About The Symposium

To mitigate the climate crisis, primarily caused by the unabated use of fossil fuels, the future energy transition will need to move towards environment-friendly energy technologies, such as next-generation solar, battery, hydrogen technologies etc. that are made using low cost, abundant, and sustainable materials.

Since 2010, the Indian and UK governments have funded the flagship APEX Consortium and the SUNRISE network , which have brought together leading research teams from India and the UK. The groups have demonstrated the development of new materials and devices related to energy generation and storage by turning new materials into commercially viable products and have showcased business potential by installing building-scale demonstrators in Indian villages, particularly one OASIS demonstrator part-supported by Tata CleanTech.

This multi-disciplinary network now aims to take on the challenges related to sustainable energy, explore pathways, and plans for decarbonization and Net Zero, in particular exploring the energy-food-water nexus in India, and the UK. The consortium will engage intensely with rural communities and network of industries. This necessitates the collaboration of multiple stakeholders, including academics, researchers, industries, and decision-makers.

This India-UK symposium will feature thought-provoking sessions on various energy technologies and efficient system integration schemes for decarbonization and Net Zero, as well as their impact on socio-economic indicators. This India-UK collaboration aims to create Joint Indo-UK Virtual Centre on Net-Zero.

To sustain the legacy of UK-India long standing collaboration and relationship amongst several top leading organization across the two nations. We will explore and review the mechanisms to address decarbonization and net-zero targets by bringing together UK and India experts from academia and industry to:

  • Discuss fundamental and high TRL technology integrations for relatively mature technologies, system development, and demonstrations.
  • Brainstorm on the sustainability solutions in the context of Water-Energy-Food nexus by bringing together Indian and UK experts from different domains leveraging the strengths of a long standing and successful consortium.
  • Discuss avenues for capacity building and on-ground social and economic impact derived from the implementation of technical solutions.
  • Bring Academic-Industry-NGOs together to translate the technology development into real demonstrations and to develop business models and avenues.

Schedule Detail

Our Speakers

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Prof. James Durrant

Imperial College & Swansea University

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Prof. Trystan Watson

Swansea University

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Prof. Matthew Davies

Swansea University

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Prof. Satish Patil

IISc Bangalore

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Prof. Dinesh Kabra

IIT Bombay

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Prof. Laltu Chandra

IIT Kanpur

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Prof. Rajeev Jindal

IIT Kanpur

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Prof. Hari Upadhyaya

London South Bank University

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Prof. Prabodh Bajpai

IIT Kanpur

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Feel free to contact us

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Prof. Ashish Garg


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Prof. Rajeev Jindal


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Prof. Hari Upadhyaya

London South Bank University

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Dr. Adrian Walters

Swansea University

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Prof. Laltu Chandra


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Dr. Mohan Misra

Organizing Secretary