National Aerosol Facility

Advertisement Number: P.Rect./R&D/2025/038

Vacancy for One Senior Project Associate

Essential Qualification: B.Tech + 1 Year experience OR M.Sc + 1 Year Experience OR B.Sc + 4 Years Experience

Areas of Educational Qualification: Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Environmental science/ Engineering/Instrumentation or a closely related field.

Desirable experience: Knowledge of chemistry (inorganic/organic components) and morphology. Experience with understanding and analysing the results from ICP-MS, SEM, TEM, FTIR, or XRD.

Salary: INR 25900-2100-63700 per month consolidated (Salary shall be commensurate with experience & skills)

Nature of position: Temporary / Contractual

Duration of appointment: 1 Year or till the end of the project (whichever is earlier), renewed annually based on performance

Nature of Work: Support the extraction and analysis of dust particles from filter papers. Study chemical composition and particle morphology (Characterisation). Interpret data, and prepare reports. Any other task assigned by reporting officer.

How to apply: Interested candidates may apply via email (to ONLY giving full details of qualifications and experience in Resume along with copies of relevant certificates by March 31, 2025.

Please mention the post applied for and the advertisement number in the subject line of the email.

About the group: Please visit for details.

Other benefits:

He/she will get the opportunity to work in a conductive environment and can avail the hostel/family accommodation facility (according to availability) at IIT Kanpur.

As regards the medical facilities, only the OPD facility for self shall be available at the Health Centre of IIT Kanpur without any reimbursement of cost of medicines. Any outside referral shall not be reimbursed. For the purpose, a medical booklet shall be provided to you on request.


The department reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualifications and experience. The selection will be based on offline and/or online interview. Only short listed candidates will be informed via email about the date of interview.

Prof. S. N. Tripathi
National Aerosol Facility,
IIT Kanpur.