(Programme: 05th June 2006)


Guests, degree recipients and parents occupy seats in the auditorium                                                09:10 hrs

Arrival of the Chief Guest at the Auditorium                                                                                     10:00 hrs

Tree Plantation                                                                                                                                10:05 hrs




1.        Members of the BOG arrive at the Venue. Senators assemble in the green rooms behind the podium

10:07 hrs

      *   Arrival of the Chief Guest (He will be received by the Director and Chairman, BOG and ushered  for robing)


      *   The Director will introduce the Chief Guest and the members of the BOG and functionaries participating in the Institute Academic Procession

         10:18 hrs

2.        Academic Procession starts

         10:20 hrs

5.        Academic Procession enters

         10:22 hrs

6.        Invocation (All will rise while the Invocation is on)

         10:27 hrs

7.        Chairman Board of Governors declares the Convocation open                             

         10:30 hrs

8.        Award of degrees by the Chairman of the Senate

         10:32 hrs

9.        Chairman, BOG signs the register for awards of degrees

         12:02 hrs

10.      Exhortation by the Chairman of the Senate

         12:04 hrs

11.      Presentation of Medals and Prizes by the Chairman, BOG

         12:07 hrs

12.      Report of the Institute by the Director

         12.22 hrs

13.      Introduction of the Chief Guest by the Chairman, BOG

         12:32 hrs

14.      Convocation address by the Chief Guest

         12:42 hrs

15.      The National Anthem (All will rise while the National Anthem is on)

         12:57 hrs

16.      Chairman BOG declares the Convocation closed

         12:58 hrs

17.      Academic Procession leaves

         13.00 hrs


Pre-Convocation Programmes on 04/06/2006


   1.        Press Conference with the Chief Guest (Venue: VH)                                              12:00 hrs

  2.       Medals and Prize distribution ceremony                                                                        20:00 hrs