Make a Gift

We express our gratitude for your generosity.

We're excited to announce the collaboration between IIT Kanpur and Myriad Europe represented by the Maecenata Foundation, a German tax-exempt organization. It is a non-profit foundation under civil law and is headquartered in Munich.

How to Donate: You can contribute to IIT Kanpur in Germany via Maecenata Foundation. The online payment link is available in the button below.

Please contact for any assistance. Once your donation is made, please do keep us informed via an email on with the details and the purpose of donation.

Tax Benefit: Individual donors can deduct up to 20 percent of their total taxable income per year. Corporate donors can deduct donations up to 20 percent of the total income or 4 tenth of a percent of the sum of the total revenue and the salaries spent per year.We recommend consulting your tax advisor for further details