About MIMT Lab
The MIMT Lab is equipped with number of facilities in the broader areas of microwave imaging, characterization and nondestructive testing in the RF & microwave frequency range. The MIMT Lab is equipped with number of facilities in the broader areas of Microwave imaging, characterization and nondestructive testing in the RF & Microwave frequency range.
In recent years, there is lot of interest to explore the use of microwaves for imaging, nondestructive testing, characterization and remote sensing of materials, media and objects. It has got application in a number of areas spanning over many branches of science and engineering. The main advantage offered by microwaves is that they can provide information about the inner structure of the media or objects by carrying out measurements at the surface. The determination of complex permittivity of the material or the object under test is the basic problem in the microwave characterization, imaging and sensing.
Vector Network Analyzer
The Network Analyzer is a general purpose device, which can measure...
Measurement with coaxial line connectors
The lab has facility for characterizing any microwave device having coaxial line interface...
Measurement of dielectric properties of materials over a wide frequency band
The lab has the facility of measuring dielectric properties of materials over...
Waveguide measurements
The lab has a number of rectangular waveguide calibration kits operating in various...
Material testing
The measurement of dielectric properties of materials forms the basis of microwave testing of objects...
Microwave imaging and non-destructive testing
The lab has facility of getting the sub surface image of the test object using the microwave...
RF & microwave filter design
The Network Analyzer is a general purpose device, which can measure both linear and non linear behaviour...
Digital Oscilloscope(4 GHz, 20GSa/s)
The lab has facility for characterizing any microwave device having coaxial line interface....
Mailing Address
Microwave Imaging & Material Testing Lab
Department of Electrical Engineering,
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh - 208016, India.
Dr. M. Jaleel Akhtar
Department of Electrical Engineering,
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh - 208016, India.
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