Devlina Chatterjee
Associate Professor
Department of Management Sciences
IIT Kanpur, 208016


Economic Analysis for Management
Course Syllabus
Semester: 2017 Autumn
Timings: M Th, 10:30 am – 11:45 am
Classroom: New IME Building – Room C5
Instructor: Dr. Devlina Chatterjee, Room 211, IME Building
Ph: 259 6960 (Office)
Email: (Please always write MBA606-2017 in the subject line)
Objective of the course:

The objective of this course is to provide students with an economic framework for managerial decision making.
Course Description:

Managerial economics refers to the application of economic theory and analytic tools of decision sciences to understand how firms take optimal decisions when faced with several constraints. The emphasis in this course will be on demand analysis and estimation, production and cost analysis under different market conditions, forecasting and decision making under uncertainty. Some basic macroeconomic concepts will also be discussed.
Text Book:
Managerial Economics – Principles and Worldwide Applications, 6 th Ed. Dominick Salvatore Ravikesh Srivastava
Additional References:
  • Managerial Economics, 9th Ed. Christopher R. Thomas and S. Charles Maurice
  • Managerial Economics, 7th Ed. Paul Keat, Philip Young
  • Managerial Economics, Theory, Applications, and Cases, 7th Ed. Allen, Weigelt, Doherty, Mansfield
Evaluation scheme:

Attendance, class participation, surprise quizzes - 10%
Case studies – assignments - 20%
Mid-term exam - 30%
Final exam - 40%
Topics to be covered:
  1. Nature and scope of Managerial Economics
  2. The basics of supply and demand
  3. Theory of consumer behavior
  4. Individual and market demand
  5. Production and cost analysis
  6. Profit Maximization and Competitive Supply

  7. Mid-Sem

  8. Market Power: Monopoly and Monopsony
  9. Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly
  10. Game Theory and Strategic Behavior
  11. Introduction to Macroeconomics
  12. National Income
  13. Money and Inflation