
7 Feb- 12 March 2022: Inaugural session of the “Online training program on air quality management”

An online training program on air quality management was conducted from 7th February to 12th March 2022 by National Knowledge Network (NKN). This program was supported by the World Bank and was proposed to give training to Institute of Repute (IoR), State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) and Urban Local Bodies (ULB) for achieving National Clean Air Program (NCAP) goals.
There were two priority courses designed under this program, namely
1) Induction training on NCAP
2) Training on city action plan and third- party audit.
The program was organised and delivered by IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, IIT Madras, NEERI and iFOREST. Over 400 air quality professionals from IoRs, SPCBs, ULBs and other organisations registered for this course.
The program was inaugurated in the presence of Dr. K Radhakrishnan (Chairman, BoG), Shri Naresh Pal Gangwar (AS, MoEFCC), Shri Tanmay Kumar(Chairman, CPCB), Ms. Karin Shepardson(Environmental Specialist, World Bank), Prof. S. N. Tripathi (Coordinator, IIT Kanpur) and Mr. Chandra Bhushan (President and CEO, iFOREST).