artist : Hrishikesh Dutta
Medium : Pencil
Event : Leisure Time
Freshers' Nite - This occasion marks the first contact point between freshers and the club. Interested freshers give a small audition to join the Fine Arts team and participate in the freshers' night, although the club welcomes anyone who is enthusiastic. Various art performances are given by freshers' batch on this day which provides a platform to exhibit their talents.
Art Fest - ArtFest is the annual flagship event organized by Fine Arts Club. The purpose of the event is to bring art out of the club room and on to the streets to make it engaging for all. As a part of the 'festivities', several installations are made on the theme and placed at popular spots across the campus with the idea of making art interactive.
Learn moreIt is a house to many contemporary and modern artists primarily in the visual arts. Fine Arts club is dedicated to offering a free and helpful service to the IIT Kanpur campus students and faculty, to those interested in art, providing a showcase for amateur artists. The artworks at FAC range from realism to abstract expressionism, from chalk carvings to wall paintings, from miniature paintings to huge scale backdrops and big structures. Apart from free service the club is also a big platform for those who want to learn and develop skills and ideas. From Fresher's night and Hall festival's to Inter-hall and Institute level festivals and competitions, Fine Arts club is involved heavily in all the institute activities.
Learn moreArtworks are produced by the members leisurely as well as during the various cultural events conducted throughout the year such as Fresher's Nite, Antaragni, Galaxy and Artfest.
Medium : Pencil
Event : Leisure Time
Medium : Pencil
Event : Leisure Time
Medium : Oil paint with knife
Event : Summer Workshop
Medium : Pencil
Event : Leisure Time