Workshop on
AI/ML techniques for the Weather and Climate applications
12th - 14th March 2022
<Online Mode>

The "Workshop on AI/ML techniques for the Weather and Climate applications" is being organised on 12th, 13th and 14th March 2022 in online mode. In this workshop, we will explore the theoretical and practical aspects of Atmospheric Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Algorithms, and other recent technologies in the field of Weather and Climate modeling . The workshop will be conducted by prominent faculties from academia and industry such as IIT Kanpur, IISc Bangalore, DIAT Pune, IITM Pune, IMD Pune, IISER Pune, NVIDIA and Intel. The field of meteorology and atmospheric sciences has potential applications in various fields such as agriculture, economics, health, water resources, transportation, communications, etc. This workshop will be helpful to anyone aspiring to work in weather/climate modeling or any of the allied fields of research and technology.
To participate please register using the registration link . Participation is Free, however the number of seats are limited.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur carries out original research of significance and technology development at the cutting edge. It imparts training for students to make them competent, motivated engineers and scientists.