoms and adsorbed molecules typically order/arrange themselves in a manner that is far from perfectly-random. The catalytic system can be thought as being composed of components that interact in ways that lead to nonlinearity, collective dynamics, hierarchy and emergent behavior. The short-range order (SRO) parameter often becomes a useful mathematical quantity for understanding the global structure. SRO refers to the likelihood of finding atoms/molecules of a particular type, in the vicinity of others atoms of same/another type. The SRO parameter is dictated by both micro- and macro-scopic parameters, such as time, interactions, thermodynamics and kinetics (reactions, diffusion, and other transport processes). I will discuss evolution equations for the SRO parameter. These equations can help provide an accurate picture of the thermodynamics and kinetic behavior in a variety of complex systems. Examples will be provided on how this new formalism can help bridge experiments and atomistic methods.
About the Speaker
Prof. Chatterjee received his bachelor and masters degrees from IIT Delhi, and Ph.D. degree from University of Delaware. He joined Los Alamos National Laboratory as Director's postdoctoral fellow in 2007. In 2009, he joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Kanpur as Assistant Professor. In 2013, Dr. Chatterjee joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay, where he is presently a full Professor. Dr. Chatterjee's research group is well known for pioneering the development of new multiscale computational methods for investigating materials with applications in catalysis, fuel cells and batteries. He has received a number of prestigious awards from NASI, INSA and INAE. He is currently a member of the editorial board for Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (MSMSE).
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