Department Excellence Fund

Considering the increasing expenses on academic activities at department level and less support from the government fund, Institute has created ‘Departmental Excellence Fund’ in each academic department and Inter Disciplinary Program (IDP). These funds will be utilized for various academic activities of the department including support to faculty and student for attending international conference, organizing seminars, inviting prominent speakers for guest lectures and similar activities in the department. The institute has committed to match the contributions made to Department Excellence Funds.


Establishment of Research Centre

DST Center of Excellence: Many expensive research equipments and infrastructures are purchased/ created in the Institute for various researches. Some of these equipments are commonly used by various departments. Funding agencies like DST etc. are open to establishing such equipments as part of the project but do not support their maintenance. The following are some of the equipments:

• Scanning Electron Microscopy and e-beam patterning
• Atomic Force Microscopy and Scaning Tunneling Microscopy
• Wide angle and Small Angle X-rays for nano-characterization.
• Nanofabrication Suit (Maskless photolithography and Nanoimprint Lithography.

Maintenance of these equipments and their spare parts at IIT Kanpur will require an endowment of Rs. 5 crores.

Establishment of a Thematic Unit of Excellence (TUE) at IIT Kanpur: The major objectives of this thematic unit of excellence are:

• State-of-the-art facility and resources for research and development
activities in the areas of soft nanofabrication.
• New methods and creative combinations of ‘top-down’ and ‘bottomup’,
‘wet’ and ‘dry’ and ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ to push the boundaries of sub-100
nmfabrication with an emphasis on multi-scale materials and devices
in the context of energy, environment and biological
• Applications of soft nanofabrication routes to fabrication of
devices and structures in other final materials of use such as ceramics
and carbon.
• Collaborations and training with other institutions & corporate
R&Ds in this emerging area, thereby creating an expert base which does
not currently exist in our country.

Establishment of a Thematic Unit of Excellence (TUE) at IIT Kanpur will require a support of Rs. 12.5 crores. For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:


For details visit: Unit of Excellence_Nanosciences_Ashutosh Sharma.pdf


Simulation Games based Technology and Management Innovation Centre (SGTMIC)
is aimed at supporting learning and research activities on various complex systems of systems through simulation based games. When fully functional, SGTMIL will support interdisciplinary activities between various functional areas of engineering and management departments of IIT Kanpur; where complex systems will be simulated using advanced simulation and modeling technologies to create a game based learning and research environment. This setup will then allow for interactive and real time learning through competitive and cooperative gaming interactions between and within the group involved in the activity.

This lab will promote activities of students and researchers alike, where creating a simulation based gaming application to study any complex engineering, technology, and management systems is necessary to better understand the system. Similarly, for better teaching and learning of different functional areas of engineering and technology concepts; especially for complex systems that have multiple interacting sub-systems; an interactive game based environment will make the teaching learning process much more involved and interesting.


For details visit: and Modeling Lab Proposal Ver 2.0_DP.doc

Noise and Vibration Center: Noise and vibration management is becoming an increasingly very important area of research especially in context of Indian industry. Noise and Vibration Center will engage in advanced research requiring skill sets cutting across several departments engineering streams at IIT Kanpur. The Center will cater to the needs academia, students, and allied research community, as well as industry, both public and private. The Center, through its expertise and facilities, will be an enabler for all these groups by engaging in sponsored and consultancy projects, offering appropriate training and educational programs, developing new technologies and product ideas, and making state-of-the-art equipment and computational facilities available to its user community.

Noise and vibration management is a very important parameter for consideration during product design. Understanding of noise and vibration related product attributes is a very critical important element while designing products as diverse as engines, cars, aircraft, helicopters, air conditioner, submarines, washing machines, rockets, military equipment, biomedical instruments, manufacturing systems, etc.

Establishment of this centre at IIT Kanpur will require a support of Rs. 285.9 lakhs. (Capital expenses: `234 lakhs + Support requested for meeting at least 50% of maintenance expenses: `51.9 lakhs).

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:Concept Document for Alumni.pdf

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:



Research Projects

Helium gas support for low temperature research: A number of faculty members have been working in Low temperature research at IITK since its inception. Research in this area has been so far supported by various funding agencies, like DST, CSIR, MHRD, DRDO, MICT. Other than experiments set-up by individual groups a good number of central facilities like helium liquefier, nitrogen liquefier, low temperature characterization systems (MPMS, PPMS), have been in use in the recent past, however, the high cost of liquid helium are discouraging many faculty members from pursuing research requiring liquid helium in IITK campus. Faculty members have been getting some support from the institute which is barely able to meet the maintenance budget of the facility.

