Giving Back

Why Giving Back Important for you?

Giving Back is a cherished tradition of IIT Kanpur and gives us an opportunity to come

Research & Development

At IIT Kanpur, we believe in pushing the boundaries of knowledge and innovation through cutting-edge research and development. Our commitment to excellence in science and technology has led to numerous breakthroughs that have significantly impacted society. By contributing to our R&D initiatives, you play a crucial role in fostering an environment where pioneering ideas can flourish, leading to advancements that address real-world challenges.

Your generosity will support state-of-the-art laboratories and various interdisciplinary research projects. These contributions not only enhance our capacity for innovation but also empower our talented researchers and students to pursue groundbreaking discoveries.

How your contribution makes a difference?
Enhancing Research Facilities: Contributions help in the development and maintenance of world-class laboratories and research centers. These facilities are essential for conducting high-quality research and experiments.
Funding Interdisciplinary Projects: Contributions support interdisciplinary projects that bring together experts from various fields to address complex problems, fostering collaboration and innovation.
Supporting Student Researchers: Financial support enables students to engage in research projects, providing them with valuable hands-on experience and opportunities to contribute to significant discoveries.
Attracting and Retaining Talent: Your support helps IIT Kanpur attract and retain top researchers and faculty members, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of scientific and technological advancements.

Highlighted Research Projects
IIT Kanpur is at the forefront of various groundbreaking research projects in fields such as sustainability, artificial intelligence, and healthcare. Notable initiatives include the BHARATAI project for sustainable cities, which develops AI/ML products to address urban challenges in India; research on ambient air quality over rural areas using indigenous technology; the establishment of the Advanced Innovative (AI) lab, which fosters cutting-edge AI research; and the Centre of Non-Invasive Imaging lab, dedicated to improving healthcare diagnostics through non-invasive technologies.
By supporting these among many other research projects, you directly contribute to solving pressing issues and advancing knowledge in these critical areas.

Join Us in Shaping the Future
By contributing to our Research & Development efforts, you become a vital part of a community dedicated to making a difference. Your support helps us push the limits of what is possible and drives progress that benefits society as a whole.
We invite you to fill out the Expression of Interest form given below to help us.

Alumni Inspired Mentorship

A.I.M. (Alumni Inspired Mentorship), is a groundbreaking platform designed to foster meaningful connections between our talented students and accomplished alumni of IIT Kanpur. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between the present and the future, providing students with invaluable insights and guidance from those who have successfully navigated the paths they aspire to tread.

For our students, A.I.M. is an unparalleled opportunity to gain personalized mentorship tailored to your unique aspirations. Whether you're aiming for a career in academia, management, higher education abroad, business schools, or start-ups, our dedicated mentors are here to help you craft effective and realistic career roadmaps. With their support, you will build the resilience needed to face setbacks and emerge stronger, ready to tackle new challenges. The mentorship relationship is designed to be flexible and can continue as long as it remains mutually beneficial, adapting to your evolving needs.

For our esteemed alumni, A.I.M. is an invitation to make a significant impact on the next generation of IITK graduates. Your wealth of experience and knowledge can guide students through the complexities of career planning and development, helping them build the right attitude and skills needed for success. Mentoring through A.I.M. offers you a chance to give back to our community, shape future leaders, and experience the personal fulfillment that comes from contributing to someone else's growth and success. The commitment is flexible, allowing you to engage in a mentorship relationship that fits your schedule and preferences.

Join A.I.M. and be a part of this transformative initiative that connects ambition with experience. Together, we can create a supportive and thriving community where dreams are nurtured and futures are built.

Health & Wellness

At IIT Kanpur, we believe that a healthy and well-rounded community is the foundation of excellence and innovation. Our Health & Wellness initiatives are dedicated to ensuring that our students, faculty, and staff have access to the best facilities and resources to maintain their physical and mental well-being. By supporting these initiatives, our alumni can play a crucial role in fostering a vibrant and supportive environment. Here are some of the dedicated infrastructures on campus where your contributions can make a significant impact:

The Gymnasium at IIT Kanpur is a state-of-the-art facility designed to cater to the fitness needs of our campus community. Equipped with modern exercise machines, free weights, and dedicated areas for cardio and strength training, our gymnasium provides a comprehensive environment for maintaining physical fitness. Regular exercise is essential for academic performance and overall well-being, and by enhancing this facility, you can help ensure that our students and staff have access to the best possible resources to stay fit and healthy.

Institute Counselling Service Center (ICS Center)
The Institute Counselling Service Center (ICS Center) is a cornerstone of our commitment to mental health and emotional well-being. This center offers a range of services including individual counseling, group therapy, workshops, and wellness programs. Our professional counselors are dedicated to supporting students through personal challenges, academic pressures, and emotional struggles. Contributions to the ICS Center will help expand our services, provide more resources for mental health initiatives, and ensure that every student has access to the support they need.

Sports Facilities
IITK boasts a variety of sports facilities, including a billiards arena, Table Tennis, Rock Climbing wall, Volleyball, Cricket, Basketball and Squash etc. These facilities provide students with opportunities to engage in diverse physical activities, promoting teamwork, fitness, and stress relief. Your support can help maintain and enhance these facilities, ensuring they remain top-notch spaces for recreation and physical well-being.

How You Can Help?
Your contributions to the Health & Wellness initiatives at IIT Kanpur can make a profound impact on the lives of our students and the broader campus community. By enhancing these facilities, you are not just supporting physical fitness and mental health, but also fostering a well-rounded, healthy environment that is essential for academic and personal growth. Join us in making a difference by supporting our Health & Wellness initiatives. Please fill out the Expression of Interest form given below for us to connect with you.

Expression of Interest


Your Name*


Roll Number


Contact Number*




Area of Interest*