Selected Writings
- Making Sense of the Present Moment of ‘Onlinisation’ of Teaching, Aspects of India’s Economy, No. 81-82, April 2024.
- Digitalisation of Education: A Dystopian Solution for a Dismal Reality (With Manali Chakrabarti), Aspects of India’s Economy, No. 81-82, April 2024.
- What Do We Learn about Capitalism from Chip War? Monthly Review, 75, 6, Nov. 2023.
- Indian Telecom’s Spectacular Rise and the Nature of Monopoly Capital in India, Part I to V. Aspects of India’s Economy, No. 80, pp. 3-64, May 2023.
- The Telecom Industry in India: Free Market or Monopoly-Finance Capital? Monthly Review, Vol. 75, No. 1, May 2023.
- Revisiting Friedman’s Construct of Corporations: Corporate Irresponsibility and Smokescreen of the Corporate Veil. Economic & Political Weekly. Vol. 57, No. 50, pp. 47-54, Dec 10, 2022.
- Public Private Partnerships – Subsidy and Impunity for Private Corporations: Delhi Metro as a Case study. Rsearch Unit for Political Economy, Jan 2022.
- The Larger Issues Underlying the Claim of Cairn Energy on Air India, Rsearch Unit for Political Economy, June 2021.
- Citizenship and the Nation of the Rich in India. Research Unit in Political Economy, Apr-2020.
Hindi translation
- Kanpur Leather Cluster Revisited after a Decade (With Manali Chakrabarti). Aspects of India's Economy, No. 72 & 73, pp. 48-63, May-2018.
- Labour in Global Value Chains: A Study of the Leather and Footwear Manufacturing Cluster of Kanpur (with Manali Chakrabarti). Aspects of India's Economy, No. 72 & 73, pp. 21-47, May-2018.
- Behind the Hype of E-commerce, Part I-V. Aspects of India's Economy, No. 65, pp. 3-63, Nov-2016.
- Rising Corporate Military Complex in India: A Critical Appraisal. Aspects of India's Economy, No. 61, pp. 3-66, Jun-2015.
- Royalties: Royal Treatment of Foreign Investors, Aspects of India's Economy, No. 56, Mar-2014.
- What Lies Behind the Doubling of Gas Prices? Sanhati Journal, July 2013.
- Cowboy Capitalism: Curious Case of Reliance KG Basin Gas Business. Sanhati Journal, 02, 2013.
- The Neoclassical Apology for Monopoly Capital. Monthly Review, Vol. 64, No. 6, Nov. 2012.
- The Political Economy of Corporations: Behind the Veil of ‘Corporate Efficiency’. Aspects of India’s Economy, No. 52, pp. 39-88, June 2012.
- What’s really at Stake in the Vodafone Tax Case?, May 2012.
- Corporate Personhood: Rights without responsibilities., Jan. 2012.
- Notes from Small Industry Clusters: Making sense of knowledge and barriers to innovation (with Manali Chakrabarti). AI & Society, 26, 4, 2011, 393-415.
- Is NGO Development Assistance Mistargeted? An Epistomological Approach (with Nimruji Jammulamadaka). Critical Review, 22, 2, 2010, 117 – 128.
- Aarthik Vraddhi ka Rahasya (with Manali Chakrabarti), Vaikalpik Aarthik Varshiki, Bharat, KN Kabra, V Upadyay & Dhruv Narayan (eds.). Delhi: Daanish Books, 23-30, 2010.
- Debating the Ideology of Globalization (with Manali Chakrabarti). eSocialSciences, March 2008.
- Contradictions of Employee Involvement, Information Sharing, and Expectations: A Case Study of an Indian Worker Cooperative (with George Mathew Kandathil). Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28, 1, 2007, 145-179.
- Labour Standards and Globalisation (with Manali Chakrabarti). Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 50, 1, 2007.
- Approaching Human Phenomena: A Methodological Note. Approaching Human Phenomena: A Methodological Note. eSocialSciences, 2006.
- Industrial Clustering and Cooperation: The Kanpur Saddlery Cluster (with Mridula Dwivedi). Indian Industrial Clusters, Keshab Das (ed.), 123-142. Ashgate, Aldershot, 2005.
- Contradictions of Democracy in a Workers' Co-operative (with Manali Chakrabarti). Organisation Studies, 25, 2, 2004, 183-208.
- Nature of Trust in Small Firm Clusters (with Mridula Dwivedi & KK Saxena). International Journal of Organisation Analysis, 11, 2, 2003, 93-104.
- Workers’ Struggles in the Times of Globalisation: A Critique of Trade Unions in Historical Perspective (with Manali Chakrabarti). Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 2003, 46, 4, 667-684.
- Power and Politics in Grievance Resolution: Managing Meaning of Due Process in an Organisation (with Deepti Bhatnagar). Human Relations, 52, 1999, 349-382.