Faculty Chair: Faculty Chair is awarded to a faculty member at IIT Kanpur who enjoys a reputation of excellence in his/her area of expertise. It is a recognition of his/her achievement and also aims to facilitate his/her research. Faculty Chair positions are set up with the generous support in the form of donation from our alumni and well wishers. Usually, the position of faculty chair is conferred upon a faculty member for a period of three years which may be renewed based on faculty performance and interest. The Chair may be named after the donor or any other name as decided by the donor.

Endowment required for a named faculty chair: Rs 100 lakhs (provides an additional salary of Rs 15,000 per month and a research grant of Rs 10 lakhs over three years)

Faculty Chair Website: http://www.iitk.ac.in/drpg/facultychair.htm

Young Faculty Research Fellowship: Young faculty Research Fellowships have been created by the Institute for those young faculty members who are below the age of 40 years. Similar to Faculty Chair, Research faculty Fellowship is conferred upon a Young faculty member for a period of three years which may be renewed based on performance and age criteria. Faculty Research Fellowships are set up with the generous support in the form of donation from our alumni and well wishers. The Fellowship may be named after the donor or any other name as decided by the donor.

Endowment required for a named young faculty fellowship: Rs 50 lakhs (provides an additional salary of Rs 10,000 per month and a research grant of Rs 5 lakhs over three years).

Young faculty Research Fellowships Website: http://www.iitk.ac.in/drpg/fac_researchfellowships.htm


Chair Professorships for visiting Professors from abroad or India: Chair Professorships for visiting professors from abroad or India could be an idea for a new project. These should be for extremely distinguished people who can visit the Institute even for a short period. Their presence and interaction should lead to incubation of new ideas. The areas of expertise could be diverse ranging from academics to academic administration. Say, we have the president of Harvard or MIT visiting us (even ex-presidents) and sharing their expertise, it would be really nice. Such people could be enticed to come if we can pay them a decent honorarium and business class airfare (for them and their spouse). Such an activity probably would need an expenditure of 5.0 lakhs per visit particularly if the visitor is from US. If we have two such visits in a year it would require about 10.0 Lakhs. The corpus needed would be nearly 2.0 crores. We could call such chairs as IIT Kanpur Golden Jubilee Chairs and these would be exclusively for people from outside.

Endowment of Rs. 2.0 Crore required to pay Rs. 10 lakhs annually to at-least two visiting faculty (Rs. 5 lakh each)


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