If the institute charges a token amount of Rs.40/ltr to discourage frivolous use it can earn 92000 per month from the users. Then the institute needs about Rs.200,000 per month to smoothly run the facility. Therefore Rs.20 - 24 Lacks is needed annually for this facility. And the institute annual budget can be used for maintenance purposes. Interest earned from corpus of Rs. 2 or 3 Crores would help to run the helium facility. For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:
The setting up of this Centre will require Rs. 10 Crores, of which only 50% support from alumni is requested.
Advanced Camera-Based Motion Tracking Equipment for Structural/Earthquake Engineering Applications: This equipment will be used primarily for research by Ph.D/M.Tech students, sponsored research projects and is expected to be in full-time use. This equipment will be very useful for dynamic characterization of test specimen, projects involving nondestructive
(Structural integrity) testing of buildings, bridges water tank etc and research work.
This camera based motion tracking system is:

• highly accurate and reliable
• fast
• provides freedom from wires
• highly portable for laboratory and field testing
• easy to use
• provides research-grade true real-time data
• requires no data-sorting

All these features make this camera based motion tracking system indispensible for structural testing and thus, this system is available in most of the best research universities.

This equipment will cost about 97 Lakhs.

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:

Replacement of Universal Testing Machine at the Structural Engineering Laboratory:
The existing 200 tonne (2000 kN) Universal Testing Machine (UTM) of Tinius Olsen make at the structural engineering laboratory has served quite satisfactorily for the past 40 years. Recently it went out-of-service due to wearing of its main loading frame gears. Further, the gripping mechanism for holding specimens has begun to show signs of wear and tear as specimens slip when loaded. Though efforts are on to replace the gears of the main loading frame and gripping mechanisms, there is an urgent need for the replacement of this 40 year old UTM with a high force servo-controlled universal testing system to upgrade the laboratory’s capability at par with the present day state-of-practice. The servo-controlled high force materials and structures testing system is mandatory for a structural engineering laboratory in the present scenario of rapid development in the technology and to keep our structural engineering laboratory at par with its counterparts in India and elsewhere.

A corpus of Rs. 300 Lakhs would be of great help in procuring this equipment.

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:


High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS): The instrument can be used both for field and laboratory studies. The use of HR-ToF-AMS includes but is not limited to:

• Attribution of individual m/z peaks to distinct chemical fragments.
• AMS mass spectra can be de-convoluted into contributions from hydrocarbonslike organic and oxygenated organic aerosols (HOA and OOA, respectively), based on covariance of time trends.
• Derivation of emission profiles, identification of local sources (source profiling), or quantification of particle chemical fluxes. o This can be used to improve emissions inventories, which are in turn used in regional and global atmospheric composition models. It is, thus, capable of providing quantitative measurements of the mass concentration of aerosol constituents.
• Studying complex processes such as the reactive uptake of chemical species and the formation of secondary organic aerosol in detail in the laboratory. Accurate kinetic data obtained can then be employed in larger chemical process models.

Establishment of this facility at IIT Kanpur will require a support of Rs. 2.5 Crores.

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:


Modernizing the Hydraulics Lab: For the last five decades, the hydraulics lab has been facilitating cutting-edge research in hydraulics and hydrology, and providing a platform for teaching and demonstrating fluid mechanics principles to the graduates and undergraduate students of the department. However, many of the equipments have completed their useful life and have been recently scrapped or the in the process of being scrapped. Many others are outdated and cannot provide accuracy and precision needed to do state-of-the-art research and are affecting the quality of laboratory teaching. The following is a list of facilities and measuring instruments that are necessarily needed for modernizing the lab:


Experimental Facilities

Hydraulic Flumes: It is the most basic equipment needed in a hydraulic laboratory for
carrying out teaching and research activities.
Rainfall Simulator: It is indispensable equipment for conducting any experimental
hydrological investigation at the laboratory scale.
Water Tunnel: Analogous to wind tunnels that are used for aerodynamic testing, the
water tunnels are needed for hydrodynamic testing of objects submerged in water.

Measuring Instruments

Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system: A PIV system is one of the basic
equipment for non-intrusive flow field measurements and an absolute must for a
hydraulics lab.
Sediment Measurements: Mechanical sampling methods like bottle and trap samplers
are presently used in the hydraulics lab for sediment transport measurements. These
sampling methods are tedious, imprecise and prone to large errors. The acoustical and
optical sampling methods are relatively precise and accurate, and provide continuous and
contactless measurement that can be recorded on a data logger. A set these devices
covering different ranges of sediment concentration will boost the sediment transport
research in the lab.

Establishment of these facilities at IIT Kanpur will require a support of Rs. 230 lakhs.

For a detailed proposal and budgetary details visit:


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