Short  Description  Of  Projects





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Course Instructor:            Dr. Amit Ray




Energy is becoming scarce and costly input in the world. Oil which accounts for a sizeable portion of our energy consumption, has been making a very heavy tax on our foreign exchange resources. Also according to sources, the oil reserves in India will last not more than 30 years. Hence other than oil and coal, we must find alternate sources of energy centered round solar, wind, tidal and biogas. Amongst other sources of energy, biogas has proved to be the cheapest source.


Purpose of the project

The purpose of the project is to give the students a flavor of real life project which could not only be eco-friendly but also economically feasible, the generation of energy from food waste.





We can get valuable energy from our mess food waste. It can be used in our mess as alternate fuel, for grinding purposes and also lighting can be provided for Bricks Street at the back of our mess. So we can call it as waste energy that is available. Use it, or lose it.

This macro analysis will help in microanalysis and then after we can request hall warden and the director for the biogas plant to be planted.

Hence the purpose of the project is to give the students a flavor of real life project applies to not only eco-friendly but economically feasible also is fulfilled.

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