Devlina Chatterjee
Associate Professor
Department of Management Sciences
IIT Kanpur, 208016


Consumer Behaviour
Course Syllabus
Semester: 2017 Autumn
Timings: Tuesday, 12 – 1:30 pm Wednesday, 2 – 3:30 pm
Classroom: New IME Building – Room C2
Instructor: Dr. Devlina Chatterjee, Room 211, IME Building
Ph: 259 6960 (Office)
Email: (Please always write MBA634-2017 in the subject line)
Objective of the course:

The objective of this course is to provide students with an understanding of consumer behavior.
Course Description:

Students will be better able to understand how theories, consumer and organization decision-making, and buyer behavior trends inform how marketing practitioners make decisions. This will largely be placed in the context of (i) a micro-level analysis, which relates to more immediate or individual aspects of consumer and organizational buying behavior; and (ii) an understanding of the macro-level, relating to how the broader environment and cultural issues influence consumption (e.g. economic conditions, cultural trends and family size).
Text Book:
Consumer Behaviour, 11thEd., Schiffman, Wisenbilt and Kumar, Publisher: Pearson India Publication Date: 2015
Additional References:
  • Consumer Behavior, Frank Kardes, Maria Cronley, Thomas Cline, Publisher: Cengage Learning
  • Consumer Behaviour : Buying, Having and Being, by Michael R Solomon and Charles T. Horngren, Published: 2002
Evaluation scheme:

Attendance - 5%
Quizzes + Class Discussions - 15%
Case studies – group assignments - 20%
Term Project - 20%
Final exam - 40%
Topics to be covered:
  1. Technology-Driven Consumer Behavior (Schiffman, Ch1)
  2. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (Schiffman, Ch2)
    The Consumer as an Individual
  1. Consumer Motivation and Personality (Schiffman, Ch3)
  2. Consumer Perception (Schiffman, Ch4)
  3. Consumer Learning (Schiffman, Ch5)
  4. Consumer Attitude Formation and Change (Schiffman, Ch6)
    Communicating Strategies
  1. Persuading Consumers (Schiffman, Ch7)
  2. From Print and Broadcast Advertising to Social and Mobile Media (Schiffman, Ch8)
    The Consumer as a Social Entity
  1. The Family and Its Social Class Standing (Schiffman, Ch10)
  2. Culture’s Influence on Consumer Behavior (Schiffman, Ch11)