The Opportunity College Project was started in December 2006, which involves teaching of English, Arithmetic, Accounting, and Computer Skills free of cost to unemployed (or under employed) graduate youth living in and around IIT Kanpur campus. The classes are run by IITK students and campus community members as part time tutors. Involvement of IITK community brings quality to this program along with helping them to groom as individual and become sensitized to social challenges. Besides imparting vocational skills, this program has been successful in inspiring and motivating underprivileged youths for a better future.


The Opportunity School is a community school catering to provide education from classes I to VIII to all underprivileged children in and around IIT Kanpur campus. Presently about 400 students are studying in Opportunity School. The school is run mainly from the student’s fee, contributions of IITK employees, alumni and a nominal fix grant from the Institute. Class of 1965 (Pioneer Batch) is the major contributor to the School.

Contract Workers Welfare & Relief Funds has been created in the Institute to provide immediate ex-gratia financial support to the contract workers engaged in various outsourced services including constructions of buildings in the campus. The fund is managed by a committee headed by Dean, RP&G.


Mess Workers Pension Fund has been created to provide pensionery support to the Mess workers working in the Mess of the different students hostels. These Mess workers worked in the Hostel mess from years but are not regular employees of the Institute hence are not eligible for pension. Considering their valuable contribution Mess Workers Pension Fund has been created. The Pension and other retirement benefits of these Mess Workers will be paid from the interest earning of the endowment collected under the Fund.


New Faculty Club:
A new faculty club will provide a truly recreational and social place for enjoying the campus life of IIT Kanpur.

A corpus of Rs. 3 Crores would facilitate building a new Faculty Club. For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:

Present Faculty Club Website:

The Special Play Lab: The Design Programme, IIT Kanpur would like to set up a dedicated research facility equipped with state-of-the-art resources to conduct rigorous studies in the area of play for special children. The lab will provide workable solutions on identified issues that can be made available to the special schools and other facilities at affordable prices. The objectives of the lab will be:

• To conduct rigorous research studies on play for special children. And the lab will aim at publishing research material in the domain of play for special children.
• The laboratory will be equipped with a proper user-testing facility where the designed solutions based on the study and experiment analyses, in terms of toys and games would be tested on a set of selected special children under controlled setting. Possible iterations will be made and the concepts will be retested till they are free from errors.
• All the solution concepts will be prototyped with proper material and resources, for testing purposes and finally for manufacturing for mass usage. The laboratory will involve specialized man-power and technology to generate efficient solutions that confirm the needs of the design.
• Another function of the laboratory will be to create and conduct social awareness campaigns for parents of special children, schools and society that would condition them on handling special children and their needs. Emphasis will be placed on eradicating the social taboos and providing counseling to the parents of special children.

The annual budget will be raised from other funding agencies. To setup the lab and start work requires an initial funding of Rs 66 lakhs.

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:


Community radio @90.4: IITK runs the radio station for the nearby community. Running expenses of the station need to be supported. (Rs 100 lakhs.)

Community radio website:

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit: for CRS.doc




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