Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2025/041
The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur extends an invitation to submit applications for One Research Associate - II / (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow) positions within the framework of an MoES-sponsored project dedicated to establishing a National Facility for High-Pressure-Temperature (HPT) Rock Deformation. We are seeking accomplished individuals who can make substantive contributions to the project's objectives.
Position Details: (i) Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree, in the fields of Earth Sciences (with a preference for specializations in Structural Geology, Igneous-Metamorphic Petrology, Rock Mechanics, or Solid Earth Geophysics) or Material Sciences (with a preference for specializations in Rheology, Microstructure, Texture Analysis, etc.). (ii) The candidate's research focus should align with the areas of mechanics of materials, rheology, experimental petrology, quantitative microstructure, and texture analysis, as substantiated by peer-reviewed publications. (iii) Demonstrated work experience in experimental laboratories and proficiency in operating equipment such as SEM, TEM, FTIR, EPMA, etc., are desirable. (v) Strong written and spoken English skills are advantageous.
The applicant may contact Prof. Santanu Misra ( for any further details. Please do not send applications to this address.
Selection: The selection committee, approved by the IIT Kanpur, reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications, experience and the recommendations. Only short-listed candidates will be called for the interview. If shortlisted, copies of relevant certificates will be required, and be checked against original certificates at the time of interview.
Job Responsibilities: The successful candidates would be the key person in driving the project along with the PI. The candidates are expected to install and calibrate the instrument with the manufacturer, learn the operation and data processing, design and run the critical experiments, analyze, interpret, and present the data. Additionally, the candidates should assist the PI in running the laboratory and guiding the research of PhD students.
Terms of employment:
- The Research Associate position is full-time and contractual.
- The successful candidate initially be employed for one year, may be extended to four more years based on the performance. The contract may be terminated due to poor performance.
- Salary: Rs. 61000.00 per month (fixed) + HRA as per IITK norm.
- Other facilities will be as per the rule of IIT Kanpur.
Application: Application must contain (i) a cover letter, ii) a detailed CV (highlighting the candidate’s education, training, research interests, full peer-reviewed publication list with DOIs and contact details), and (iii) the names of two referees with their e-mail addresses. Do not include any certificate, grade card, mark-sheet etc. in the application. All documents, as attachments, should be sent via e-mail to Mr. Rahul Kumar ( on or before 24th March, 2025.
Santanu Misra
Department of Earth Sciences Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh – 208016, India
E-mail:; ph: +91 512 259 6812